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  • ...the low-info folk at Orange Cheeto Land, FDL and the rest of the 'Big Man' sites are in confusion since their attempts to analyse what's going on are not working.

    And they are not working because the folks doing this 'analysis' have no idea what the Pelousy Dems goals are. Despite all their time and bloviating folks like Stoller and Bowers still resemble moles out of their holes. Groping around for answers that need the cold, hard light of economic analysis as opposed to the stupidity of ID and gender politics. Both of which are useful to some extent when you are trying to figure out which way the sheeple will jump but useless when it comes to figuring out what the Upper Tenth's true goals are.

    Rahmbo is either an inspired choice, the perfect 'bad cop' to Obama's 'good cop', of the first sign that we are looking a Hoover administration...not the second coming of FDR.

    The next 30 days will tell us all we need to know. One thing Obama cannot hide is his appointments.

    Reply to: Obama to pick neo-liberal Rahm Emmanuel for Chief of Staff?   16 years 3 months ago
  • Don't forget Mr. Free Trade slapped 8-30% Tariffs on Imported steel 2002-2003, but sort of forgot to put the same tarrifs on imported products using steel, including basic fabricated steel products. This plus the high $ in his first term accelerated the offshoring of manufacturing.

    Basically we could not buy the raw materials in the US and be competitive with imports. Hell, finished imports were cheaper than our raw steel cost. I'm not quite sure if this was an intended or un-intended outcome.

    Reply to: Manufacturing Tuesday: Special Election Issue   16 years 3 months ago
  • More like he will push more corporate agenda through. they just did that with 4 new bad trade deals, including the Peru, which passed, all the while in 2006 it was very clear from the Democrats who won, the entire nation wants a complete renegotiation, restructuring of trade policy that is in the national interest, working America's interests...

    and that's not the only thing Dem leadership has tried to pass when the majority don't actually want it.

    Let's just keep monitoring what is happening, but the more true Progressives/Populists gain control over Congress, the better it is. A Democrat does not a Populist necessarily make. ;)

    Reply to: Obama to pick neo-liberal Rahm Emmanuel for Chief of Staff?   16 years 3 months ago
  • is that Emanuel is a "politics technician" who is perfectly willing to contradict himself when trying to get something passed.

    If so, then the 37 new Democrats who campaigned against NAFTA will be a sufficient firewall....

    Reply to: Obama to pick neo-liberal Rahm Emmanuel for Chief of Staff?   16 years 3 months ago
  • Hopefully it will be slightly better under Obama- but somehow I doubt it.

    OTOH- have you considered moving the the Pacific NW? Registered nurses are in shortage here, you'd earn about $10k more per year on average.

    Reply to: Banks Who Don't Need Bail Out Money are the Ones Getting It   16 years 3 months ago
  • We don't have the bribes to get more money.

    I think women, middle aged are especially getting the shaft on multiple fronts and there are only a few things I know to do. I try to post studies, stories that are particularly outrageous when I find them but I sense that women generally on economic justice are now well organized. There should probably be a "anyone over 35" lobby as well since age discrimination is now institutionalized.

    1. organize
    2. speak up, the blogs are a great place to do that
    3. personally lobby your representatives, call them, go to their offices

    Reply to: Banks Who Don't Need Bail Out Money are the Ones Getting It   16 years 3 months ago
  • story.

    It's official and let's just pray that these new Congress reps. stick to the facts and are not absurdly partisan.

    Reply to: Obama to pick neo-liberal Rahm Emmanuel for Chief of Staff?   16 years 3 months ago
  • is a socialist. ;) He's an independent, officially the Democratic Socialist of which there is no party in the U.S. but there is in Europe.

    Believe this or not, but one of the best fighters for a host of Professional labor issues in Republican Chuck Grassley.

    Reply to: The Next Bubble: $2 Trillion In Federal Borrowing   16 years 3 months ago
  • ....are both Democrats not bought and paid for lickspittles to the Upper Tenth.

    Doesn't matter. As the ReThugs, the MSM and The Village take turns savaging the 'ignorant', 'inexperience', 'New President' the citizenry is going to finally be able to see how our society 'works'. The windbags of the MSM will not be able to help themselves and the seething mass of the Black Underclass along with the white folks who can no longer pay their bills will....

    Not be amused.

    We know Obama is a fighter.

    Now we get to see what happens when he realizes that he is meant to be a token black dude. To STFU and do as his betters tell him.

    Should be interesting.

    Reply to: The Next Bubble: $2 Trillion In Federal Borrowing   16 years 3 months ago
  • He's up by 40,000 votes giving a victory speech, Smith is conceding.

