Recent comments

  • Forbes:

    The whopping half-trillion-dollar stimulus package that China unveiled over the weekend is not as big as it sounds.

    Taking into account expenditures that were expected to take place in any case, the amount of new spending proposed by Beijing is actually a small proportion of the headline figure. The package will not be implemented fast enough or stimulate domestic consumption enough to offset the global downturn, many analysts say

    Article goes on to the details and looks under the hood.

    Reply to: China in the "Stimulus" Game   16 years 3 months ago
  • maybe 2007, I have 2003. Also congratulations! You're the 2nd person to figure out the upload besides myself!

    I make all of these little tools and such so I am thrilled when people actually use them!

    Is there some audio tape that goes with all of this? I'm a little lost as to what this is about.

    Reply to: How Enterprise Funds are Solutions to Infrasturcture and Bank Recap Issues   16 years 3 months ago
  • Converted to PDF.
    Original was saved as compatible with Windoze Doc
    Open Source, Kemosabe speak with forked tongue.
    Burton Leed

    Reply to: How Enterprise Funds are Solutions to Infrasturcture and Bank Recap Issues   16 years 3 months ago
  • Is an open office extension so most people will not be able to open it. Can you convert this to a PDF or something that is more universal or just quote some things and link to it?

    I'm a big Linux user and I didn't know what it was. Most people are on Micro$oft.

    Reply to: How Enterprise Funds are Solutions to Infrasturcture and Bank Recap Issues   16 years 3 months ago
  • When Unemployment hit 6 Percent. The L-6 was around 10 percent
    but did not include marginals yet. So is the real unemployment around 11 percent?

    When they compare now to 1932 - it was an honest to goodness 25 percent in 1932. Is U-6 is over 10 percent now?

    Burton Leed

    Reply to: Job Losses 240,000. 6.5%, new 14 year high   16 years 3 months ago
  • and lost my ass. uh, forgot about commodities in a recession and if I had listened to NDD I wouldn't have done something so stupid!

    That said, longer out, as has been pointed out by many, eventually the chickens will come home to roost on the national debt, but right now it isn't happening.

    Anybody reading this and is a gold bug, think very long term and get your timing right at least for I sure did not.

    Reply to: China in the "Stimulus" Game   16 years 3 months ago
  • In July, we predicted the ChiComs would dump at least some the $1.5 Trillion of Treasuries they hold. Back then
    we hoped to beat them to the punch with real infrastructure finance. Then came the campaign.

    There still is a trick we could do with the Enterprise Bonds. Sell the ChiComs Enterprise Bonds. Take back Treasuries. Put Treasuries in the Fund. Cancel treasuries and issue Enterprise Bonds from within the Fund.

    Otherwise, you do what Poulson and Bernanke will do: inflate
    the U.S. Treasury balloon and hope the balloon does not pop.
    You did buy gold, didn't you?

    Burton Leed

    Reply to: China in the "Stimulus" Game   16 years 3 months ago
  • The ultimate expression of communism vs capitalism. No wonder that GK Chesterton said, paraphrasing from memory here, that people become socialist not because they find socialism particularly enlightening, but because they find capitalism particularly tyrannical.

    Reply to: China in the "Stimulus" Game   16 years 3 months ago
  • After all, what business is it of yours what they do with your money? If they want to steal your retirement and your children's future then you should just suck it up.
    What do you think this is? A democracy?

    Reply to: Fed Refuses to Tell Who They Gave $2 Trillion Dollars To   16 years 3 months ago
  • ... the headline rate is U3.

    Growing "flexibility" of the labor force, long a target of conservative policy, means more underemployed, and more long term unemployed ... increasing the gap between the headline rate and the total unemployment of labor resources.

    Reply to: Job Losses 240,000. 6.5%, new 14 year high   16 years 3 months ago
  • They're asking for another four years -- in a just world, they'd get 10 to 20 ~~ Dennis Kucinich

    Reply to: Buddy can you spare a dime.   16 years 3 months ago
  • Emanuel Says Auto Industry Essential to U.S. Economy

    Nov. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Rahm Emanuel, President-elect Barack Obama's chief of staff, called the auto industry an ``essential'' part of U.S. manufacturing, while stopping short of endorsing a proposal to use some of the $700 billion financial-rescue fund to aid automakers.

    ``The auto industry is an essential part of our economy,'' Emanuel said on ABC's ``This Week.'' Lawmakers should speed up the availability of $25 billion in government loans for the development of fuel-efficient cars, he said.

