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  • I think it's at 85% but I haven't looked at the latest.

    This is incredible and shows the incredible destruction corporations can have when they run governments and get their special interest agendas into law.

    Think about it. These banks running amok with their Ponzi scheme based on fictional wealth in real estate, creating of a $65 trillion dollar fictional money trading floor (derivatives, CDOs, CDSes) looks to be collapsing the global economy. Unreal and so is the complete lack of analysis on systemic risk as well as contagion.

    In engineering, if someone designed a system where one part failed it brought the entire system down...well, they would at minimum be out of a job.

    Can you imagine even a car for example, where the transmission goes so the engine blows up and catches on fire?

    Reply to: Britain's public debt goes from 48% to 150% of national income   16 years 1 week ago
  • cross posting without modification here? You need to modify posts with the title and first couple of lines so a blog does not get punished for having duplicate posts. Thanks.

    Then, your immigration link sure looks 100% open borders and special interests, not too progressive and assuredly not based on economics.

    EP is an economics site as well as non-partisan and posting economic fiction is a sacrilege. Those links are in violation of both rules.

    Reply to: Bankruptcy Law is Key to Obama's Foreclosure Fight   16 years 1 week ago
  • I think they should refinance anything that is a predatory loan fist and foremost.

    I noted this story yesterday in $275 billion for foreclosures and there is one issue that I have a real problem with and that is keeping home prices artificially inflated.

    The prices are still out of alignment with the median wage.

    I agree with you on who the real culprits are and came to the conclusion they needed to nationalize the banks, wipe out shareholder value, fire all of the executives, restructure them and and then reprivatize them, much like Sweden did. Or at least use some of the alternatives presented like a Resolution Trust Corporation before the TARP was passed.

    If I give them any credit they are trying to stop contagion and systemic risk....

    Reply to: Too Little Too Late? The Money Party at Work   16 years 1 week ago
  • but I suspect he had an idiot moment on that comment.

    Reply to: Robert Reich Speaks a Basic Truth - Federal Aid should help firstly U.S. workers   16 years 1 week ago
  • As the husband is already an H-1b, I have known many marriages of convenience just to get into this country. Seems half of my Mormon friends came back with ex-Catholic wives from South America after their missions. And then were divorced 3-6 years later.

    Reply to: Hey, Ya All - Lookee Yonder, We're Gettin' a Populist Caucus!   16 years 1 week ago
  • He'll jump on any bandwagon that makes him look good....But he's also my representative (despite the fact I always vote against him).

    Proof that Nike and Intel will even offshore their "best government money can buy".

    Reply to: Hey, Ya All - Lookee Yonder, We're Gettin' a Populist Caucus!   16 years 1 week ago
  • Since he made some rather racist comments earlier this year that showed him to be completely out of step with the demographics of blue collar workers in this country.

    But still, it's nice *somebody* notices.

    Reply to: Robert Reich Speaks a Basic Truth - Federal Aid should help firstly U.S. workers   16 years 1 week ago
  • I primarily focus in on global labor arbitrage issues and that is offshore outsourcing/insourcing or bringing in labor to displace workers, labor arbitrage so I don't watch every single thing.

    I saw today that they were trying to get unlimited H-2B guest workers today. These are foreign guest worker Visas for unskilled labor. This is just beyond the pale considering the unemployment rates going on here.

    We're hitting 25% in minorities now in unemployment and magically we have not only Congress, but Democrats claiming there is a worker shortage! That is really one sad, sad very obvious corrupt, corporate agenda to put in legislation like that when the U.S. worker is in such terrible trouble and there are no jobs.

    So, organizations who watch "it all" who are focused on immigration per say whereas myself, I'm more focused on pure global labor issues, the "race to the bottom" wages where of course immigration comes into play...corporate controlled migration, manipulation of labor markets, supply/demand..those sorts of things and I do differentiate that heavily vs. finding expertise globally when one can not shop locally (which these days I am really wondering if any of these corporations and even universities first consider the citizens of the area)...

    so I don't watch all of these bills, "immigration" as a topic in and of itself and so on at all, but Numbers USA does.

    but probably the best organization of these is Numbers USA.

    Reply to: Hey, Ya All - Lookee Yonder, We're Gettin' a Populist Caucus!   16 years 1 week ago
  • Have your heard about HR 264? How are it's chances to be passed.

    Reply to: Hey, Ya All - Lookee Yonder, We're Gettin' a Populist Caucus!   16 years 1 week ago
  • yes

    There is no doubt about it that corporations have been displacing perfectly capable U.S. workers with guest workers, the statistics and evidence are overwhelming.

    That isn't the case for every H-1B holder though.

    but I agree at some point the United States must say U.S. workers first and foremost.

    But understand the loopholes, the real ones, which is to fire U.S. workers, especially those over age 35 and replace them with H-1Bs at much less pay.

    The thorny issue here is people are people and telling a bunch of people hey, get out of the country is tough...they should have never been brought into the country in the first place and this whole cheap labor system enabled....

    So putting a temporary freeze considering the economics might be in order and Congress stop doing corporate lobbyists bidding and start passing bills like S.1035 to reform these problems and plug up the displacement/labor arbitrage loopholes.

