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  • He is the President of the World, he will help every nation, India, China and Mexico before he helps the American Middle Class. What happened to the 3 million green jobs? Another 4 year wait and I campaigned for him.

    Reply to: As expected, Obama backtracks on NAFTA   15 years 10 months ago
  • I'm sorry but this is just so obvious and I am getting very poed. They aren't interested in doing a damn thing that is what people voted for and what needs to be done. they are handing wall street tons of money, ignoring trade, outsourcing, manufacturing...

    putting lobbyists into play which most assuredly want to outsource even more jobs...

    I mean I am sorry but it feels like there was no administration change at all here.

    Reply to: As expected, Obama backtracks on NAFTA   15 years 10 months ago
  • We have our friends at
    who began in the late 70s to thank for the fact that our manufacturing has been offshored.

    Reply to: Can We Rely on Inventory Cycle for Recovery?   15 years 10 months ago
  • Is the risk of interest rates rising (due to downgraded bond quality) the same as inflationary risk? (Given the extent of excess capacity in our manufacturing sector (and not just ours, by the way) isn't inflationary risk far less than the risk of deflation?

    Reply to: Can the Fed Prevent Inflation Surge?   15 years 10 months ago
  • Can't have a recovery without jobs. Can't have jobs without domestic manufacturing.
    Executive compensation is inversely proportional to morality and ethics.

    Reply to: Can We Rely on Inventory Cycle for Recovery?   15 years 10 months ago
  • It's true. We have phantom GDP, that really should be attributed to other nations because U.S. firms are offshore outsourcing production.

    We have a Stimulus, that violates the basic Keynesian theory....because the money is only supposed to go to U.S. citizens, domestic jobs in order to work...and the money is not tied to U.S. citizens, perms, domestic production only.

    Thanks for the heads up. Maybe I(you) need to do an overview post on the various problems going on with traditional economic indicators in this light that experts have written about.

    Reply to: Can We Rely on Inventory Cycle for Recovery?   15 years 10 months ago
  • You can tell that the MSM is controlled because everywhere is the headline, "Obama calls for $100M in inefficiencies to be eliminated".

    I believe that amount is equal to one earmark in the budget bill.

    It's positively absurd and shows how they rely on the public's inability to scale numbers to make it a "story".

    Reply to: Why the Wall Street Bailout will Harm average Americans -- even if it works!   15 years 10 months ago
  • Is Obama believes the USINPAC, with all of it's money, representing the business interests of a foreign nation....
    is more important than Americans.

    In terms of the individuals, in all seriousness, Why is a guy with impeccable public policy credentials (Chopra)...

    doing in a CTO position without any engineering degree?

    Then, why did they not fire Kundra? The guy literally had fraud happening 100 feet away from his office door, under his management. He's supposed to modernize procurement with that kind of track record? I don't think so!

    Reply to: Obama Gives USINPAC Lobbyists Yet another Official - CTO "Virginia is for Outsourcing" Chopra   15 years 10 months ago
  • The jobs are coming back without costing us billions in Stimulus funds.

    Reply to: Complaining about Offshore Outsourcing Works - Keep it up!   15 years 10 months ago
  • Two of his appointees are of Indian Descent. It may not be politically correct after all they are both U.S. Citizens, but I still feel this is a slap in the face for Americans unemployed because of the H1b Program (mostly Indians) and jobs that were outsourced to India. Can't Obama find an American (Caucasian, Latino, Asian, African American), so there will be diversity? Maybe Obama believes the hype that Indians are better than the rest of us.

    Reply to: Obama Gives USINPAC Lobbyists Yet another Official - CTO "Virginia is for Outsourcing" Chopra   15 years 10 months ago
  • On the high tech side- it's the auto industry and the fact that they're a consumer of computer chips, and the financial industry, which consumes information technology.

    On the low tech side, it's a combination of natural resources tariffs and the highest minimum wage in the United States, combined with the drop in building supplies sales.

