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  • They might have an embedded stream and I'll take advantage of my admin status (sic) and embed the video in your if I can find it.

    Anyone notice our poll on who people are voting for is really spread out well?

    If only the national media would cover 3rd parties or we could stop this lock by the 2 party system on US elections we might get some more diverse and thus better options.

    I was very surprised by that poll, I expected it to pop up 80% Obama or something.

    Means we have deep thinking readers!

    Reply to: Watch the Third Party Debate Tonight   16 years 3 months ago
  • On EP we have quite a bit of material on derivatives so you might want to do a search or a taxonomy term on it (taxonomy is another word for meta tag categorization, which is on this site extensively).

    search results.

    taxomony or those meta tags (they categorize all posts with those meta tags).

    And Origins of Subprime: Derivatives is one of the most highly read posts but very good and goes all the way back to the Nixon administration on derivatives.

    I also put up some tutorials in Friday Night Video series on derivatives.

    This is also a FYI, we have some powerful, awesome search and taxonomy architecture on this site and for me it's a Godsend for I can't remember every reference, quote piece on each topic. I'm not sure if others even realize that top right corner is a search box and also the keys to the kingdom on finding information on EP.

    Reply to: A Global Emerging Market Crisis   16 years 3 months ago
  • I'm not so sure about this slideshare site, good God, they put a lot of tracking code and their site tried to change my registry!

    So, while I know how to embed flash without using other sites presented embedded code, normally most are ok. These slide share guys had a lot of extraneous stuff that probably shouldn't be posted.

    FYI, just email me if you want to do multimedia presentations on here and how to implement it.

    Reply to: Beyond Peak Credit   16 years 3 months ago
  • I guess it's time to try to write up that diary on derivatives.

    I'll be honest, I've finally got the idea behind CDS down now, and the interest rate and foreign exchange swaps have largely been unaffected.

    The CDS are only about 8.5% of the total derivative market.

    And virtually all of the credit derivatives are the CDS.

    Sovereign debt default though could widen the crisis to the foreign exchange swaps. That's a market nearly a fifth larger than the CDS market And while the underlying asset in the case of the CDS market: homes and other private property, is prone to fail in fits and starts. The underlying asset in the foreign exchange swaps: national creditworthiness, is likely to crash in chunks.

    Meaning we ain't seen nothing yet.

    Reply to: A Global Emerging Market Crisis   16 years 3 months ago
  • Chris.

    Chris has an interesting slide presentation about the credit crisis. Let's go vote it up.

    Chris has been one of the voices out there who's been very clear about what's been going in. Banks have outsourced their risk, and that corporations in general have taken the "limited liability" insurance that the government gives them. With the new bankruptcy law, you and I lose everything if the economy puts us in a bind. But when a corporation goes bankrupt, their liability is limited to capital invested. But the big boys can walk away with millions of dollars so log at they have their money invested someplace else than their firm.

    And you and I pick up the tab for this insurance, because corporations refuse to pay their "insurance premiums", i.e. their taxes.

    Again, thanks Chris.

    Reply to: Beyond Peak Credit   16 years 3 months ago
  • Bloomberg is reporting:

    The cost of protecting corporate bonds from default surged to a record on concern Argentina and Pakistan may default, worsening global economic turmoil

    I think about the last thing the world needs is for Pakistan to erupt in complete chaos. Way to go idiots trading jobs for foreign policy and to pull these emerging economies into the "global" economy. Contagion probably means a lot more than economic turmoil.

    Reply to: A Global Emerging Market Crisis   16 years 3 months ago
  • I'm mulling some of these ideas, assuredly out of the box!

    Is you want a global P2P based "market 3.0" network the immediate concern I have is security but very interesting concept change from a centralized system. I have to think about all of this, and am also wondering how game theory would predict a response. It is in the best interest to form clusters of some and thus centralize the decentralized? Just thinking out loud.

    I think you can remove the IM framework for P2P is a server architecture in so many words, any medium/communication "payload" can be utilized, not just IM in P2P. (just my immediate geek thoughts).

    (those who are not geeks, P2P is a network architecture, peer-to-peer) which things like torrents and distributed downloads/uploads are based.

    Here is Chris Cooke's website, note the use of the mobius strip, this is high level systems architecture for lack of a better term, or concept paradigm shift level of ideas. (I think).

    Reply to: Beyond Peak Credit   16 years 3 months ago
  • Dave Altig of the Atlanta Fed is reading my blog, or my mind, or something. This morning he blogs that

    Economic forecasts are notoriously inaccurate. And they are especially inaccurate at turning points, which, according to the Blue Chip consensus, we’ve recently passed.

    The entire diary is well worth your reading, with detailed explanations and accompanying charts.

