Recent comments

  • Robert, you've done a good job. And the same goes for the rest of you. You all have a good weekend, now.

    Reply to: The Economic Populist Site Rank, Statistics and All of That Jazz   16 years 2 months ago
  • then it's over. I'm sorry, but to to end up having the Japanese or the Europeans or the Chinese (or take your pick) having to own our industrial assets just to keep our economy going, well frankly we cease being a true nation on an economic sense. Call me a "nativist" if you will, I like to think I'm a Progressive-Nationalist at this point who is looking to see that our national interest is OUR national interest!

    One other thing, nativists, at least in the way it has been bandied about, is in reference to folks like the Minute Men or some other anti-immigration movements. I'm not against immigration, I'm against us returning to our roots as being a set of colonies.

    Reply to: GOP attempting to dicate wages = guvmint meddling   16 years 2 months ago
  • ;)

    Yeah, SEO is so bizarre but there are something like 10 million blogs out there alone (which are ranked) so getting visibility by hook or by crook is key.

    If you have a blog or a DK account, etc., add EP to your blog roll.

    That's why they are fighting at DK over the blog roll and there is very much a boys club with blog rolls. (which is absurd, our middle column is simply blogs who are posting great research, posts and also updated daily, had nothing to do with "who you know" or a pal of my pal)

    So, getting on blog rolls really helps because many ranking functions go off of links, not page hits. In terms of page hits, we are doing reasonable but I'm more impressed with who is reading the site. We've been pulled into CNN and CBS news many times already. This means we are doing something right by being accurate, citing accurately, using good references.

    Reply to: The Economic Populist Site Rank, Statistics and All of That Jazz   16 years 2 months ago
  • OK

    so I'm going to try this Technorati thing.

    Technorati Profile

    Reply to: The Economic Populist Site Rank, Statistics and All of That Jazz   16 years 2 months ago
  • We are hovering around 101k in the total Technorati blog rankings. Considering we are topic specific and not yet 10 months old, we're doing ok.

    That said, help get us over this magic hump! If you cite (please be context appropriate) a blog post or an Instapopulist on another site in a comment that helps.
    If you join Technorati and say you are a fan and also one of the bloggers on EP, that really helps.

    And if you have a blog roll anywhere, that helps enormously!

    All DK posters you have a blog roll on DK.

    Let's make us popular!

    Reply to: The Economic Populist Site Rank, Statistics and All of That Jazz   16 years 2 months ago
  • You might invite them over to EP to post. Because we're all Econ, all of the time, plus blog posts by everybody get front paged, they get more exposure, more readers than on DK where such effort can just roll off the screen in a matter of hours. Also, others who are focused on all things econ can really add to discussion here too.

    I also have in the user guide how to cross post.

    When one simply copies and pastes a blog to multiple sites, the great Google punishes a blog, usually the ones with less overall hits in it's page rank. So by putting in a little cross posted at The Economic Populist at the top as well as slightly changing the title, it gets past the great Google ranking God and doesn't hurt EP's visibility/page rank.

    Reply to: Auto crisis due to 30 years of Wall Street Weaselhood   16 years 2 months ago
  • Bennett, Robert F. (R-UT)
    Bunning, Jim (R-KY)
    Burr, Richard (R-NC)
    Coburn, Tom (R-OK)
    Crapo, Mike (R-ID)
    DeMint, Jim (R-SC)
    Grassley, Chuck (R-IA)
    Gregg, Judd (R-NH)
    Isakson, Johnny (R-GA)
    McCain, John (R-AZ)
    Murkowski, Lisa (R-AK)
    Shelby, Richard C. (R-AL)
    Thune, John (R-SD)
    Vitter, David (R-LA)

    Bold type indicates hypocrites who voted FOR the Wall Street Bailout, and then turned around and voted AGAINST the Big Three Rescue Bill.


    I lifted LC's comment and reposted.  I'm very surprised that Chuck Grassley is in this list.  Very.  He is fairly Populist and has taken on issues that assuredly no corporate lobbyist wants him to, so it might also be his constituents. 

    On EP, I have not allowed a host of comments that are anonymous, which claim it's all of the unions fault and the US should break the UAW and that's the entire problem.  I think FAUX news and some corporate idiot must be hammering on unions as the problem.


    What's wrong with these people, don't they get that they are raging against their own economic interests?


    Reply to: GOP attempting to dicate wages = guvmint meddling   16 years 2 months ago
  • watch out for the rhetoric on the left on that score. There is some idea out there that promoting our economic interests or economy is somehow racist and that spin is not in economic reality of how the world works.

