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  • The Paul Krugman article linked above is a year old! It has nothing to do with Obama. Read the article, check the dates.

    Reply to: What is in The Economic Stimulus Bill of 2009?   16 years 1 month ago
  • Beyond the infamous green jobs which I think is a grand idea but if and only if they give those jobs to U.S. citizens and first up should be all displaced STEM professionals for they have the background to easily transition to power research, power engineering, materials science, etc....

    But they are not giving a break really to U.S. manufacturing.

    So far we just have some good evidence they will confront China on currency manipulation but many who are expert economists on the manufacturing sector are calling for a VAT.

    They should examine critical manufacturing technologies and give them some incentives, tax breaks.

    They do have steel in the equation. I believe there is now incredible push back on the Buy American legislation.

    Believe me, NASSCOM, Indian offshorers, China are heavily wrapped into D.C., so getting those jobs to U.S. citizens is a major battle.

    As far as illegal immigrants, well, I have to agree this is going to piss a lot of people off who cannot get a job to have their tax dollars going to people who are not authorized to be in the country.

    Reply to: What is in The Economic Stimulus Bill of 2009?   16 years 1 month ago
  • See the User Guide (see link under your account, upper right hand column).

    You can also toggle between the rich text editor and the plain text if you want to just use the image portion of it.

    Sounds like *someone* needs a better WYSIWYG but as you know, working on it, that's something I want to improve in the site upgrade.

    Reply to: What is in The Economic Stimulus Bill of 2009?   16 years 1 month ago
  • But I'll just say this....Rush must also not have a brain. There really is a difference between what TARP was meant (or shall I say lied to us) about and using the cash to pay for a fraking decorator!

    Reply to: Rush Limbaugh defends Merrill Lynch extravagance as stimulus   16 years 1 month ago
  • but how did you get that graphic to appear on the side like that?

    Reply to: What is in The Economic Stimulus Bill of 2009?   16 years 1 month ago
  • Do we honestly care about Rush Limbaugh? I mean if we posted every stupid thing said by him or say Ann Coulter we wouldn't have room for economic posts!

    Reply to: Rush Limbaugh defends Merrill Lynch extravagance as stimulus   16 years 1 month ago
  • All of us in this time need to ask why the Leninist slogan now has the resonance now that it had 92 years ago. The answer lies in the abject failure of the capitalist and imperialist system. I do not shrink from being a critic of this system now when it has so abjectly failed the world. Failure to the planet is not small. Just listen to the cynics who whisper that this crisis like the Great Depression will be fixed by another world war. But the cynics do not count well. The next number is the World War schema is World War III, most surely Armageddon.

    In the West, we need to be alarmed at the prospect of insurrection, and war because both are real. I spent time this summer blogging for industrial reconstruction, immigration and labor rights because the doom we face was so immanent. The way out is a concentration of resources on stimulus as outlined by economists focusing on production over consumption in each and every form. That means industry and jobs over tax cuts. More tax cuts are more money in mattresses. Students of the Great Depression recall that J.M Keynes argued for stimulus which Roosevelt underplayed. The stimulus J.M Keynes wanted was $3.4Billion in a $50 Billion Economy or 7.8 percent of GDP. Roosevelt, like Obama are underspending by both spending and tax cuts.

    On the same note, leaving the banksters to keep most of the TARP is another deflationary money in a mattress scheme. All who have hoarded TARP funds need to be treated as the late aristocracy of the french old regieme before the 1789
    Revolution, to avoid repeat. There is no difference to the unemployed or underemployed between Marie Antionette and Thain, Bush and Cheney.

    Reply to: What is in The Economic Stimulus Bill of 2009?   16 years 1 month ago
  • here.

    This is what I mean about not cross posting. For some reason certain posts (and I'm not cross posting) get picked up in an almost viral way and then get thousands of reads.

    This one got picked up on many blogs, just an instapoplist too.

    I need for work on getting those people reading the one post to check out the other super cool posts when this happens...

    but bottom line is we are assuredly getting read and every week at least one post is picked up by this kind of viral email/link/aggregator spread.

    Reply to: Econ' Notables & Quotable for the Week   16 years 1 month ago
  • Will work this into the posts. Thanks, RO!

