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  • being correlated with the actual TARP plan. I believe them on this about to happen and have written about global contagion already.

    One does not need to have a global economic collapse, a melt down, etc. they describe and "do the restructuring" the way they are.

    i.e. there was a terminal illness which went ravaging through the system, but the cures available are not all the same and not all equal.

    Reply to: Want to Know What was Said in September to Get Congress to Approve TARP?   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • All TARP succeeded in doing is pushing the failure out for another day.

    Reply to: Want to Know What was Said in September to Get Congress to Approve TARP?   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • Maybe somebody should look more into this . . .

    Translating portuguese from spanish ? wow . . .

    and one more thing .

    stop trying to find the cause of all of your problems overseas . . . there is a lot of wrong going on here.

    But like children, we can never accept that mommy is wrong . . .

    Reply to: GM Using Bail Out Money to Invest in Brazil?   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • But of all topics that has a snowballs chance in hell right now in Congress, it's probably this.

    They sure as hell do need to up all of the funds for all of the social safety nets and I think they should fix social services generally.

    For example, unless someone has children, they cannot get shelter at all.

    Reply to: Weekly Audit: Welfare, Work and the Bailout Bonanza   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • who believes Flat Brain Friedman or any of that fictional economics. In the FAQ on EP, that is the one rule you cannot do and be in good standing on The Economic Populist.

    You cannot write economic fiction.

    One must defend positions with logic, theory, charts, graphs and mathematics.

    Obviously all corporate lobbyists or corporate sock puppets are thus banned on EP.

    Reply to: How Many Jobs in the Stimulus Bill Could Be Offshore Outsourced?   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • Glad you have gotten past the brainwashing of the sheeple by the corporate elite and their spokespeople such as Thomas L. Friedman (whose head is flat).

    Here is what they want the sheeple to think:

    "Yes, it's great I lost my job and cannot find another one besides minimum wage in a convenience store! However, I know it's much more important that the upper middle class young adults in India who have no responsibilities and live with their parents until marriage don't have to ask their parents for money to go clubbing anymore and can afford lots of new clothes and shoes every week on the paycheck they get doing my former job while I scratch for the necessities in life! The added bonus is that the corporate elite will get even richer while saving an obscene amount of money on labor costs!"

    Reply to: How Many Jobs in the Stimulus Bill Could Be Offshore Outsourced?   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • Trade Reform just linked up this paper describing the loopholes in the Buy American provisions.

    Loopholes are corporate lobbyists favorite tricks, either they get them in bills, in conference or in implementation of legislation.

    Reply to: Manufacturing Tuesday   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • had to be not half a year ago they were flush in oil cash.

    any idea how this happened? Is every institution playing games with the margin and derivatives, betting the farm?

    Reply to: Russia may default on foreign debts   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • Listening to Geithner he is more about the World than local conditions. He will not care about main street and jobs. Real sad pick for Obama.

    Reply to: Roubini and Taleb tell CNBC Geithner will fail   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • For both.

    I think when it comes to utilization numbers, I want the illegal immigrants in there. After all the real point of utilization is number of jobs/number of mouths to feed, and the negative side of illegal immigration is more mouths to feed. Plus, you can bet the jobs of illegal immigrants are being counted on the employment side of things, so it will balance out. I realize that's against some of my personal ideology- but mathematically and from a "no fictional economics" sense, x+y/a+y should equal x/a anyway- and if it doesn't, that's as valuable to know as x/a.

    The idea of subsidies being for internal use only comes from one of the arguments for subsidies to begin with- that without the subsidy, American farms simply are not economically viable any more, people have come to expect food to be below production cost (a great example is the vanishing industry of milk delivery and small dairy farmers- it's viable at $4-$5/gallon, but supermarkets use milk as a loss leader at $2 a gallon to keep inventory rotating and to bring in customers to buy other stuff, thus providing a consumer expectation that milk should be $2/gallon even though that's far below dairy cost). Well, now thanks to these stupid trade agreements, a lot more NECESSARY industries to our national security are no longer economically viable, so shouldn't they have subsidies also?

    Plus, it gives us a chance to clean up a very real complaint against the WTO in the third world- that North American/European agricultural subsidies are causing massive displacement of substance level farming all over the world, including several mass suicides.

