IS it a tax or I won't raise your tax

I don't know, is it just me that just because it is a fee, it is still a tax.

Obama told the people that he won't raise taxes for those earning under a certain amount ($250,000 or $200,000).

So first they raised the tobacco taxes. There were those that said, those people shouldn't be smoking so it isn't a tax.

Then there is this Cap and Trade Bill. In Europe Cap and Trade type of laws made the prices increase by $1,300 a year.

If the increase is caused by government, to me it is a hidden tax.

There is talk of taxing health benefits.

Then I read that Roger Altman writes under the headline, "We'll Need To Raise Taxes Soon".

"This suggests that, possibly next year, Congress will seriously consider a value-added tax (VAT)."

Is there more coming? We've watched Bills such as Stimulus Bills getting passed and our elected officials didn't read them. We are watching our government spending us deeper and deeper into a deep, deep pit of debt.

Will this - can this government mess continue? My State is raising its tax rate, my local government is raising its tax rate and property taxes are increasing. My income is not increasing! At what point does this stop? I can not pick to not pay taxes.

Then you have New Jersey spending taxpayers money to hand out the mercury laden compact fluorescent light bulbs. Speaking of mercury. For fifty years we have known the danger of mercury in our water, fish, etc. The jury is still out on the global warming, it is still a theory. So let me see if I have this correct. We are pushing more mercury into the eco system, a known danger all to help an unproven danger.


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yes it's a tax. The VAT, as debated, might be a good thing due to trade deficits...but yes that too has regressive properties.

but what kills me on all of these taxes is they are pretty much regressive. What happened to the idea of taxing corporations, the ultra rich and returning to a highly progressive tax structure?

Seems they are busy just taxing the middle class from all of the taxes running around and that is a sure fire way to kill the economy.

As far as campaign rhetoric goes, I mean seriously can you really believe any politician anywhere on taxes and that includes Republicans?

One of the issues is the real focus needs to be on increasing disposable income for the poor/middle class not on keyword taxes. Something is cast as a tax when it might be actually a huge benefit. Take health care as a prime example (although the latest I've seen in negotiations it's not looking too good with private insurance lobbyists running the show!).

My exact point

"As far as campaign rhetoric goes, I mean seriously can you really believe any politician anywhere on taxes and that includes Republicans?"

The problem is there are people that believe what is coming out of the mouths of the politicians.

I am in the middle and losing ground. I've been losing ground for too long and all I can do is work harder / longer.

I can not afford to pay anymore taxes/fees/whatever that I have no choice in paying. I don't care if it is for a good cause........all I want is for them to stop it and take a breath.

I forgot about the sweet foods tax. I don't drink soda but why should soda drinkers help pay octa-moms bills.

The jury is still out on the

The jury is still out on the global warming, it is still a theory.

Who is this fucking idiot?

Got news for you, Charlie. The pessimists were wrong. Things are getting much worse, much faster than they predicted.

I personally have misgivings about CFLs, especially since my home state of NJ makes no effort to help me dispose of them properly. But OLEDs are just not there yet.

Maybe the human race is truly too stupid to survive.