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  • We in America have a hard time separating people who use good economic sense to drive bad things, and those who use good economic sense to drive good things.

    We have a tendency to blame the economic sense rather than the other aspects of the agenda.

    We do the same thing with communism.

    Nationalism is not a bad thing, in and of itself. Fear of the other is not a bad thing, in and of itself. Using those things for imperialistic ends, of course that's a bad thing- but the bad thing is IMPERIALISM, not NATIONALISM.

    Centralization is the enemy, not specific economic systems.


    Moral hazards would not exist in a system designed to eliminate fraud.

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - The Meltdown of the House of Cards Edition   16 years 3 days ago
  • Three Economic ladders. The Middle Class is being absorbed into the Lower or Poor class. This will make controlling the people so much easier. It's a gradual change of status. First we lose our jobs, next we lose our savings.

    Reply to: Another Jobless Recovery Predicted   16 years 3 days ago
  • well, shows how we need an EP because most economic indicators that are focused on are not jobs, wages, retirement benefits, etc.

    All of the major financial press I think if it's mentioned, it's just referred to as "raising production costs" as if the economy is only for multinational corporations and Wall street.

    You're missing a good 20 national offshore outsourcing destinations for call centers. ;)

    Reply to: Another Jobless Recovery Predicted   16 years 3 days ago
  • That whole philosophy works great when you, as the content/worker/creator either have a trust fund and really a nice free ride on social services benefits in some socialist country, or at least Mom & Dad footing your bill for all of your living expenses while you philosophize about how all things should be free....

    Take open source. I love open source, I use open source, do I contribute back to open source? Uh, frankly no, not unless someone is paying me to do it! That's real engineering work man, why am I going to give all of those skills away for free...I'm trying to earn a living here!

    (obviously I do not have a trust fund, parents or live in a nice socialist country)

    I understand the desire to create open source, especially those trying to bust the Microsoft monopoly, reduce the costs of gaining access to technology, etc. but at some point someone needs to be paid for their labor.

    (EP, the exception, this is my work for free project but it isn't any heavy intellectual property either!)

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - The Meltdown of the House of Cards Edition   16 years 3 days ago
  • Isn't 'jobless recovery' an oxymoron? Perhaps this next phase is where automation takes hold 100%...wherein there'll be automated self-serve fast food restaurants with Voice Rec. drive thrus for take out orders. (An automated arm will extend to take your money and return your bag, and say, "Thank you very much," with a Mumbai accent.:-) Indeed, automation is really being put to great use, especially when it eliminates minimum wage labor. Nothing like bothering the best minds with the really huge issues of life!:-)

    Reply to: Another Jobless Recovery Predicted   16 years 3 days ago
  • If the 866 number's busy...please revert to the rectal pump.

    Reply to: India Firing Foreigners, Hiring Local Citizens   16 years 3 days ago
  • sorry for laughing, its one of those laughs were you know the situation is so fucked up that it's not a humor laugh but the other kind. Where is the "race" crowd on this? If American companies were firing specifically Indians and replacing them with Anglo-sounding-named Americans, you would have folks in this said crowd crying racism. I'm sorry, but the intelligentsia in this world ought not have a double standard here.

    I know the argument that will be made "well it's the Indian market, what better type of person Indian?". All right, fine, but then the same could be said about all the jobs, particularly sales and customer service jobs, that went to India. I'm sure a 20-year female or male in say San Francisco or Scranton will know more about the "American market" than someone from Bangalore or Mumbai!

    Reply to: India Firing Foreigners, Hiring Local Citizens   16 years 4 days ago
  • Now my estimate on the real average unemployment (I coin it that way because some areas have a higher rate and others a lower one) is really around 18-20%. You already have areas where almost a fourth of the populace is out of work. Also, we really never take into account the under-employed. For me, under-employment is someone working less than 20 hours a week, which we must have millions at this point. Add them into the mix, and I'd say unemployment (or would a better term be ilemployment ?) would be a third of this country's working population.

    Reply to: Deflation is coming! Deflation is coming!   16 years 4 days ago
  • that was really my original point. It was the best overview to date on the financial crisis, far better than Frontline and Frontline is usually the "king" for in depth documentaries.

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - The Meltdown of the House of Cards Edition   16 years 4 days ago
  • Friends,

    To report any suspicious activity or to make a confidential reporting of immigration or customs violations, please call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE (1-866-347-2423).

    Please make the call. This is the right time to make the call. These days immigrations dept. is raiding companies for illegal activities.

    Remember the 5 firms that ICE raided in regards to H1B visa fraud last week. 11 of them are under arrest and they may serve up to 15 to 20 years of prison time.

    Its not just the employer who is breaking the law, employees are supporting them too. As far as L1 visa interview goes, they know from the forum what questions they are asked and they know what to answer even if it is not the right answer.

    For L1 visa they have to say they are working on a proprietary tool and have specialized skills to get the visa even if they don’t have those skills. This is fraud and they need to go to jail.

    Remember the only way to stop these guys is by putting not 11 but atleast 1100 in jail. They can afford to pay as mush fine as required without any issues and still continue the same old unethical practice. It’s only the jail time that they are scared off and which will make them stop.

    So guys if you are suspicious of any illegal activities on H1 or L1 please call ICE. You can call from public phone and don’t have to reveal your identity.

