Recent comments

  • Hey, IBM has created lots of jobs...especially for auctioneers. When was the last time you paid full price for office furniture? Thank IBM (and the rest) for that! Isn't living in America all IBM, Wal-mart, automation...robotics=cheap, cheap, cheap!;-)

    Reply to: Sallie Mae Brings Back 2,000 offshore outsourced jobs back to the U.S.   15 years 10 months ago
  • Should we be concerned about this bridge if it will be as reliable as Windows has been?

    Reply to: Micro$oft building bridge to higher profits with stimulus money   15 years 10 months ago
  • I'll start with some suggestions:

    The Foreign Guest Worker Bridge to U.S. jobs
    Microsoft Bridge to Serfdom
    The Bridge to Corporate Welfare
    H-1B Low Road
    L-1 Lane
    Offshore Outsourcing Avenue
    Best and the Brightest Dump Off Site - No Recycling Allowed

    Reply to: Micro$oft building bridge to higher profits with stimulus money   15 years 10 months ago
  • I saw the same Moyers' program. One might understand the necessity of moving seasoned agents to a matter of greater priority in a crisis. However, 8 years after 9/11/2001, the corporate white collar fraud investigator positions had NOT been filled again. This is a bit too hard to excuse as simply "priority shifting" in a national emergencyp; it smacks of a deliberate manipulation -- an abandonment of any effort to enforce laws against corporate fraud.

    Reply to: Will Elizabeth Warren become the new Brooksley Born?   15 years 10 months ago
  • That's like getting taxpayers to pay for sports stadiums when the team owner is going to make all of the profits on overpriced ticket sales.

    Like Microsoft isn't sitting on a butt load of cash and could afford to build their own bridge, or pay for it themselves. Hell they could buy the entire track of land build the bridge and not even hit a dent in how much cash reserves they have.

    Reply to: Micro$oft building bridge to higher profits with stimulus money   15 years 10 months ago
  • Man how many years did I rant about this coming down the road. People would just tell me cheaper goods benefit the society. I would retort that eventually it will be your job.

    For almost probably the last twenty five years the government has tried to hide this from the public by using currency manipulations, skewed CPI and unemployment stats and financial bubbles. Now that there aren't any more bubbles to blow up what's next?

    The entire globalization economy is a farce. Why do we need it? We export hardly anything, our capital producing manufacturing base is gone and we are running low in money to support the import market. So if we export hardly anything we are not taking part in a globalized market, except for being used as a herd to support the countries that have our manufacturing base.

    It is protectionism but damn it.....bring the jobs back. Adam Smiths invisible hand never envisioned a time that the invisible hand could move the entire factory to a place 10,000 miles away.

    The only way we can compete with third world labor is to become very, very, very poor in capital. This was a very cunningly devised world wide scheme to benefit the ultra wealthy global elite. And they have no party affiliation or loyalty.

    Germany has resisted and has kept a lot of its manufacturing. The UK has been devastated.

    I used to not believe in conspiracy theories but even theories may have some truth to them.

    Reply to: The Final Stage in the Deindustrialization of America   15 years 10 months ago
  • research out IBM or "pick a company". IBM to me is the worst of the worst, promising to "create jobs" in order to get massive tax subsidies by local, state, federal governments....then of course offshore outsourcing as fast as they can.

    They need to be taken to task. All of those displaced workers plain funded to do a startup company to directly compete against IBM. They suck so badly.

    But to write up a well cited, referenced post on any of this would be dynamite.

    I can't cover all of the topics, not enough hours in the day so if anyone else wants to get ambitious....

    Reply to: Sallie Mae Brings Back 2,000 offshore outsourced jobs back to the U.S.   15 years 10 months ago
  • Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and GSA in Virginia should start laying of their guest foreign workers and start being Patriotic for a change. Hire unemployed Americans that bailed you out.

    Reply to: Sallie Mae Brings Back 2,000 offshore outsourced jobs back to the U.S.   15 years 10 months ago
  • I've read of a number of companies over the past few years who claim to be bringing, or claim to have already brought, jobs back from overseas.

    The problem is that it remains difficult to verify. Remember all those jobs Dell claimed they were bringing back???

    Reply to: Sallie Mae Brings Back 2,000 offshore outsourced jobs back to the U.S.   15 years 10 months ago
  • Elizabeth Warren's latest comments sound great, but isn't this the same Elizabeth Warren, who but a short time ago, suggested that there should be a further consolidation of the banks into just several mega-banks???????

    Not the most wisest of suggestions.

    Reply to: Will Elizabeth Warren become the new Brooksley Born?   15 years 10 months ago
  • I made a copy mistake on the middle one.

    The second one is the "short" version but so hilarious it deserves a stand alone.

    The 4th one has the long version.

    Viacom is removing these it appears so might as well get both in case one goes down.

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - Government Financial Management Edition   15 years 10 months ago
  • First they changed the name from Freedom Tower to appease those PRC-based businesses buying space to WTC One to now using windows made in China. By the way, how are the industrial window makers in the New York state area doing?