    Reply to: Econ' Notables & Quotable for the Week   16 years 1 month ago
  • but how about some of the best comments from EP itself for the week and possibly most read post of the week?

    Let's shred some light on the comment people. We have some people commenting on EP who never write posts and then we have "lurkers galore". Lurkers are people who read the posts, daily, but don't venture into writing any comments.

    Maybe encourage them to participate.

    Reply to: Econ' Notables & Quotable for the Week   16 years 1 month ago
  • They are ignoring the labor economic reality that if they want to claim to grow jobs for Americans, uh, they need to specify that jobs go to Americans.

    Pretty obvious no brainer and I also mentioned that billions in federal and state contracts, that's also U.S. taxpayer money, is used for jobs offshore.

    Reply to: What is in The Economic Stimulus Bill of 2009?   16 years 1 month ago
  • and it will take time to deploy some of these infrastructure projects, so they should consider what is the fastest way to get them started. I think the states have a lot of management, etc. already in place.

    Anyway, because there is dispute and really no comprehensive, detailed analysis yet, I decided to leave this out and more try to point that economists right now need to start analyzing this, especially labor economists.

    Reply to: What is in The Economic Stimulus Bill of 2009?   16 years 1 month ago
  • Honestly, though I'm not surprised some Democrats would not mandate a domestic employment mandate, I am surprised that those deemed "Labor Democrats" aren't pushing for that.

    Reply to: What is in The Economic Stimulus Bill of 2009?   16 years 1 month ago
  • thing that is seems the Democrats have woken up to, via McClatchy:


    Obstacles await Obama's stimulus effort in Congress


    is the timing of the 'stimulus'. I found this para particularly worrying:


    Lawmakers are troubled by last week's Congressional Budget Office report, which concluded that only 7 percent of money from key spending programs in the stimulus package is likely to be used in the current fiscal year, and only 38 percent will have been used by the end of fiscal 2010.


    Orzag disputes this but I find the CBO more creditable. Let's hope that the Obama team has not caught Bush disease, rampant incomptence, we just cannot afford to have him and his team to fail here. The idiot Republicans are bad enough.

    Will make a big effort to read through this outstanding post but due to the utter collapse of the construction industry I've gotta worry about where the money for food is coming from next month.

    At this point the U.S. is looking at the destruction of it's ability to build any structure of any size. It's more than grim.

    Reply to: What is in The Economic Stimulus Bill of 2009?   16 years 1 month ago
  • The cost per job of H1b, H1BA, and associated Visa Programs should be about $42,000 per job based on last years stats from U.S DOL. The average wage figure is higher for Nursing, and IT.
    So, if we pay $42K per imported job, there is very little stimulus with 1 million legal immigrants and 643k illegal immigrants per year.

    We saw the failure of the first Bush so called stimulus in June and July of 2008. There is every reason to believe that the Obama stimulus follows the PC path of Bush on Trade and Immigration. Until Obama severs from Bush Trade and Immigration policiies, he is doomed.

    No legislation contemplated or proposed has no bans on legal or legal immigration. The acceleration of the great vortex to the bottom of the void continues.

    We should tilt all stimulus towards productive manufacturing. Such stimulus will not benefit me and others directly, but it must happen

    Reply to: What is in The Economic Stimulus Bill of 2009?   16 years 1 month ago
  • They should put an agreement on the TARP Bailout:

    a) That the companies hire American and Resident employees/consultants instead those on temporary working visas like H1b and L1

    b) That the companies try their best to spend it on "Made in America" products.

    We need to start being protectionist and save our American Middle Class.

    Reply to: House Votes Against TARP Bail Out - while vote is meaningless, message is not   16 years 1 month ago
  • Of course what we really need here is a stratification of who is staying (e.g., foriegn H1Bs) and who is loosing their jobs (e.g., US workers and more specifically older US workers). You would also want to understand the entire universe (e.g., H1B/US jobs by location, by state, by country. You would also want to understand this trend over time.

    And what would you see? Most probably a trend where US jobs are replaced by H1Bs in the US or where the jobs are simply moved to those new Microsoft facilities in India.