    Please make the call. For those you already have a job, you may be the next one to get fired.

    Please spread the word and let your friends, family, relatives know about this. Email this content to everybody that you know.

    Please help.

    Reply to: India Firing Foreigners, Hiring Local Citizens   16 years 4 days ago
  • Having said this though, if we're going to have an equitable and free society, information does in fact need to be free.

    Please show me where you have a right to have information free? CNBC is under no obligation to provide you anything for nothing.  That show came at a financial cost to them in hopes of recouperating it through ad sales.  As for the principle of all information being free, how far do you want to take that?  I'm sorry, and I know I'm going to take heat on this, but I don't believe you have a right to know everything nor that all info should come at no cost to you.  If I want to learn about a new language, then I will pay to buy a book on that language, and hopefully the author of that book will earn a living.

     In other words, as far as I'm concerned, on any of these interviews is that the people's need to know trumps copyright.

    No it doesn't.  Show me were an interview, conducted by a private organization, in full knowledge to those being interviewed that it will be on a subscribed cable network channel, should come at no cost?  I would love to copy, and I have in the past (which I openly admit makes me a hipcrite) pasted television recordings or images.  But I always acknowledge my sources.  The people in the interview may not be property of CNBC, but the work done by the reporter and interviewer are and so is the film. 

     If you can't get your money back in a for-profit industry like CNBC that has a billion bankers worldwide tuning in 24 hours a day on the first showing, then maybe you need to spin off such documentaries to a non-profit arm.

    They do make a profit.  And they are under no obligation to spin off anything to any non-profit arm.  Tell me why they should make a non-profit?  Because information should be "free"?  Where are they constitutionally obligated to do this?  This is like saying I have a right to take your work and distribute it for nothing to the public.  If you're an author or artist with no other means of income, well this would be devistating.  And before you tell me "well that's fiction or art", I can guarantee you that as soon as folks push for "information being free", the definition of information will begin to change.

    One last thing, CNBC, it may surprise you, isn't watched religiously by "billion bankers."  There was a stupid comment on Daily Kos about day traders and CNBC, how they watch it all day.  I will admit that I have it on, but on mute.  Most of the traders that I know, CNBC is background noise. In reality, most get their news off the net like Dow Jones Newswire for a princely sum each month. 

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - The Meltdown of the House of Cards Edition   16 years 4 days ago
  • Bankruptcy's Coming...Soon!

    Reply to: Deflation is coming! Deflation is coming!   16 years 4 days ago
  • Communism can't exist in this interconnected world. (Now we are told that 35 different variants of capitalism exist.)
    It would require isolated self-sufficiency to operate because theoretically it doesn't allow for or account for exchange rate mechanisms. Marx didn't address currency exchange rates much. Hence, convergence scenarios are likely more the case, and cooperativism will dominate given limited resources and growing populace. (Sorry for the lecture.:-)

    Reply to: What is Nationalization and why is Everyone Afraid of It?   16 years 4 days ago
  • House of Cards on my DVR, just may find a way to save it on other media. Thanks for the heads up!

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - The Meltdown of the House of Cards Edition   16 years 4 days ago
  • Sometimes I think people still think Communism is a viable alternative to regulated Capitalism.

    Reply to: What is Nationalization and why is Everyone Afraid of It?   16 years 4 days ago
  • and I also question if the "economy" really recovered from 2000-2004 either. It's more it was covered up by more debt and the housing bubble.

    Reply to: Another Jobless Recovery Predicted   16 years 4 days ago
  • They've squeezed the middle class down to the point that it has lost its wealth.
    There won't be a recovery of any kind in the present system without a return of the American middle class consuming. But without jobs the middle class won't be consuming this time.
    Thus the system won't recovery without reform.

    Reply to: Another Jobless Recovery Predicted   16 years 4 days ago
  • They do not count against the 85,000 cap and can get an unlimited number of H-1B Visas. Odds are they are. the NIH, NSF and others fund large research projects which are federal funds. They give grants to various researchers for papers, experiments, investigations, research.

    The key issue here is to realize there is a difference between finding speciality expertise vs. labor arbitrage and the spot light on higher education doing this these, not putting top priority on U.S. citizens first for education, opportunity, all of these issues has not been thoroughly investigated. There are a lot of reports that imply universities are doing this and we have heard of universities firing researchers, personnel working at these institutions and replacing them with cheaper H-1Bs. But I am just as sure there are some PhD level researchers who have talent, skills, background that are unique. (which is the claimed intent of the program).

    Reply to: Offshore Outsourcing Firms, Microsoft Top the List for H-1B Foreign Guest Worker Visas   16 years 4 days ago
  • Universities, hospitals and some other non-profits are completely exempt from the 65K base and 20K US Masters candidates caps. Which doesn't make any difference, anyhow, as in many years, the DOL just keeps giving them out, whether they have blown through the cap or not.

    Reply to: Offshore Outsourcing Firms, Microsoft Top the List for H-1B Foreign Guest Worker Visas   16 years 4 days ago
  • Do the visas used by universities count against the 85,000 per year cap?

    Or are universities exempted from the cap - thus permitting them to hire an unlimited number of foreign guest workers?

    Are universities using federal funding to hire guest workers?

    Reply to: Offshore Outsourcing Firms, Microsoft Top the List for H-1B Foreign Guest Worker Visas   16 years 4 days ago
