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  • well, something funky is going on because I believe places like Kelly services, manpower, VOLT, etc. you cannot claim unemployment.

    Reply to: We Need a Revolution..... A Labor Rights Revolution   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • On EP, what I have deemed ok to talk about is anything related to labor economics, unions, wages, etc.

    So, "punish" is outside the scope.

    That said, anybody trying to post pure economic fiction claiming massive influxes of labor into a domestic market isn't going to lower wages etc....would be considered a troll because that's pure economic fiction.

    As far as positions on "amnesty" I'm fairly certain we have people from all views on EP.

    My view is always focused on U.S. workers first, increase those wages, increase worker power, increase the economic strength of the U.S. middle class...and write accordingly...

    But I really don't want to "go there" to the sites which really blast the illegals". I can understand why they are, I think the ACLU is off the deep end and this entire thing is clearly for what is in a particular subgroups best economic interests, which are in conflict with U.S. workers best interests....

    So, "no amnesty" people are welcome on EP, but the key is to keep it purely on labor economics, globalization, wages, etc....

    plenty of "reduced immigration" sites etc. for the rest of it...

    I think there is a legitimate case on both sides simply because the real devil is in the details and I am positive both sides know guest worker Visas are creating a subclass of workers for the purposes of labor arbitrage and to strip them of normal labor rights through a specialty visa status....

    But I believe the case needs to be made on pure labor economics, economic costs exclusively. (since EP is about economics that obviously makes sense).

    Take the H-1B or STEM labor issue. There is a very legitimate case of R&D being international in scope and there is a case where rare talent in these fields should be allowed to immigrate into the U.S. in whatever form possible. The key here is these people are rare....true talent just isn't in huge unfortunately the cases of real innovation are subverted to try to enable more global labor arbitrage. But in terms of enabling advanced talent, skills, genius into the U.S., I agree with that. No way they would displace anyone because they are rare birds....they are unique, advanced research is cutting edge and there are maybe a handful of experts around the globe in each topic area and sometimes just one who is really generating the breakthroughs.

    so in other words I don't want EP to degenerate into an "immigration" site or get into that "blast the illegals" or on the other side "no person is illegal, we have a right to border hop and set up shop in your country blah, blah" stuff either.

    Reply to: Imported Cheap Labor Forced to Foot Bill for their own Exploitation   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • Officially, you can get unemployment if you were W-2 through a contract house. In fact, the weekly requirements are significantly less if you do: if you were previously working for a contract house or are a member of a Union that runs a job board, you can get away with simply calling in your availability every week instead of having to have three "job contacts" (resume submitted, phone interview, or in-person interview) every week, as proof of your job search.

    Reply to: We Need a Revolution..... A Labor Rights Revolution   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • I'm for adding deportation to the list of possible punishments for those who hire illegally. They like Mexico so much- well, let's see them live there.

    Reply to: Imported Cheap Labor Forced to Foot Bill for their own Exploitation   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • They also deny benefits using all of these vehicles. Or they use 3rd party contract houses where one is a contractor. I'm not sure precisely how someone can be on a W-2 through a contract house, which in turn "farms out" your labor to a corporation, but somehow they are denied unemployment benefits.

    A 1099-misc is a small business so they also get nothing.

    Moving to part time is often a way to deny benefits, especially health insurance.

    Great post middle!

    Reply to: We Need a Revolution..... A Labor Rights Revolution   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • of using their illegal labor status as it suits exploitative employers is the reason why the AFL-CIO is for "amnesty". They want all workers to have ...well, duh, worker rights.

    Now whether through the fundamental laws of labor economics you go for "no amnesty" to "selective amnesty" to full bore "amnesty" is almost a separate issue from the fact these employers are truly manipulating immigration law from every angle to wage repress and exploit workers.

    But that's their argument or reasoning. The SEIU on the other hand, I just think is nuts. They seem to be power for power's sake almost instead of getting high wages, worker protections, career stability for their members. At least that's what it has appeared to me they are doing overall.

    So, that's also why the AFL-CIO was against the Comprehensive immigration bills. Loaded with guest workers and basically increased this whole exploit the worker and screw over U.S. workers at any costs.