    Add to all that high illegal immigration- the loss of what little auto manufacturing we did have (mainly semi trucks and RVs), and H-1b American replacement, it's easy to see why Oregon is so high.
    Executive compensation is inversely proportional to morality and ethics.

    Reply to: Horrible March State Unemployment Numbers Out   15 years 10 months ago
  • This is a dynamite, almost manifesto, post and I don't think I have read anywhere of what happens to working America if the financial sector bail outs succeed as advertised.

    Reply to: Why the Wall Street Bailout will Harm average Americans -- even if it works!   15 years 10 months ago
  • China bought $5.6 billion in bills and sold $964 million in U.S. notes and bonds in February, according to Treasury data released April 15. It was first time since November that China purchased more bills than longer-maturity debt.


    Looks like they want to stay liquid as possible and try limit interest rate risk.

    Reply to: Can the Fed Prevent Inflation Surge?   15 years 10 months ago
  • They also aren't paying these new grads [from Bangalore, et al] squat. They lack experience, and often their work quality is not so great. (I know this from experience.) They're basically very young folks willing to take any pay rate for their first job, and who can blame them?

    Reply to: Study Says Outsourcing Not Big Savings   15 years 10 months ago
  • They literally would have "conferences" inviting executives at $500/head to listen to their offshore outsourcing sales pitches.

    All of the CEOs "jumped on the bus" as this being a "great thing"...

    idiots, I'd like to sell them the Brooklyn Bridge too.

    Reply to: Study Says Outsourcing Not Big Savings   15 years 10 months ago
  • If FICO and Appraisals are so great, how come they couldn't anticipate this meltdown? Perhaps local/regional micro-intelligence would have helped? See:

    Reply to: The Deflationary Recession of 2009?   15 years 10 months ago
  • Well, all the so called "vetting" in the hiring processes (espcially of top managements) have really paid off well. And, outsourcing and offshoring are really working swimmingly as well, as can be seen today by the stellar financial conditions (and credit ratings) of U.S. Global conglomerates.

    Reply to: Study Says Outsourcing Not Big Savings   15 years 10 months ago
  • I read that study by Catherine Mann and it was significantly flawed in it's assumptions.

    Then, few realize, McKinsey's business is to offshore outsource so they have a vested interest in promoting it.

    Paul Samuelson wrote a paper that showed offshore outsourcing is "not good" for America and he did it by simply varying a few labor variables in a trade equation.

    The truth is right there and I find it disgusting that these various people sell their souls, ruin the concept of quality research, objective study by writing up "spin with statistics" as present it as fact.

    I wish there was an ethics review board for all PhDs that had real consequence for turning out caca, as in strip these people of their graduate degrees.

    Reply to: Study Says Outsourcing Not Big Savings   15 years 10 months ago
  • While I cannot improve upon Mr. Oak's remarks, I would like to add the obvious: when an American applicant used to go through months of a vetting process prior to being hired, these agencies like Ta Ta simply go out and pick up the latest batch of grads in Bangalore.

    Please recall that Intel lost (reportedly lost, it was probably more) $1 billion on their attempt to offshore chip development to India. The clownish corporate idea that experience and learning never really count, and progress comes from anything which focuses on the bottom line, has always been a sure description for failure and regression, not progression.

    Remember that phoney McKinsey Global Institute report? The one which claimed that offshoring of jobs was profitable?'

    The "study" whereby they started off with the assumption (a k a: "wishful thinking") that offshoring was profitable, and the "result" of the study was that "offshoring jobs is profitable."

    And Atlantic Monthly still publishes Virginia Postrel and the rest of those lowbrows for hire.....

    Reply to: Study Says Outsourcing Not Big Savings   15 years 10 months ago
  • ever written. Vonnegut was prophetic, except on the account that it isn't machines that are doing the doing, it's the transfer of jobs overseas where labor is cheaper.

    Reply to: Horrible March State Unemployment Numbers Out   15 years 10 months ago
