Black Friday Sales Numbers - 0.5% increase from 2008, due to increase in total shoppers

More shoppers, less sales per shopper. Total sales were up 0.5% from 2008.

The totals, from BIGresearch polling, are $41.2 billion. Last year was $40 billion. This is because there were more shoppers.

The average haul per shopper was $343.31. Last year per shopper was $372.57. This includes online sales.

This statistic, 31.2% of all shoppers were in line at 5am to me is telling. Only people who really need to save that extra $100 will get up in the middle of the night to stand out in the cold.

Since many online only retailers seemed to run their specials during Black Friday, it's unclear how low they can go for CyberMonday tomorrow.

Those expecting the holiday season to kick start American consumerism will assuredly be disappointed. No job. No sales, that's the bottom line.

I imagine people, very broke, were strategically hunting for bargains on very specific items, looking high and low for the cheapest price they could get. Now that the door busters are over, I predict sales will be light.

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is everyone playing with their Black Friday toys?

The blog traffic today is way down! I'm assuming everyone is burnt out, playing around with their new gadgets.

Let's see, I've spent at least 5 hours fiddling with all of the features on my "home theater in a box".

What about you?

Forget Dubai, we're drowning in credit card purchased gadgets!

Anyone using a GPS to locate their bathroom?