    Reply to: Free Trade Lost ! Fair Trade Wins Big in Election 2008   16 years 3 months ago
  • I am a 46yr old female raising my daughter solo and am a registered nurse. Currently I make about 24,000$ working part time and am also going to school full time. A guy who works for Bank of America told me that they had just received 25 BILLION(not million)dollars in bailout money that they didn't even need. I had just been turned down for a 10,000$ loan to pay off a debt.I'm not asking for a home loan(too expensive) or gormet chef, or private jet, etc. I am asking to be able to pay my bills, feed and cloth my child, and keep a roof over our heads. If I could just have back the money I paid in taxes last year I could spend it on these basic essentials and have some to save for my child for college. Where is my portion? Why did the government take food out of my child's mouth and give it to CEO's of banks with multiple homes, gormet chefs, exotic vacations and million dollar salaries. Why? What did I do? I worked very hard at an honest job taking care of sick people, paid taxes, and THAT'S who's entitled to 25 billion dollars? No wonder the people of France finally told those royals feasting while they starved enough is enough! I've never seen in my life time such unjustified dispersion of hard earned American's money. Do we have a voice anymore? When Bank of America was bribing(oh excuse me, I mean lobbying) congress for the taxpayers to bail them out, who was speaking for me, the American people who have bonified needs?

    Reply to: Banks Who Don't Need Bail Out Money are the Ones Getting It   16 years 3 months ago
  • Posted something to Technocrat about this, got all of my links edited out of existence and called a protectionist.

    Reply to: Obama to pick neo-liberal Rahm Emmanuel for Chief of Staff?   16 years 3 months ago
  • And I won't be until 6pm tonight.

    Here's why: While Merkley's win is very likely, he was originally projected to win at 8:30pm on Tuesday night. Since then, he and Smith have been battling out the count; it's flip flopped at least 6 times I'm aware of, with spreads of up to 6000 votes at times.

    While it's almost sure that the two remaining counties, Lane and Multnomah, vote overwhelmingly democrat, this one will go down to the line without certain projections possible.

    Reply to: Free Trade Lost ! Fair Trade Wins Big in Election 2008   16 years 3 months ago
  • Remember -- Pfizer was given huge tax incentives and a big chunk of land in New London to bring their world headquarters there. The problem is -- Pfizer never really brought in the number of workers they promised.

    Now they are replacing Americans with foreign workers. Be prepared to see some City official say something to the effect that "jobs are jobs -- whether they are for foreign workers or for Americans".

    If New London had an ounce of guts, they would revoke the tax incentives for failure to perform, and drive Pfizer out of there. But since they'll now have the advantage of cheap housing for their cheap labor -- they might just award Pfizer for their unAmerican actions.

    Reply to: Pfizer Forcing U.S. Citizens to Train H-1B Guest Worker Replacements Before Being Fired   16 years 3 months ago
  • This is outrageous. With this economy and a lot of americans out of work, we should let people know that Pfizer is very anti-american.

    Reply to: Pfizer Forcing U.S. Citizens to Train H-1B Guest Worker Replacements Before Being Fired   16 years 3 months ago
  • Jeff Merkley has just been projected the winner in the Oregon Senate race against incumbent Republican Gordon Smith.

    Merkley ran heavily on fair trade.

    Reply to: Free Trade Lost ! Fair Trade Wins Big in Election 2008   16 years 3 months ago
  • Just do a google search on Emmanuel Rahm and NAFTA if you want to see how bad this guy is.

    Reply to: Obama to pick neo-liberal Rahm Emmanuel for Chief of Staff?   16 years 3 months ago
  • Senator Bernie Sanders suggested a surtax on the super rich to pay for the $850 billion dollar bail out. Senate leadership wouldn't even allow a roll call vote and dismissed his idea only with voice vote!

    At least he got to give damn good speech!

    You sound like Bernie in some of these policy suggestions.

    Reply to: The Next Bubble: $2 Trillion In Federal Borrowing   16 years 3 months ago
  • ....CW.

    It won't fly for obvious reasons but.

    'Neither candidate will find themselves in a position to do much....'

    'How will Obama deal with the blowback from his first term failures...' Yeah, this was on NPR. No messin'

    'The situation is such that no matter who wins the nation may find itself with more problems that solutions...'

    Uh...huh... The Upper Tenth has set it's minions of the mindless MSM and the vile Villagers the lines to read. Chiefly that there are no solutions.

    I beg to differ.

    Alternative Minimum Corporate Tax 5% of gross profits.

    Alternative Minimum Carbon Tax 50% of gross profits.

    Alternative Minimum Income Tax of 80% above 2 million.

    Restructure the 'Bailout' to make all Treasury money to be 'earmarked' for new loans only. Impose an 80% minimum tax on all bonuses paid to those making more than 100k a year for fiscal years 2008 and '09.

    Spend it all on:

    The Solar Grand Plan

    Infrastructure repair

    The Eduation System and...

    Yeah repeal the wasteful stupid 'No Child Left Behind' That Short George and Fat Ted are so stupidly proud of.

    Reply to: The Next Bubble: $2 Trillion In Federal Borrowing   16 years 3 months ago
  • Regardless of what one thinks of GM management, their constant thrashing of the UAW, outsourcing, replacing engineers with H-1B Visa holders, while firing the Americans and just plain all of it...

    if this happens it will cause massively bad reverberations through the economy and assuredly decimate the Midwest.

    For those reading this Gettlefinger is a UAW union leader.

    (and not it's not the ethnic fish food!)

    Reply to: GM in Big Trouble   16 years 3 months ago