    Reply to: Why most economic forecasters get it wrong   16 years 3 months ago
  • I talk to friend whom is in a bind to say the least, they are in a dark hole when comes understanding what and where their 401 k is.
    Their spouse needs to get money from the FDA they work for of course as it goes it really whether they have the funds and how long they paid in to that 401 k, is questionable .
    Trying to even to make clear sense that they may not pay now will not work, as they think its a fix, in reality its game of chance, and I try tell her that 401 k is investment not like the banks like a IRA.....
    I am sure I was at a lost cause, reality is if gov is going broke so are you and really should grab up what funds are there and buried the money in fruit jar in their back yard sounds saner, people do not even know as you stated that 401 k are investing, but not for them , but for our big timers, its rip off! tail spinner Gob Bless the little who do not know they going to be in hell soon, thanks to big money and gov, wall street ect,.........................

    Reply to: Wall Street's Haute Con Job   16 years 3 months ago
  • I've seen a series of articles about this as well, but I suspect that institutions, hedge funds and so on are dumping gold to raise cash, margin calls and so on, which is seemingly the thing that dictates price.

    I have no idea actually it's really strange. The Mess That Greenspan Made blog (see middle column) has written a few pieces on this as well.

    Another area I really do not understand are bond markets, so I don't know if those are save haven or doing similar weird things.

    Reply to: A Global Emerging Market Crisis   16 years 3 months ago
  • Yes, the actual bullion seems unobtainum at the spot price, which is really weird.

    Not sure why, but this is the third instance I've run into of an article claiming that actual gold and silver bullion is not available at the price quoted.

    Reply to: A Global Emerging Market Crisis   16 years 3 months ago
  • yes

    Commodities generally are.

    24 hr chart.

    Physical gold and silver might be another thing and that would be where you buy the actual bullion itself in terms of coins, bars, jewelry but the above also is physical gold.

    Reply to: A Global Emerging Market Crisis   16 years 3 months ago
  • The BIS number reported here earlier was my source for World.

    I wonder if there's some too small to fit in that chart that would account for BIS being different than that chart?

    At any rate, what bugs me about this is that our debt seems to completely dwarf that... by more than 10:1.

    Reply to: Hear Comes the Hearings - Investigations Start on Credit Default Swaps   16 years 3 months ago
  • But bio sources of natgas are going to be here whether we like them or not- and of course there's the whole thing of that which we do not capture, becomes more global climate change.

    There is input- plenty of input- it's just that 99.9999% of the nat gas ever released didn't get captured in any usable form.

    There's no need for 100% efficiency, because as chemical feedstock goes, there's more than enough to go around and will be as long as there is still carbon based life on this planet.

    Reply to: Russia, Iran, and Qatar to form Gas OPEC   16 years 3 months ago
  • Funny, I just read the opposite in a really good article defining derivatives- way down at the end in "where we are today" is an admitedly anecdotal story that gold and silver simply are not available at the stated wholesale price *at all*.

    That link makes me wish I had an abandoned gold mine- the dust would be well worth it.


    Reply to: A Global Emerging Market Crisis   16 years 3 months ago
  • I don't want to think about that either. A ticking time bomb with nuclear technology in chaos....wonderful...
    and yet our lovely government goes around trading jobs and nukes routinely as a matter of foreign policy...problem is...things change!

    I'm reading about the IMF and other bail outs on these EEs but I'm wondering what happens if their currency collapses..
    make the dollar go up, go down, go sideways, or just barrel it and burn it.

    I have no idea at this point for I thought gold would increase due to the ballooning money supply, deficits and it is collapsing.

    Reply to: A Global Emerging Market Crisis   16 years 3 months ago
  • And what's to say the indicaters aren't just predicting a respite like they did in the spring?

    Reply to: Why most economic forecasters get it wrong   16 years 3 months ago
  • Nominal GDP country by country comparison.

    World, ~54 trillion

    US ~13.8 trillion

    Most of these figures you can find by a quick search in Google, so no reason to guess.

    Reply to: Hear Comes the Hearings - Investigations Start on Credit Default Swaps   16 years 3 months ago
  • certainly methane capture from these sources is an option. As are similar systems to capture gas from municipal wastewater systems. And while this appears to close the loop, the issue is basically that you can't get something for nothing.

    You aren't going to get 100% efficiency, which means that you are still going to need outside inputs.

    I'd suggest that now is the time to start limiting the use of natural gas for heating, and switch over to electric systems. This includes not only baseboard systems but electric forced air systems that are virtually identical to GFA furnaces that most of us are used to.

    This would significantly limit natural gas use, and preserve what's left in the US for use as chemical feedstock. This of course requiring a system to limit natgas exports.

    And I think that in the end it's long past time for the US to set up an office to deal with issues of economic continuity in the face of resource shortages. An office that would identify problems for the President and Congress, and suggest solutions that are in the national interest.

    Reply to: Russia, Iran, and Qatar to form Gas OPEC   16 years 3 months ago
  • $3 trillion is merely the amount we're going to spend rescuing the banks from their own stupidity.

    Reply to: Fed to loan $540 billion to money market mutual funds   16 years 3 months ago