    Reply to: Imported Cheap Labor Forced to Foot Bill for their own Exploitation   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • FIGHT. That's what I learned the last time when they challenged my benefits. You've got nothing to lose, and everything to gain, by fighting, and by federal law the Employment Department has to take it on a case by case basis.

    Reply to: We Need a Revolution..... A Labor Rights Revolution   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • at Daily Kos

    I think that I got the things we need to get it through technorati right.

    Reply to: We Need a Revolution..... A Labor Rights Revolution   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • like they did in that earlier case- that the workers didn't have the right to sue because they were illegal!

    Reply to: Imported Cheap Labor Forced to Foot Bill for their own Exploitation   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • That they're trying to minimize the real effect. Unfilled jobs are just as hard on the unemployed as adding more people to the unemployment line, normally.

    Reply to: Are Layoffs Really Layoffs?   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • Announced layoffs can mean the actual firing will happen over a period of 6 months to 2 years...

    The corporate lobbyists must be ramping up to demand unlimited guest workers and other labor arbitrage vehicles and might just have a clue it looks kind of bad while they fire the Americans.

    Reply to: Are Layoffs Really Layoffs?   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • But that's really strange on other hand because technically speaking, both content forms are almost identical in why would a corporate firewall block one and not the other? The only thing is the Instapopulist has more database fields because it's not only putting it into a main database but also an additional forum type database.


    At least it works now!

    Reply to: On Posts   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • If you can't post Instapopulists and you are behind a corporate firewall, try saving the post for later when you're not behind the corporate firewall.

    Reply to: On Posts   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • But I'll just restrict my comment to the fact that we could have had 25 million more native citizen workers born and graduated from high school by now, had we kept up the pre-1973 birth practices that Social Security worker-to-retiree ratios were based on.

    Reply to: Obama's Economic Advisers   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • He should self publish, then use all the negative media about this to spread the e-book URL around. These days, being rejected for political reasons is almost *better* than being published by a brand-name publisher.

    Can anybody say

    Reply to: McGraw-Hill axes Ritholtz book critical of Standard & Poors subsidiary   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • It's been so many years, I don't remember what a trade surplus looks like.

    Reply to: Silver Lining -Trade Deficit Lowest in 6 years   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • "I am so sick of these idiots getting free press time."

    You go, Rob!

    This is a war on our middle class -- our community of neighbors, brothers, sisters and friends and all that this insufferable Neo-Frat Boy Friedman does it suck up to these corporate BFFs who loathe educated Americans, as if they can't get enough of their insider fraternal order.

    Dickheads like this have got to go, along with the preening "new media" and blog ilk that refuse to report about how the Great Labor Shortage Myth was created in concert by self-serving academic institutions/think tanks and corporations who cook up their own data to "prove" an erroneous need for foreign workers when we do not have enough jobs for our own citizens. (Norm Matloff's debunking is great.)

    Anon, David Sirota was great back in the day. He coined the term and wrote about the "Great Labor Shortage Myth" and at one time, used to write about the H-1B problem. He also referred to the "Flat,Smelly One" as Tom "billionairre blowhard" Friedman.

    I haven't, however, read his columns use the term "H-1B" or write about the problem in a long time. Hope he hasn't caught the hubris disease.

    Reply to: Brain Dead Friedman Dutifully Writes Propaganda for His Corporate Lobbyist Masters   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • David Sirota is one journalist that has repeatedly exposed this globalist phony:

    Billionaire Scion Tom Friedman

    Reply to: Brain Dead Friedman Dutifully Writes Propaganda for His Corporate Lobbyist Masters   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • That's bullshit! If Ann Coulter can get her spews published and people denying the policies of FDR the sure as hell shouldn't be censoring Ritholtz.

    Reply to: McGraw-Hill axes Ritholtz book critical of Standard & Poors subsidiary   16 years 2 weeks ago
  • We must take Freidman down. His lies are part and parcel of the collapse of our economy. He still spews this globalization crap and Congress and CEOs listen.

    We must expose this SOB like we did Harris Miller. Every time he opens his mouth we need to hack his nuts off.

    Reply to: Brain Dead Friedman Dutifully Writes Propaganda for His Corporate Lobbyist Masters   16 years 2 weeks ago