    A FCDC, such as Toyota helps Japans economy much more than if it was a US domestic corporation. Hey, great for Japan, but we're in the U.S. and we're losing in the global economic stage....badly.

    Reply to: GOP attempting to dicate wages = guvmint meddling   16 years 2 months ago
  • Glass Steagall was repealed in 1999 (at least the major part)

    Some provisions such as Regulation Q, which allowed the Federal Reserve to regulate interest rates in savings accounts, were repealed by the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980. Provisions that prohibit a bank holding company from owning other financial companies were repealed on November 12, 1999, by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which passed the U.S. Senate in one form on a party-line vote of 54 (53 Republicans and 1 Democrat) to 44 (all Democrats) and on a 343-86 vote in a different form in the House of Representatives, before being resolved by a joint conference committee; the conference report was approved by both houses of Congress (Senate: 90-8-1, House: 362-57-15) and signed by President Bill Clinton.[2][3]

    I don't think Blago or Spitzer's problems were related to the politics particularly, but you are right overall in tracing deregualtion, corruption, bailout.

    Reply to: The definition of insanity   16 years 2 months ago
  • on my part, and I would not like to stoop to the nativist tactics of the wrong-wingers.

    Besides, we might very well be needing the Japanese rather badly to bail our asses out. Just like they helped save what remains of the U.S. steel industry in the late 1980s.

    How about "false flag Republicans" instead?

    Reply to: GOP attempting to dicate wages = guvmint meddling   16 years 2 months ago
  • Right now there's a huge pull pack in consumer spending and a corresponding tightening of credit by the high interest sector of the consumer credit market. That's equating to the "run on the banks" seen in the 1930s. Today, America is a debtor nation and depositors have FDIC to insure that their deposits are safe and the FedTreasury seems all too willing to throw as much at the intrabank lending problem as will be required. So, looking back at how the great depression went down is the ultimate "driving with your rear-view mirror" exercise.

    The vast majority of America lives paycheck to paycheck and even those that have a safety fund probably can't last much longer than 8 to 12 months (those that don't will use their credit cards with exactly the same eye that they appraised the subprime real estate proposition... can't get blood from a stone, so why not). I'd be paying *very* close attention to the consumer credit market. It's the new heart beat of mainstreet America. After that, unemployment and tax revenues.

    We're getting back to fundamentals after years of castles in the sky...

    Reply to: December 1930 and October 2008   16 years 2 months ago
  • at this point...can we call these folks "Toyota Republicans"? Just an idea.

    Reply to: GOP attempting to dicate wages = guvmint meddling   16 years 2 months ago
  • could you put up a chart that overlays growth (or recess) in inflation y/yr with that of M1 & M2?

    Reply to: December 1930 and October 2008   16 years 2 months ago
  • could the lack of lending towards investment/trading and M&A be regarded as having the same effect as the Fed raising interest rates? I know it's a stretch, with one being a reserve action, yet aren't the results similar?

    Reply to: December 1930 and October 2008   16 years 2 months ago
  • to that part about a run on mutual funds. It should be noted, that most of these funds have "closed the window" per say on redemptions. They can still get their money out, but as per agreement when they signed on, when the window is closed the time limit is essentially extended. The Madoff affair started with foreign investors, being more skeptical of the returns versus those here in the US, started demanding their money. He couldn't come up with it, as per a ponzi scheme, the funds had already been distributed to one of the earlier investors.

    Reply to: December 1930 and October 2008   16 years 2 months ago
  • by Lefty Coaster on DailyKos in

    this comment



    Reply to: GOP attempting to dicate wages = guvmint meddling   16 years 2 months ago
  • ...and further if the Big 3 go down that will have catastrophic effect on secondary and tertiary parts suppliers who... Toyota, Volkswagen et. al.

    Over 250 years of history proves that their is nothing dumber than a Southron overseer.

    Reply to: GOP attempting to dicate wages = guvmint meddling   16 years 2 months ago
  • Alot of the GOP who went against this (and to be consistent we need to check their voting records and if they voted for the financial $850 B and not for this that's suspect) anyway, a lot of the foreign auto plants are in their states.

    They pay shit, not unionized. So it's in their interest to stop the United States companies because obviously the foreign auto manufacturers will then dominate completely the market sector.

    Reply to: GOP attempting to dicate wages = guvmint meddling   16 years 2 months ago
  • there's something nagging at the back of my skull at this point- ratios of M1 to M2 to M3 to GDP. Almost as "if real money ain't there, borrow it" seems to be a precursor to all of this.

    Not sure though.

    Reply to: December 1930 and October 2008   16 years 2 months ago
  • is still increasing. Thanks for the note.

    Reply to: Year-over-year Deflation is here   16 years 2 months ago
