Recent comments

  • Why is China categorized as an emerging economy? They are supposed to become the world's dominant economy within 5 years so how exactly does this work?

    Nice call out midtowng, China and other emerging economies are clearly out to decouple yet come out unscathed from the U.S. economy and remove the U.S. as the world reserve currency to boot.

    Crying, hungry children, reminds me of the Children's Crusade.

    Reply to: IMF to sell $500 Billion in bonds   15 years 8 months ago
  • North Dakota has had a state-owned bank since 1919 and all revenues are deposited into it by legilative mandate. They observe normal capitalization ratios and obviously do not engage in any form of derivative speculation or leveraging (like G.S. 1000 to 1 insanity).

    If all states followed this model, they could lend to themselves at 10:1 to fund infrastructure and social services.
    The current 47 bankrupt states would solve their budget deficit with money to spare.

    Then maybe the Federal Reserve would get a clue that we're on to them.
    Otherwise, all this ranting and raving about trying to fix the mindset of the economic imperials and Capital Hill, which are one in the same, is for naught.

    Reply to: More Events Regarding Derivatives   15 years 8 months ago
  • Interesting that the number of people dropping out of the labor market is within 110,000 of the increase in the number of the unemployed.

    That's the type of coincidence that makes me suspect statistical manipulation on the part of the DOL.
    Maximum jobs, not maximum profits.

    Reply to: Unemployment Rate 9.5% for June   15 years 8 months ago
  • Masterfully written and extremely informative.
    Power truly rests in the hand of the masses when they collectively seize it.

    Many before us endured great injustices and sheer brutality to provide benefits modern society seems to take for granted.

    Your comment is one of the most profound I have read in a very long time.

    Reply to: Unemployed Councils, Eviction Riots, and the New Deal   15 years 8 months ago
  • i am not sure if we should blame congress for this. IT should be blamed on bush and cheney. I am so glad they are out of office.

    Reply to: Text of Bail Out Act Before Congress - TAKE ACTION NOW!   15 years 8 months ago
  • It is astounding to me how people do not realize all of these movements created the 8 hour workday, abolished child labor and gave so many rights, conditions that are not only taken for granted....people, this is working people, actually somehow have it in their heads that all of these labor rights are now somehow bad!

    It's only the reason why so many people were born into the middle class instead of abject poverty (which the middle class is now returning to).

    Reply to: Unemployed Councils, Eviction Riots, and the New Deal   15 years 8 months ago
  • For private business being able to compete with the public option- because the private fire brigades couldn't keep up.

    Private police brigades are still in existence- my borderline employable brother-in-law just got laid off by one that he worked for over the last couple of years. Apparently, if the housing development that is paying your private police company for security until people move in goes bankrupt, there's no longer any need (in the Bank's eye) to guard the development.....
    Maximum jobs, not maximum profits.

    Reply to: Public Option: A chance to increase competition in the marketplace   15 years 8 months ago
  • they were wiped out by the competition. Long ago when cities started to establish fire departments, there were private ones.

    There have also been glorified private police, a host of "private" enterprises that now cannot be imagined to be anything but public services. People do not realize because they don't know the historic details in the U.S.

    Reply to: Public Option: A chance to increase competition in the marketplace   15 years 8 months ago
  • I had forgotten about the libraries- competing against bookstores- but fire department? What is the private enterprise version that they compete with?

    Maximum jobs, not maximum profits.

    Reply to: Public Option: A chance to increase competition in the marketplace   15 years 8 months ago
  • All of these socialist entities compete against private enterprise. Nice call out on the latest lobbyist logic flaw.

    Reply to: Public Option: A chance to increase competition in the marketplace   15 years 8 months ago
  • I can't help tying this back to Matt Taibbi's superlative article on GS in July's Rolling Stone and his mention of Al Gore's $5 billion investment (hedge) fund, Generation Investment Management.

    Whether it was Poindexter's futures market on Terrorism, or Gore's futures market on cap-and-trade, etc., it's still the same thing: financial engineering to create wealth for them, at the citizenry's expense, while accomplishing nothing. The energy expenditure alone with yet a new securitization (and derivatives) market with regard to cap-and-trade legislation will negate any miniscule environmental restrictions and improvements.

    This is one colossal joke - and both Gore and Poindexter should now be buying heavily in the Karma Offsets market.

    Reply to: More Events Regarding Derivatives   15 years 8 months ago
  • The jury is still out on the global warming, it is still a theory.

    Who is this fucking idiot?

    Got news for you, Charlie. The pessimists were wrong. Things are getting much worse, much faster than they predicted.

    I personally have misgivings about CFLs, especially since my home state of NJ makes no effort to help me dispose of them properly. But OLEDs are just not there yet.

    Maybe the human race is truly too stupid to survive.

    Reply to: IS it a tax or I won't raise your tax   15 years 8 months ago
  • is another website. I'm trying to point you to a website, where you can create an account and post your experiences, connect up with others.

    Sounds like some serious bias then. I've been seeing that more and more, but consider creating an account on the website,

    I just put that together recently and am trying to get Professionals to start using it, to join forces to start piping up.

