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  • This is what's happening to the IT industry.

    Reply to: Obama Gives USINPAC Lobbyists Yet another Official - CTO "Virginia is for Outsourcing" Chopra   15 years 10 months ago
  • the freakin shirt off my back?
    The mind just swims at these numbers ... and multiude of programs

    I'm going out on a sturdy limb to say that when all of this passes we are going to find out the bailout made even more money for these lying bastards than the steal the Treasury Program under Bush the Lesser only years before.

    It has always been about class warfare.

    Reply to: TARP in danger of becoming subsidy for organized crime   15 years 10 months ago
  • (yes I know the design isn't clear) but when replying to a comment please click the reply button, that little green arrow with "Reply" next to it.

    Comments are threaded so if you don't do that, we don't know who you are talking to.

    Yes, the ethnicity thing versus the American thing is really heating up and that's because we have organizations like the USINPAC, obviously based on ethnicity and pushing for a foreign nation's business interests by using those of that ethnicity with U.S. citizenship.

    Then we have things like univision, "Spanish" channel really putting the spin on their broadcast pushing, economic interests based on an ethnic group.

    Plus we have organizations like immigration voice writing pure hate speech, I'm serious, on the level of the 1950's KKK style hate speech....against all Americans.

    So, in response we are getting those jumping on...all Indians..

    which is ridiculous because there are many Americans of Indian ethnicity who are activists on US labor issues, even wrote some of the reform legislation that never gets passed......

    and of course they are because they are getting labor arbitraged the same as any other American professional.

    I've been watching all of this horrified....thinking, oh man, this is simply not what America is all about....we're going backwards and perverting the entire concept of equality, domestic diversity, social mobility by all of this.

    Reply to: Obama Gives USINPAC Lobbyists Yet another Official - CTO "Virginia is for Outsourcing" Chopra   15 years 10 months ago
  • We all have our stories to tell, don't we?;-) This said, it's important not to overgeneralize about all Indians.

    Reply to: Obama Gives USINPAC Lobbyists Yet another Official - CTO "Virginia is for Outsourcing" Chopra   15 years 10 months ago
  • India, Inc open sweatshops on American soil and import H1B I.T. slaves and bribe American politicians. Here is a horror story:

    Not so good things About US Software corporation : Training is so bad, trainer will do really well in basic session classes(about 2 classes) then after that every thing is really bad, will not complete training. Will compell to include fake experiene(5-6 ys min), will say no body need freshers. Marketing sucks, those persons and the owner don't have any idea of real IT field. they will always say, read books and study from internet. I don't think a real IT person wil say to read and study after putting 5-6 yrs of fake experience. Another fun is accomodation. When I was in their guest house, I saw atleast 10-12 people in a 2 bed apt, and among them 2 were girls,most are their H1 consultants. Don't ever be trapped. Owner is abig time cheater, never keep his words, don't know the value of education, will do anything for money, really greedy

    Review Submitted on : 10/04/2009

    Reply to: Obama Gives USINPAC Lobbyists Yet another Official - CTO "Virginia is for Outsourcing" Chopra   15 years 10 months ago
  • is Kleptocracy:

    Kleptocracy (sometimes cleptocracy, occasionally kleptarchy) is a term applied to a government that extends the personal wealth and political power of government officials and the ruling class (collectively, kleptocrats) at the expense of the population, sometimes without even the pretense of honest service.

    Reply to: TARP in danger of becoming subsidy for organized crime   15 years 10 months ago
  • I'm so glad you wrote this up. I was trying to get to it but the reports and information that has come up today make it outrageously clear that 1. he should be fired immediately and 2. the U.S. taxpayer is getting royally screwed.

    Reply to: TARP in danger of becoming subsidy for organized crime   15 years 10 months ago
  • Grrrrrrr
    It has always been about class warfare.

    Reply to: U.K. government to back all mortgage-backed securities at face value   15 years 10 months ago
  • This reminds me of professional sports steroids policy. No super star player ever got busted (well at least not while they were still playing) and they would sacrifice a minor player to show how the testing works and usage will not be tolerated.
    Smaller banks will be the losers in this in order for the super stars to keep on playing.
    Its easy when you keep getting infusions of free money.... much harder when you have to compete against it.

    It has always been about class warfare.

    Reply to: Treasury and Fed "Heart" Financial Conglomerates?   15 years 10 months ago
  • Somebody linked the destructive cost of war to our f'd up economy.

    It has always been about class warfare.