    In addition, there are ``other authorities'' the administration can use immediately and Obama ``has asked his economic team to look at different options of what it takes to help bridge the auto industry so they are a part of not only a revived economy, but part of an energy policy going forward.''

    They're asking for another four years -- in a just world, they'd get 10 to 20 ~~ Dennis Kucinich

    Reply to: Buddy can you spare a dime.   16 years 3 months ago
  • please, instructions in the user guide if you don't know how. This is a critical issue actually for posts to be indexed correctly by search engines. Google, search engines, RSS feeds, do not like raw links, they lower search rank because they cannot parse them and also consider sites who post them "less authoritative", plus it looks so much better.

    Well, if they go through with this I have a funny feeling many of the Obamamaniacs will defect very quickly.

    Reply to: Obama to Crack Down on Tax Evasion?   16 years 3 months ago
  • Retraining is pure economic fiction since the US workforce has the highest education in the world as well as a very high skilled workforce already.

    We already graduate each year more STEM people than there are jobs in the United States.

    Another piece of economic fiction is outsourcing or displacing US workers with guest workers creates jobs.

    I agree with you, unless they get real and start creating, negotiating for jobs, getting the middle class employed, it's pure bunk.

    Reply to: Buddy can you spare a dime.   16 years 3 months ago
  • They're asking for another four years -- in a just world, they'd get 10 to 20 ~~ Dennis Kucinich

    Reply to: Buddy can you spare a dime.   16 years 3 months ago
  • Emanuel rejected the idea of tying a pending economic stimulus plan to a proposed free-trade agreement with Colombia in order to win President George W. Bush's support during a post-election lame duck session of Congress.
    "You don't link those essential needs to some other trade deal," he said. "The lame duck is for immediate things - that's what should be the focus right now."

    From WaPo....

    The team is now consulting with liberal advocacy groups, Capitol Hill staffers and potential agency chiefs to prioritize those they regard as the most onerous or ideologically offensive.;jsessionid=AB19EEBCE6C85638AB0370C4...

    Could we really be so lucky?

    They're asking for another four years -- in a just world, they'd get 10 to 20 ~~ Dennis Kucinich

    Reply to: Obama to Crack Down on Tax Evasion?   16 years 3 months ago
  • you forgot Rubins/DLC/corporate agenda. I agree we should simply focus on economics, trade, labor, global labor arbitrage and so on topics, monitor the wind and try to promote positive solutions as we find them. But passing judgment on a 3 day old administration probably isn't wise. Election over and this is what we have so let's just pray working America and the national interest wins over the swarming hordes of corporate lobbyists. That said, the swarming hordes of corporate lobbyists have already bought and paid for quite a bit and are literally on the hill, there is stamp out any attempts whatsoever to pass any bill that even remotely helps working America or is something they don't like.

    It's the battle of the ages and we do not really know which side Obama is on even.

    Reply to: Obama to Crack Down on Tax Evasion?   16 years 3 months ago
  • ...a little time to see how they are going to play it. COS don't make policy what that position is for is to get the WH it's way with the unruly, corrupt Congress.

    Picking a guy known for his virtues as a hatchetman leads me to believe that Obama is expecting, and preparing for, a fight.

    I could very well be wrong but watching what and how Rahmbo does his job will be an early sign of which way Obama is going....



    Jimmy Carter

    Reply to: Obama to Crack Down on Tax Evasion?   16 years 3 months ago
  • is this the same time they changed the unemployment calculations to make the numbers look better?

    I don't know the history.

    I have another point, do you know they do not differentiate between guest workers versus US citizens in these stats?

    For example in tech occupational categories the employment stats are low but they won't tell you they count H-1B and L-1 workers in those statistics. Often these guest workers are used to displace US engineers and thus the fired US engineer might be working at Home Depot and are simply not counted in the statistics.

    Reply to: Job Losses 240,000. 6.5%, new 14 year high   16 years 3 months ago
  • marginally attached workers and those working part time for economic reasons.

    Alternate measures of labor underutilization

    U-6 Total unemployed, plus all marginally attached workers, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all marginally attached workers.

    Marginally attached workers are persons who currently are neither working nor looking for work but indicate that they want and
    are available for a job and have looked for work sometime in the recent past. Discouraged workers, a subset of the marginally attached,
    have given a job-market related reason for not looking currently for a job. Persons employed part time for economic reasons are those
    who want and are available for full-time work but have had to settle for a part-time schedule. For more information, see "BLS
    introduces new range of alternative unemployment measures," in the October 1995 issue of the Monthly Labor Review. Updated population
    controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.

    Reply to: Job Losses 240,000. 6.5%, new 14 year high   16 years 3 months ago
