Give me my monument

I guess thou holy elected officials are getting a bit testy. They aren't accustomed to not getting their monuments on Mt Olympus. Apparently Maxine wants a new building named after her but they just won't give up the money.

How the heck are these people ever elected and even worse, re-elected.

We are so screwed! They don't care because it isn't their money and when more is needed they either print it or tax us.

" A plan by House Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) to ban “monuments to me” in this year’s appropriations bills has been sharply criticized behind closed doors by a senior Democrat who wants to direct $1 million to an employment center in her district bearing her name.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) confronted Obey in the Democratic whip meeting Thursday, complaining about his refusal to fund her earmark request for the Maxine Waters Employment Preparation Center in the Labor-Health and Human Services-Education appropriations bill, according to another Democratic Member and aides.

“I am not going to approve that earmark!” Obey exclaimed, then hustled away from Waters."