    Reply to: JPM CEO: Iraq War damaged the economy   15 years 10 months ago
  • Obama just reneged on a major campaign promise, weak as it was, to add "labor and environmental standards" to NAFTA...

    They are ignoring the trade deficit. I haven't been tracking on the war past "the surge".

    Reply to: JPM CEO: Iraq War damaged the economy   15 years 10 months ago
  • wow

    Hey, if you're a financial elite, guess what, you can do the most fucked up things possible and still have absolutely no losses! Awesome!

    If you are one of those peasants out there, guess what! You get to pay for it!

    I mean how much more obvious does this need to get?

    Reply to: U.K. government to back all mortgage-backed securities at face value   15 years 10 months ago
  • Where we are going to have to choose between what we want: stable markets or privacy.

    There is no way to prevent fraud in any business contract if I can't see ALL of your business dealings in the public record. Same with government.
    Executive compensation is inversely proportional to morality and ethics.

    Reply to: KC Fed Chief: Let insolvent banks fail   15 years 10 months ago
  • There is no doubt the middle class needs to create some sort of PAC with huge funds in order to buy back Congress.

    That said, some of these groups "writing Congress" actually do get somewhere, if just temporarily.

    I'm thinking of "comprehensive" immigration reform. Literally they shut down the communication lies in Congress due to so many faxes, emails and phone calls. Of course Congress seemingly could care less what the people think so they are at it again.

    As far as DK goes, many of us have posted extensively on DK, been in the "top recommended" slots and so forth. So, I wouldn't say "never post" at DK for many people find EP because of DK....more "take it all with a grain of salt", spread out and realize there are a hell of a lot of blogs out there and the DK "thought police" are well known at this point. The fact they are pissing off NDD and midtowng tells you something because both of them are top bloggers at DK. So in other words, none of us have been "banned" or "TRed" to some sort of crippled account etc.....

    but my view, the reason for starting EP was there was no place to honestly, through the statistics, the facts, really examine economic, trade, etc. policy and results, regardless of how the facts "hit one's philosophy" and there also was no economic site anywhere which was a community site. I also didn't like the idea that only a "select few" people can get on the front page at most sites. That isn't very Democratic to me.

    I also try to keep off all comments which are off topic and really watch for any sort of "attack mode" types who simply want to vent on others.

    Plenty of exceptional people are writing, analyzing, watch dogging from the citizen peanut gallery at this point and that's us. So just tell others who you know are fact based, gravely concerned about EP and "spread your wings" to other blogs...DK is just one site.

    Reply to: As expected, Obama backtracks on NAFTA   15 years 10 months ago
  • I believe is way below Geithner as well as the U.S. Treasury. Geithner is lying testifying today before Congress so if you want to take it on as a blog post.....

    Reply to: IMF Projects $4.1 Trillion in Losses from the Financial Crisis   15 years 10 months ago
  • Yea, there are some out there suggestions in this movie...those should'nt frighten you, it's the other 50% that should worry you. This movie should really be called "The Government Deception."

    Reply to: As expected, Obama backtracks on NAFTA   15 years 10 months ago
  • It been proved time and time again. Think 1930' who was the master of crowd manipulation?

    Reply to: Why the Wall Street Bailout will Harm average Americans -- even if it works!   15 years 10 months ago
  • Sorry, Mr. Oak, but every time I read something like that, upon following up I always find that they've offshored far more jobs under a different category, or those jobs which were said to have gone to Florida - were rerouted to a Caribbean country (still offshored, you see?).

    Reply to: Complaining about Offshore Outsourcing Works - Keep it up!   15 years 10 months ago
  • I'd never post there as they claim anything resembling the unvarnished truth corresponds to "conspiracy theory."

    And would everybody please take note: whenever anyone admonishes you to write "your congress person or senator" they are either clueless or dishonest.

    After all, does anyone really think their "congress person or senator" is going to pass your communication on to any of those 35,0000 plus lobbyists who actually run the US Congress? And does anyone really think any of those lobbyists give's a frozen rat's ass in Hell?

    Reply to: As expected, Obama backtracks on NAFTA   15 years 10 months ago
  • It seems like there is a gap in the size of the problem between Treasury and IMF. IMF said that banks will still need hundreds of billions of dollars in capital and Geithner says that "vast majority" of banks have more than adequate capital.

    If IMFs credit losses are accurate than Treasury doesn't have enough current resources to address this problem. They will need congressional approval for money. But the way Treasury has dug itself a hole that will be extremely difficult.

    Reply to: IMF Projects $4.1 Trillion in Losses from the Financial Crisis   15 years 10 months ago
