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  • not regular people (who either are staying put/can't sell what they have now, or renting).

    i can't get over how much worse this "stimulus" gets with each passing day.

    Reply to: Tax Cuts, Tax Cuts - Hello, We Need INCOME!   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • there's no way now that we'll have real job growth by 2010, and then the GOP will take back at least 1 part of Congress and it'll get even worse.

    such a lost opportunity-- if Obama had only been a real Democrat who believed in the Govt actually helping regular people, and in traditional Democratic principles.

    He's not even a Rockefeller Republican, but a regular one.

    Reply to: Is Obama the Offshore Outsourcing President?   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • It's completely frustrating. I think all of America could sign onto a plan if it actually made any economic rational sense.

    Reply to: Tax Cuts, Tax Cuts - Hello, We Need INCOME!   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • After all this time the DC elite are completely clueless. How can you fix the patient (USeconomy) when you can't even diagnose the problem? (too much freakin debt)

    It has always been about class warfare.

    Reply to: Tax Cuts, Tax Cuts - Hello, We Need INCOME!   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • There's one *small* thing our congress *could* do instead- and that's go the Weimar Republic route, in which case instead of defaulting on the debt we just all accept as much hyperinflation as is neccessary to make the debt less than our taxes paid for a year.


    I certainly hope they don't.  Weimar was a major cause of the Nazi rise to power.

    Reply to: Is this the year the US defaults?   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • ...we need to keep talking about reality. Not political propaganda.

    And we should be talking to your elected reps. They do hear us if....

    ....we yell loud enough.

    Reply to: Which single policy was the worst for the United States?   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • We can also tell by the vote a lot of misconceptions...

    I mean I will assuredly give the ACORN controversy it's due, but to think the community reinvestment act caused the financial implosion...

    well, we have work to do. Can we get people looking at the numbers and not the latest cable TV talking head rant?

    Reply to: Which single policy was the worst for the United States?   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • ....looks very much as if the Obama 'Presidency' is over.

    Sucker is very, very close to DOA.

    Republicans are now talking about how there is no need for a stimulus package.

    The Gregg fiasco shows a level of political ineptitude that borders on the criminal.

    Barney Frank turns suckup to the banks....

    It does not look good for the citizenry. But....

    ...Wall Street will be taken care of. Yep, CEOs gotta 'make do' with no more than $500,000 in pay; that's tough sledding for the 'Masters of the Universe'.

    Perhaps this will wake them up. Remember your Nietzsche folks and prepare for the very worst.

    Pop quiz: What company was the biggest contributor to Barry's campaign?

    First Prize is a free Happy Meal!

    Reply to: Is Obama the Offshore Outsourcing President?   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • The results are already in, they are literally destroying the United States Economy....

    their proposals clearly do not work, the statistics, all of the indicators prove it. Continuing down the same path...well, it will be much larger than Iraq.

    Reply to: Is Obama the Offshore Outsourcing President?   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • Until Morale Improves

    Or in other words- I have a feeling that this subject is going to be Obama's Iraq as unemployment rates hit double digits.

    Reply to: Is Obama the Offshore Outsourcing President?   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • Assuming that due to a default on a timeshare property that I haven't paid the maintenance fees on for several years really has damaged by credit score, and I'm now considered subprime status, then Citibank has sold the majority of it's subprime mortgages to Chase.

    In fact, I'm finding it (as somebody trying to cut ties with the East Coast) to be rather hard to AVOID JP Morgan Chase. They purchased two of my credit cards, they purchased my mortgage, they even purchased my checking bank account (yes, I was with Washington Mutual).

    I'm in the process of changing all of these....

    Reply to: Obama to Limit TARP Executive Pay to $500,000   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • wala, very next day Citigroup wants to pay back some money soon.

    Problem is no one knows the true state of these banks, the size of the worthless assets out there or stopping the derivatives/shadow banking system.

    Reply to: Obama to Limit TARP Executive Pay to $500,000   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • since I never thought of Yahweh as "reaping where he did not sow".....but it sure fits most of the investors in the stock market, doesn't it? Especially day traders.

    Reply to: The 2009 Parable of the Talents   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • the lord.

    I like the parable ancient text touch....

    Reply to: The 2009 Parable of the Talents   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • I think we've already seen the first of that, in Portland.  But it's completely politically incorrect to mention that Mr. Ayala had been unable to find a job in his chosen profession and had been "temping" (underemployed) for a year before his spectacular suicide.


    Reply to: Why aren't Americans rioting?   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • And if you do, you'll end up like me- so far outside of American Politics that I'm stuck voting either religion (Chuck Baldwin, last Presidential election) or economics (Ron Paul or even going back a few years to my first Presidential Election, Ross Perot).

    Reply to: Accountablity? That's for the mere citizens....Not CEOs...nor House Chairmen, eh Barney?   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • My understanding is Frank, along with Dodd has received millions in campaign contributions by financial sector lobbyists.

    I know you are pretty partisan A. but this is where one really needs to follow the money.

    The fact they pushed the original bail out through while there were many experts recommending much, much cheaper recommendations that were at least proven to work in other nations and with the past S&L crisis.

    It's positively insane.

    and while I will rail on the executive class excesses, it's a mere drop in the bucket in comparison to the real issue, $1.8 trillion dollars!

    Reply to: Accountablity? That's for the mere citizens....Not CEOs...nor House Chairmen, eh Barney?   16 years 3 weeks ago
  •'s the absolutely stupid idea that the government must 'protect' the rich from high taxes so they can 'create jobs...'.

    This is utter nonsense.

    See jobs formation re: tax policy under the Clinton administration or....




    or my state CA under Edmund G. Brown.

    Of course as we all know this is just a smokescreen for the Upper Tenth to get us to pay for their extravagant lifestyles and out and out greed.

    When you raise the tax rate on the rich they take what's left and make more money with it. When rates are low....

    ...why should they bother.

    Fact is, they don't.

    Reply to: Manufacturing Tuesday: Vol. 2.3.09   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • That is not good news on the one who makes the manufacturing technology components looking to have a very bad year...

    I wish the stimulus would be addressing U.S. manufacturing here! I think someone just blocked additional transport in it as well.

    When are we even going to hear lip service from this administration on global labor arbitrage. It's real, it's bad, it completely affects GDP, creates phantom GDP and they just are acting like they are going to solve this without addressing these basic labor facts!

    Reply to: Manufacturing Tuesday: Vol. 2.3.09   16 years 3 weeks ago
  • They do offshore in a few places (from what I've read/heard, they're in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, China and possibly Russia as well) and I saw this article in the LATIN AMERICAN HERALD TRIBUNE.

    Reply to: GM Using Bail Out Money to Invest in Brazil?   16 years 3 weeks ago