    Reply to: What is in The Economic Stimulus Bill of 2009? - Part IV   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • It is in fact the reason I contend that *any* economic system will fail to provide D-level Maslow needs for one or more individual residents any time the basic unit of the nation grows beyond 1000 individuals.

    And that up to that level of an extremely small nation-village, just about any economic system will do, because all residents will be within two degrees of separation from each other.

    The challenge is therefore to create an economic system that works for up to 8 degrees of separation; that's what the globalists want and NEED.

    Reply to: The Monster that the bailout has become   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • a little history of financial crises by "me truly".

    Where the hell is NDD? He's hit a few firsts on calls and I'm copying one of his lines.

    Who are these CNBC knuckleheads? "If you were to sire children right now"...

    Reply to: Roubini and Taleb tell CNBC Geithner will fail   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • There are methods to get CNBC videos off of their site. I am not doing it due to confusion on copyright issues and that also means people are not visiting CNBC which is another revenue generator. That said, if someone else "did it", I'm not above using the video clip that we can embed.

    Reply to: Roubini and Taleb tell CNBC Geithner will fail   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • Because when you hear empty rhetoric, while it all sounds awesome, you are allowed to say "I hear empty rhetoric" and not get blasted and troll rated all over hell for saying so! We are even allowed to disagree with each other on various economic theory or what x policy really does.

    I've never been impressed with Obama on economic policy because he has way too many corporate group think policies, people around him, which in my opinion ...well, I have yet to find many of these policy recommendations add up from the math to the results.

    For advanced R&D, "techie" things...I am really scared shitless. From the people he has around him it's like they are going to offshore outsource all of it to India and China. (this is a generalization but I really am frightened by some of these people showing up in his cabinet and inner circle!)

    Reply to: Treasury Secretary Geithner Overrules on TARP reforms   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • But Obama's first press conference has generated a great wave of euphoria because we finally have a chief executive who can navigate his way through a paragraph of more than one sentence.

    I actually was not impressed with the content on economics. How about you?

    By thwe way, CNBC has an interview with Noriel Roubini and Nasem Taleb in which Taleb said Geithner is "that class of people who have failed, and they're going to fail again." I'm putting the link in Instapundit, too.

    Reply to: Treasury Secretary Geithner Overrules on TARP reforms   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • The only thing flattering I can say is that maybe, just maybe, there are some government officials who are trying to fashion a softer landing when we crash.

    Haven't we heard soft -landing, skirt a recession, shallow recession all before? No, we are in for some well deserved pain and what the powers are doing is going to make it worse.
    If the doctor cannot diagnose the disease correctly how can they administer the correct medicine. Right now they are busily scrambling trying to reinflate the economy ... the trouble is the treatment is being applied like this is a recession .... its not ... its a depression and the treatment for a depression is a depression.

    It has always been about class warfare.

    Reply to: The Monster that the bailout has become   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • At the end of the day, do these greedy fuckers think that nobody sees and understands what they have done and what they are doing. They inflated the income statements of their banks year after year after year. And they were not content to just run off with the ill gotten bonuses based on those fictitious annual reports. No, these inflated egos think they deserved all that and continued rewards. The collapse of the world financial markets has already happened but the ignorant populations haven't been told. The only thing flattering I can say is that maybe, just maybe, there are some government officials who are trying to fashion a softer landing when we crash. But I have little doubt that this sucker is going down.

    Reply to: The Monster that the bailout has become   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • now this is why we have conservatives believing in smaller government. This is not government this is plain ripoff.

    Reply to: The Monster that the bailout has become   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • Does anyone see what is coming? Hedge funds are so leveraged up to their who's-a-what's-its ... this will just compound what the taxpayer will be on the hook for. Geesus .... what next?

    It has always been about class warfare.

    Reply to: The Monster that the bailout has become   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • With the big push to get the stimulus through I am reminded of a few months ago when we had a big push to get the bailout through. Amidst a host of other problems (billion dollar bonuses with taxpayer money, etc) the bailout money has been repeatedly used for purposes other than helping our economy. This is another example of this:

    In light of GM's misuse of bailout money, Merril's big bonuses, we really should pause and stop to think about what holes we will be pouring stimulus money down.

    Reply to: GM Using Bail Out Money to Invest in Brazil?   16 years 2 weeks ago