    This site, the economic populist, is an economics community blog, it's more analytical, about writing and pointing out details whereas noslaves is trying to get people to join forces.

    Reply to: AP Investigation: Bail Out Banks sought foreign workers instead of U.S. workers!   15 years 8 months ago
  • My reply to "". Exactly, it does not make sense for the company to replace a higher wage with a lower wage salarly, particularly when the terminating manager agreed with me that "I was the better choice for the position" but due to upper management decisions that were not disclosed to me, the decision stood. Some current theories about this company are (1) grossly mismanaged, or (2)company may be intentionally mismanaging its products to shut down facility I was at, or (3) save my pals, screw the others" behavior going on where someone in the hire/fire decision chain is biased.

    I think it could be (3) since the person I was replaced with is the same nationality as my manager. I have been advised that this may be a reverse discrimination of national origin case. Speaking with an attorney, it was very unclear, and unfortunately, the hourly rate was a bit too high for me to pursue.

    Reply to: AP Investigation: Bail Out Banks sought foreign workers instead of U.S. workers!   15 years 8 months ago
  • From

    The simple addition of the unemployment rate to the inflation rate, as measured by CPI.




    Reply to: Consumer Confidence - Is this index overweighted?   15 years 8 months ago
  • Taibbi's Blog


    We figured ahead of time that Goldman was probably not going to respond to many of the allegations in the article, since its MO in the past with regard to hostile journalists has usually either been to make bald denials or to simply avoid comment (that’s when they’re not using the carpet-bomb litigation technique, as in the case of So what I decided to do the first time I approached them was to send a short list of simple factual questions. If the bank decided to engage us and educate us as to its point of view on these simple questions, we would send more queries and expand the dialogue.

    Given this, I tried to make that first list of questions as basic as possible.  I asked if Goldman would have turned a profit in Q1 2009 if it hadn’t orphaned the month of December 2008. Then I asked if Goldman had made changes to its underwriting standards during the internet boom years; if Goldman’s position was still that the steep rise in oil prices last year was due to normal changes in supply and demand; and if it could explain its 1991 request to the CFTC to have its subsidiary J. Aron classified as a physical hedger on the commodities market. Citing various sources, I also noted that some people had complained that its move to short the mortgage market in 2006 even as it was selling those same types of instruments proved that the bank knew the weakness of its mortgage products, and asked if the bank had an answer for that. And I asked if the bank supported cap-and-trade legislation, and if it was fair to say (as we planned to in the piece) that the bank would capitalize financially if such legislation was passed.

    I intentionally put a lot of yes/no questions on that list. If the underlying thinking behind any of those questions was faulty, it would have been easy enough for them to say so and to educate us as to the truth. Instead, here is the response that we got:

    “Your questions are couched in such a way that presupposes the conclusions and suggests the people you spoke with have an agenda or do not fully understand the issues.”

    You have to have swallowed half a lifetime of carefully-worded p.r. statements to see the message written between the lines here. That this is a non-denial denial is obvious, but what’s more notable here is that they didn’t stop with just a flat “no comment,” which they easily could have done. No, they had to go a little further than that and — and this is pure Goldman, just outstanding stuff — make it clear that both I and my sources are simply not as smart as they are and don’t understand what we’re talking about. So the rough translation here is, “No comment, but if you were as smart as us, you wouldn’t be asking these questions.”



    Reply to: Rolling Stones' Matt Taibbi   15 years 8 months ago
  • Is "ignorance is bliss" a new found way of life or have the schools failed us. Have a been breeding a large mass that can not think without being told what to think?

    We are doomed.

    Reply to: So this is what passes for "Good News" these days?   15 years 8 months ago
  • ya all, reddit (which is one of the sharing buttons) is liking this post. You might hit that reddit share button and rate it up! (it deserves it, today was spin city in the MSM!)

    Reply to: So this is what passes for "Good News" these days?   15 years 8 months ago
  • I just keep thinking the avg. citizen has to soon catch on to this game. Maybe...don't you think?

    I just did a quick search and found this.

    Now 36% of those surveyed in the Gallup-Healthways well-being poll say the economy is getting better. That's not exactly head-over-heels exuberance, but it is double the number who felt that way at the beginning of the year and a notable spike in the nation's frame of mind. Thirty-three percent say they're satisfied with the way things are going in the United States; in January, just 13% did.
    Democrats are much more optimistic about the prospects for an economic turnaround for the country and in their own lives. Sixty-one percent of Democrats but only 36% of Republicans predicted the economy would grow over the next six months. Three-fourths of Democrats but only half of Republicans said they expected to be financially better off a year from now.

    Since unemployment is almost sure to be higher next year at this time, I'm not certain what these people are thinking.

    Reply to: So this is what passes for "Good News" these days?   15 years 8 months ago
  • Ok, we see the above on consumer confidence. So check out this headline from Reuters US consumer confidence rebounds in latest week-ABC.

    More justification for EP's existence. If regular folk don't look at the actual data, who is going to stop this illusionary corporate media generated fiction?

    Reply to: Consumer Confidence - Is this index overweighted?   15 years 8 months ago
