Recent comments

  • ... should be the source.

    That's an old Unix approach, its designed to be easily programmed as a sed script. I don't have the sed scripts anymore, that was more than a decade ago I was using tools like that.

    The ideal table approach is its own text box which creates the table code to be pasted into the main page, then the source is portable to anyplace that permits raw html.

    Reply to: On Posts   16 years 1 month ago
  • I misunderstood your point. We agree that printing the money would be a good solution. The only problem is that powerful elites won't let it happen.

    Reply to: The End of Bretton Woods II   16 years 1 month ago
  • We don't have a democracy- that means we don't vote on policy directly, but instead hire representatives who create policy for us. Those representatives can be bribed. Banks having the license to create money makes banks more profitable, which gives them more money for those bribes to representatives, and in return banks are given a monopoly on M3 creation.

    In other words, we've got a corrupt government, and since actually printing money directly would be profitable only to common people and not to the banks, we won't get that option.

    Reply to: The End of Bretton Woods II   16 years 1 month ago
  • In the article referenced. So, if this is inaccurate, he needs to state a retraction as well as the original reporter. If you can get that from him in a press release, I will update this post so you do not have misinformation barrage.

    But since we have your attention, may I note that GM has increased the offshore outsourcing of advanced R&D by 22.7%!

    You are pouring billions and yes this is not local money, or money "put up" by EE's (emerging economies). This money is directly from GM, incorporated in the US, as well as JVs...billions from your domestically incorporated plants, facilities, manufacturing and the worst of all, advanced R&D in China and India and Brazil.

    Hell man, you're selling Aeros for $1200 bucks in China? How can you recapture any profit doing that?

    So, trying to deny that GM actively engages in offshore outsourcing is obviously wrong and may I suggest that GM consider returning to the United States, hiring US citizens for vehicles not only in the US market but also to export, and then put your corporate lobbyists to get trade agreements modified which give GM and other domestic auto and track manufacturers at least a level playing field instead of arguing to increase tax breaks and accelerate offshore outsourcing. Obviously.....from the last few years whoever came up with the great "cost saving" strategy is dead wrong and instead you're wiping out your primary consumer base....U.S. citizens!

    It's one thing to expand into new markets, it another thing to labor arbitrage, offshore outsource, create some monstrous supply chain hybrid which hurts the United States worker, stops the U.S. from being the center of innovation, which is a major element in future economic competitiveness, massively increases the trade deficit and bottom line, hurts our national economy.

    Reply to: GM Using Bail Out Money to Invest in Brazil?   16 years 1 month ago
  • ???

    I don't see the connection between the exact description of our government (democracy vs republic) and whether we can create money or must borrow it from banks who are given license to create it.

    Reply to: The End of Bretton Woods II   16 years 1 month ago
  • Re: Robert Oak's post on 1/19/09, "GM using Bail Out Money to Invest in Brazil"...The claims that General Motors is planning to invest $1 billion of U.S. federal aid money in its Brazilian operations is unequivocally wrong and without any basis in fact. No monies from a U.S. government loan would be allocated to investments in Brazil. In the case of Brazil, GM has $1 billion in investments that have been announced over the last two years. These investments are fully financed by GM's Brazilian operations through local sources. GM's operations in Brazil are fully self-funded.

    Laura Toole
    GM Latin America, Africa, Middle East Communications

    Reply to: GM Using Bail Out Money to Invest in Brazil?   16 years 1 month ago
  • Would be the Wörgl Solution, in which special money is printed to stop the deflation, but said money loses 5% of it's value a month unless a special tax is paid to "refill" it.

    Everything, however, points to the Obama admin taking the Milton Friedman/Kenseyan approach, and borrowing money from the FED to use in bailouts and infrastructure.

    This would argue for short term deflation followed by hyperinflation instead.  


    Reply to: Why the Deflationary Recession of 2009 isn't just about Oil   16 years 1 month ago
  • I take a strong interest in this subject because I still have most of my money in a gold ETF.

    It seems to me that if the government wants to avoid a deflationary spiral, they can print as much money as necessary to prevent it. The real challenge will be trying to limit the inflation that will come as soon as we get out of the woods deflation-wise.

    Do you see deflation as a long term (measured in years) situation or a relatively short term (measured in months) situation?

