Now Bush is "Considering Orderly Bankruptcy" for the U.S. Auto Manufacturing Sector

U.S. auto manufacturing being hung out to dry? It sure looks that way!

Today Bush said he is considering an 'orderly' auto bankruptcy.

Uh huh. Anyone know of an orderly bankruptcy that didn't cause thousands of job losses? The automobile manufacturing supply chain is heavily OEMed. This means an entire chain of businesses, suppliers are involved in making cars and trucks.


Under normal circumstances, no question bankruptcy court is the best way to work through credit and debt and restructuring," he said during a speech and question-and-answer session at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative Washington think tank. "These aren't normal circumstances. That's the problem.

And all of you idiots trying to post comments claiming it's the workers fault, get a clue, not only are they you, they are not the problem. Try mismanagement as well as extraordinarily biased trade agreements against U.S. manufacturing.

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