    Reply to: Hey, Ya All - Lookee Yonder, We're Gettin' a Populist Caucus!   16 years 1 week ago
  • My mistake on F1, F2. I just hope they cancel the H1b or send them home. It will open up a lot of IT jobs for unemployed Highly Skilled Americans. Wish we have more representatives like Grassley, Sanders and Durbin. There is really no IT jobs in California.

    Reply to: Hey, Ya All - Lookee Yonder, We're Gettin' a Populist Caucus!   16 years 1 week ago
  • I'm sure the guy got married just to commit Visa abuse.

    (not! in case you do not hear the sarcasm)

    Stay in reality on this issue, it's very common for foreigners to do anything to come to the U.S. thinking magically they will be rich someday ...which of course is no longer the case.

    Reply to: Hey, Ya All - Lookee Yonder, We're Gettin' a Populist Caucus!   16 years 1 week ago
  • Basically his wife is a student and spouses of students are allowed in the country. He cannot even get a job or go to school on a F-2 and would have to go back to be re-sponsored to get a H-1B.

    It does show how there is no U.S. workers/citizens preferred for jobs, educational opportunities in their own country and some attitudes.

    or does it stop him from being cheaper in "importation costs" since he is already in the U.S. when trying to get one of those "H-1B Visa holders only need apply" jobs in the U.S.

    Chuck Schumer has sworn he will remove the requirement U.S. workers are considered for employment by TARP recipients come hell or high water.

    Nice to know Schumer is not interesting in representing the interests of U.S. workers while working as a Senator.

    Reply to: Hey, Ya All - Lookee Yonder, We're Gettin' a Populist Caucus!   16 years 1 week ago
  • The F1 visa = is the student visa
    and the F2 Visa = is for the spouse of the F1 visa holder.

    There are just too many visas that people can abuse. They should not be allowed to jump in and out of different visas.

    Reply to: Hey, Ya All - Lookee Yonder, We're Gettin' a Populist Caucus!   16 years 1 week ago
  • in linkedin this guy had this question:

    H1B to F2 and F2 to H1B

    I am going to be laid off in a month but am planning to move

    temporarily to F2 visa as my wife is on F1. Is application of F2 visa

    enough to be "in status"? This is because I heard F2 visa processing

    takes around 6-8 months. so do I have to be in H1B status till the F2

    visa is approved or is it sufficient for status as long as we applied

    for F2 visa processing. After I get my F2 visa, can i get back to H1B

    in future without going through the lottery process again?\

    He works for EDS? Isn't this a violation?

    here's the link to the question:\

    In case the URL links does not work just cut and paste them.

    Reply to: Hey, Ya All - Lookee Yonder, We're Gettin' a Populist Caucus!   16 years 1 week ago
  • is that another one pushing the corporate lobbyist, U.S. Chamber of Commerce/NASSCOM/ITAA/Compete America written agenda?

    I think anyone who does that should be kicked out.

    Reply to: Hey, Ya All - Lookee Yonder, We're Gettin' a Populist Caucus!   16 years 1 week ago
  • And would Schakowsky (IL-9) stay in the caucus if the H-1B were on the agenda?

    Phil Hare should definitely join.

    Reply to: Hey, Ya All - Lookee Yonder, We're Gettin' a Populist Caucus!   16 years 1 week ago
  • The U.S. middle class does have a collective common sense, which is sorely lacking in a lot of policy. But more importantly the idea that representatives actually represent their constituents would be nice to be amplified.

    I also think it's good because the term Progressive has been so co-opted. It now means anything for multinational corporate agenda to open borders/illegal immigrant's even used by some insurance company on TV and the agenda is so diluted in message.

    Reply to: Hey, Ya All - Lookee Yonder, We're Gettin' a Populist Caucus!   16 years 1 week ago
  • This is where the heart of America lies. It is the engine the drives the economy, and it is the fiber of the American family and dream.

    This should be cross posted all around the blogosphere.

    They're asking for another four years -- in a just world, they'd get 10 to 20 ~~ Dennis Kucinich

    Reply to: Hey, Ya All - Lookee Yonder, We're Gettin' a Populist Caucus!   16 years 1 week ago
  • Rep. Rosa DeLauro absolutely should join. She has tried so hard, introduced tons of legislation, gone out there on the TV interview circuit trying to drum up support, very strong middle class advocate.

    Pascrell is more you must "pull him along" but he also has introduced legislation in favor of the U.S. middle class.

    You want Representatives to join forces who have consistently not been bought and paid for by corporate lobbyists, corrupt as hell, letting corporate lobbyists or special interests write their bills...but who are independent, who bother to read bills, research issues with their staff and review, write up legislation that actually is based in economic reality, on real statistics...

    to join forces to overcome the corporate controls that exist on Congress, which continually squeeze the middle class.

    They are taking the bank bail out as one of their issues and there is no doubt there were so many alternative plans that were cheaper, made much more sense, were endorsed by many economists...and they were ignored...

    So, here we are $350 Billion dollars later in TARP and I lost track on Federal Reserve obligations, it's like $8 trillion or something now????

    and we have economists, experts from all political flavors...recommending nationalization of the banks.

    So, if these people had been listened to, if experts had been listened to in the first place....maybe, just maybe the burn rate of U.S. taxpayer money could have been adverted.

    Reply to: Hey, Ya All - Lookee Yonder, We're Gettin' a Populist Caucus!   16 years 1 week ago