    Reply to: New NYC World Trade Center will use glass made in China   15 years 10 months ago
  • Reading this, I can't help but think of the old defunct Morganthau Plan. For those not familiar, during the last years of the Second World War, President Roosevelt's Treasury Secretary, Henry Morganthau came up with a post war plan for a defeated Germany. While it was deemed extreme, it had garnered support by FDR and P.M. Churchill. The plan had two main themes:

    1) The destruction of the old German system (both the Nazi regime and any pre-war/pre-NSDAP elements).
    2) The geopolitical break up of Germany into several states and Allied-dependent territories.
    3) The Complete Deindustrialization of Germany, basically turn the place into one large pastoral area.

    Its that last part that has stuck in my brain as I read this. Now I'm not saying there is some international concerted plan with our elites to turn America into one giant farmland. But the net effect of our so-called free trade agreements along with the wage arbitrage that has been going on for over four decades has been the destruction of our industrial base. Indeed, if one looks at pictures of Youngstown or Detroit of today, it bares a large resemblance to Berlin or Tokyo of 1946.

    Reply to: The Final Stage in the Deindustrialization of America   15 years 10 months ago
  • 3/4 videos were actually the SAME video

    Moral hazards would not exist in a system designed to eliminate fraud.

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - Government Financial Management Edition   15 years 10 months ago
  • not. (pop, pop, pop)

    allegory, plus commentary.

    Reply to: New NYC World Trade Center will use glass made in China   15 years 10 months ago
  • it's economics and it's specifics. We're not much into philosophy here or vague abstractions. We like facts, statistics and details.

    While one can conceptually describe a time machine through abstract "analysis".....making one that works is a whole other matter.

    We like to focus on what can actually work.

    Reply to: Invisible hand blamed for financial crash   15 years 10 months ago
  • ok

    We'll see. So far indications are that "outsourcing is good for America", Harvard group think, Larry Summers wouldn't do a thing or would most of his "economic" adviser team.

    GE just the other day came out and said the US has "screwed up" by not supporting advanced engineering, innovation...
    that's a huge change by the MNC who started it all with global labor arbitrage as a strategy.

    It's like "duh", hello, you offshore outsource these high value jobs, industries, perhaps instead you will collapse your economy.

    They all have religious group think somewhere.

    Reply to: Sallie Mae Brings Back 2,000 offshore outsourced jobs back to the U.S.   15 years 10 months ago
  • I am not an economist or mathematician, I am a theoretical logician ,who studies the structure of systems through rational theoretical and some but less empirical enquiry.
    All systems whether the universe, our body, an ecosystem are primarily based on an economizing or maximizing principle , this is the reason for symmetrical principles for the purpose of complying with the essential principle of saving energy for the optimization of light transfer , systems that lack free will obviously have no creativity but a human system is restricted by the law of liberty, Gods commandments, without moral loyalty to justice the system fails. Any aberration will increase the consumption of energy by interfering with the transfer of light or energy.
    An ecosystem depends on the transfer of light for energy any distortion of symmetry becomes an aberration that reduces the maximizing or economizing principle, fermats principle of least time, a distortion would change the ratio between the angle of reflection and the angle of incidence therefore wasting energy.

    1. principle of equality or symmetry of form, polar or static opposites,spherical aberration

    2. principle of equity or symmetry of force, dynamic opposites, off axis aberration

    3. principle of synchronization or symmetry of period, non linear dynamic opposites, chromatic aberration

    4. principle of liberty or optimization, regulation

    In order for real progress or evolution a system needs to follow a vision of optimization, if the system is leaded by the same wrong values it continually falls in the same cycles or mistakes and history continues repeating itself.
    There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man”

    Reply to: Invisible hand blamed for financial crash   15 years 10 months ago
  • The only "real" source I can find is this.

    From the first paragraph:

    Student loan company Sallie Mae (SLM.N) plans to move its overseas operations back to the United States, creating 2,000 domestic jobs, in what analysts called an attempt to curry favor with the Obama administration.

    Sallie Mae is really over a barrel, if the government stops subsidizing their loan origination. An overwhelming majority of their business comes from those types of loans. They don't really have any assets, other than their relationship with the government. They can't stay in business without it. They're not too big to fail, so they really don't have any leverage, other than the jobs.

    Reply to: Sallie Mae Brings Back 2,000 offshore outsourced jobs back to the U.S.   15 years 10 months ago
  • to put pressure on them to bring back the jobs, i.e. a credible source, I hope you will post it in an Instapopulist.

    Right now we have TARP recipients offshore outsourcing as fast as they can and IBM is lobbying heavily for Stimulus contracts...

    all the while firing Americans as fast as possible and offshore outsourcing jobs.

    I find IBM particularly evil because they lie to state and federal officials, get massive subsidies and tax breaks to create jobs in a particular state or in the U.S. and they never do...

    yet magically the states do not demand all of that money back (and they should!).

    I have to write it up but last reference I have is Obama defending the modification of the OPT program, which allows foreigners to take U.S. jobs in STEM, plus issued a "support" statement for foreign guest worker Visa increases to deal with our "skilled labor shortage" (cough, cough).

    Reply to: Sallie Mae Brings Back 2,000 offshore outsourced jobs back to the U.S.   15 years 10 months ago