    I certainly don't want to lose money holding gold in the midst of a deflationary situation, but I also don't want to miss out on big gains if short term deflation is followed by hyper-inflation.

    Reply to: Why the Deflationary Recession of 2009 isn't just about Oil   16 years 1 month ago
  • We have a Republic, not a Democracy, and federalism to boot. Because of that, we have a central bank system.

    Otherwise, I agree- the OBVIOUS way out of this is the printing of Friegeld- the method used in Wörgl, Austria during the depression to provide their people with interest-free and inflation-free currency.

    Reply to: The End of Bretton Woods II   16 years 1 month ago
  • Where will our foreign creditors get the money to loan us if they don't have significant trade surpluses? If they don't loan us the money, where will the federal government get the cash to fund stimulus packages?

    Why can't the federal government just print it? Money is created out of thin air. Why can't we as a democracy create it ourselves? Why do we allow banks to create it and then lend it to the government at interest?

    Reply to: The End of Bretton Woods II   16 years 1 month ago
  • Where is this from? Is this from some bulletin board using their own tag parsing system? Just give me a couple of links. Sites like DU (Democratic Underground) and so on, have specialized parsing functions which then translate to XHTML and are limited. I don't want to go to specialized parsing functions that are not standards compliant. that's a problem esp to take a database and move it to another architecture as well as for writers, all of your formatting isn't portable.

    Reply to: On Posts   16 years 1 month ago
  • Ultimately, to me, it's a systemic problem. It's all related to the dual crimes of usury and fractional reserve banking- EVERYTHING else comes from allowing those two frauds to prey on our society.

    Reply to: SEIU Calls Out Bank of America on TARP money   16 years 1 month ago
  • Definitely change the title and if you add

    cross posted on The Economic Populist

    in the first line or change the first paragraph or just a few things, that helps.

    I'm still trying to figure out how to "fake out" the aggregators (this is all SEO) because it's obvious to me we're getting punished for cross posts. How I know this is my posts get the most reads and I do not cross post and that's the difference.

    Reply to: On Posts   16 years 1 month ago
  • ....the corrupt Democrat Party, yes Virginia Pelousy & Co. are no better than the worst Republican, has allowed the looting of the Treasury to continue unabated.

    Billions gone yet NO help for overstressed homeowners. The numbers of foreclosure sales, some folks to have cash, in LA last month was astounding. And yet Obama & Co. propose a totally insufficient 100 Billion for a housing 'bailout'.

    They can tax cut all they want but I say the economy cannot turn around until the housing mess is cleaned up.

    Reply to: SEIU Calls Out Bank of America on TARP money   16 years 1 month ago
  • ... I'll try to remember to prefix the title of Midnight Oil crossposts with the Midnight Oil category ... Living Energy Independence, the Next American Revolution, the Arc of the Sun, etc. That'll distinguish the title, Knock Wood.

    Its a lot easier than crossposting a blogger post to a BBcode discussion forum, that's for sure.

    Reply to: On Posts   16 years 1 month ago
  • ... where in the table line, you specify the table cell separator, so if it works for you context, you can use ",", but if there are "$1,899" in the table, you can use ";", or "/", or "|", or "\" or "~" ... auto-trim whitespace before and after the separator, make each line a <tr><td> ... </td></tr> and replace each separator with </td><td> and as long as the page break auto-format turns off for the extent of the table, you're there ...

    Series ~ Oct ~ Nov ~ Dec

    Reply to: On Posts   16 years 1 month ago
  • I think you proved your point Q.E.D.!

    Reply to: Why the Deflationary Recession of 2009 isn't just about Oil   16 years 1 month ago
  • I just scanned the article briefly. Yes, Bernanke et al are conducted a huge, high-stakes real-world experiment to see if Milton Friedman was right.

    Thanks again.

    Reply to: Why the Deflationary Recession of 2009 isn't just about Oil   16 years 1 month ago
  • Barry Ritholz has an excellent article on BP cafe titled The Great Experiment. It supports your claims and then some!!!

    Reply to: Why the Deflationary Recession of 2009 isn't just about Oil   16 years 1 month ago
  • Another lie about GM. This is old propaganda being used to discredit GM. Why People write such lies about GM is beyond me. These people probably work for the foreign car companies and want GM to fail.

    Reply to: GM Using Bail Out Money to Invest in Brazil?   16 years 1 month ago