    The solution? I think my "New Agenda for America" has 10 things that need to be done right now. I also think we should be giving every American about $150,000 to get them out of debt so foriegners don't continue to come in here, at the rate of 2 million legal immigrants a year, and push us out of our homes and jobs. Could it be time for a 2nd American Revolution?

    NEW AGENDA FOR AMERICA: Preliminary Planks

    (1) Universal Health Care for All American Citizens
    (2) A 20-year moratorium on all immigration into the United States
    (3) Legal Marijuana for all Adults and Medical Patients
    (4) An immediate reversal to the Offshoring and Inshoring of American Jobs
    (5) A strict enforcement on issues of Separation of Church and State
    (6) An immediate move from so-called Free Trade Agreements to Bilateral Trade agreements
    (7) A major R&D project to bring energy independence to the United States and the World through recycling, reuse, ending hyper-consumerism and investing in the development of sustainable energy sources (e.g., solar, photovoltaic, wind, geothermal)
    (8) No further ownership of US Assets (businesses, homes, ports, stock exchanges) by foreign governments or individuals!
    (9) Replace the Federal Reserve with a People's Reserve which allows public oversight
    (10) Absolute support for Net Neutrality

    Reply to: Corporations Who Lobby for Guest Workers Having Massive Layoffs   16 years 1 month ago
  • it pays to have a good accountant!

    Reply to: China is Manipulating Their Currency   16 years 1 month ago
  • ....language and how it is used is what? 90% of how we think of things.

    The 'conservatives' who conserve nothing, and yes I know they are really neo-con(servatives) but no one calls them that, have won the fight to demonize the word 'liberal' but that's backfired on them badly as folks moved on to 'progressive' and Lordy! They started to read and learn about the Progressives of the late 1800s and those great Progressives of my state California and elsewhere from the early 1900s.

    History is rife with this sort of linguistic pushback.

    What next 'Oh Obama'? That Commerce Secretary appointment, despite the gushing words of the neo-liberal MSM, is not too reassuring.

    The stimulus package, at present, looks like a can of Red Bull when we all need a shot of speed.

    As for the Bush Idiot...were I he I would not be planning on making much coin of of speaking fees. Who'd have him?

    The American Mortuary Society?

    Reply to: China is Manipulating Their Currency   16 years 1 month ago
  • Not so much your reasoning, which is quite sound and well within my understanding of both Orthodoxy and St. Augustine. I'm more bothered by your use of the term conservativism instead of neo-conservativism in describing the current state of captialism and corporatism.

    For one, Capitalism is NOT a conservative philosophy to begin with- the Communist Party in Russia was considered to be extremely conservative and risk-adverse. My previous tagline on slashdot read "it's time to put the word CONSERVE back into Conservative"- Conservativism, in it's original pre-libertarian, pre-Reagan form was merely working hard to preserve the good that already existed in the status quo. Governor Tom McCall of Oregon is my big Conservative hero- he ushered in such changes as the bottle bill, strong land-use laws, a network of bicycle pathways, and a public parks program that is still quite strong- and he was a Republican.

    So while I agree that to a large extent, evil is "merely" the absence of good, I can't entirely agree with linking Conservativism to it; despite what the neo-conservatives (who in a previous era would have been termed neo-liberals or libertarians for their emphasis on personal profit and liberty above *all* other concerns) have done to the movement, I'm beginning to think on purpose.

    If our dear blog master RO will grant me a bit of leave for the moment, a good case in point is what has happened to the pro-life, "anti-choice" movement. It's been downright abused to elect three different presidents in five different elections, and given them same-party control over congress in 17 of the past 35 years, for what? The Right to Life Amendment died in committee, the Supreme Court is afraid to overturn RoeV.Wade because of the primacy of control it places over state law, and the downright bad legislation that does not take into account the right to life for people who have been born, especially women, that they've proposed since then has left pro-lifers without *anybody* to vote for, especially now that the Republican Party has signed their own death warrant with letting the economy go bust. And now we've got FOCA threatening to destroy all of the conscience laws in the nation.

    That's what mistaking neoconservativism for conservativism has gotten us. A pact with the devil, a pact with evil, and a lot of "economic fiction".

    Reply to: Odious debt, Jubilee, and the cost of ignoring history   16 years 1 month ago
