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  • These guys have reasonable health insurance for the self-employed. Just an FYI.

    Reply to: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about National Health Plans ….and maybe more - Canada   15 years 10 months ago
  • I hope that the real strategy is revitalize the Middle Class. If it is we should support him all the way.

    Bring back the jobs to our shores again.

    Reply to: What's the Deal On That Little Tax Break to Offshore Outsource your Job?   15 years 10 months ago
  • Reply to: What's the Deal On That Little Tax Break to Offshore Outsource your Job?   15 years 10 months ago
  • I have a request that people use the share buttons on the bottom of posts and submit them to the large aggregator, ratings sites.

    There is a lot of incredible writing on EP and one, New Deal Democrat, is writing for an economics literate audience.

    So, getting these great analysis posts more readers, awareness they exist, I hope you all will help out.

    Those are the little buttons at the bottom of each post.

    Reply to: On Posts   15 years 10 months ago
  • He's probably not making it up. In California is it beyond absurd expensive and even then they won't cover even a damn aspirin. Plus don't forget families vs. individual.

    Reply to: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about National Health Plans ….and maybe more - Canada   15 years 10 months ago
  • "I've been self employed for over thrity years. That makes me closer to sixty than 50. I don't pay 1K for insurance."

    I'm currently looking for self-employed insurance in Oregon. I'm having problems insuring my family of three for less than $1000/month at half your age. Got other problems such as pre-existing conditions though.

    Executive compensation is inversely proportional to morality and ethics.

    Reply to: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about National Health Plans ….and maybe more - Canada   15 years 10 months ago
  • raw links are?

    Yes you showed me but I wasn't sure how to do it. I didn't want to open the rich text editor because of the problems this morning.

    I'll go back and check out your post from yesterday.

    Reply to: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about National Health Plans ….and maybe more - Canada   15 years 10 months ago
  • I've been self employed for over thrity years. That makes me closer to sixty than 50. I don't pay 1K for insurance.

    "It costs about 1K plus a month if you are self-employed to get a health plan in the U.S. I hope we get a nationwide health care."

    You do know that retirement is not healthy for men. Look it up. They don't live as long. Two heart attacks? Must have been massive because I know a number of people that have had multiple heart attacks and still work. My uncle had his first heart attack in his early forties. He worked till he was 65 and did eventually die when he was in his seventies.

    "Without all those Canadian Taxes and nationwide health care he could not have retired."

    My posts are going to be more about the costs and associated problems. The moral aspect is left to others to banter about.

    If we want to talk morality of plans I could have posted this:

    "A spokeswoman for health minister George Smitherman said Wednesday the minister cannot intervene in the case of Sylvia de Vries, the Windsor woman who spent $60,000 in the U.S. for life-saving ovarian cancer surgery in October of 2006 and whose claim for compensation has been denied by OHIP.

    She said the case of Suzanne Aucoin, the St. Catharines woman who was awarded $70,000 in 2007 after being treated with a cancer drug out of the county, was different."

    Reply to: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about National Health Plans ….and maybe more - Canada   15 years 10 months ago
  • I had a friend that did a lot of IT consulting before. He bitched and complained about Canadian Taxes and also about their health care. Well while on travel, on consulting gigs, he had two heart attacks. When he saw his Canadian doctor, he was advised to retire. Without all those Canadian Taxes and nationwide health care he could not have retired. You can't do that in the U.S.

    It costs about 1K plus a month if you are self-employed to get a health plan in the U.S. I hope we get a nationwide health care.

    Reply to: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about National Health Plans ….and maybe more - Canada   15 years 10 months ago
  • Great post but folks need to realize. blog pieces are like newspaper articles. So you wouldn't put an apology to someone as the first line in a newspaper article right?

    Also, you need to format your links. I showed how but raw links in blog posts is not good juju.

    Reply to: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about National Health Plans ….and maybe more - Canada   15 years 10 months ago
  • After the column above, nothing more really need be said - brilliantly and most cogently written!

    After the failure at Senator Durbin's attempt to alter the bankruptcy legislation (with "cramdown") in favor of the public good, it should be noted that $42 million was spent "lobbying" Congress - and where does this "loose change" come from?

    TARP funds, of course! We, the Sheeple, are being stolen from, then those funds are being used to further steal from us.

    A social singularity has been reached wherefor the economic/ruling elites have such control over the technology such that far too many of the citizenry are too easily flummoxed as to what really transpires, and far too cowardly to face being trivialized (being called a nut job or conspiracy theorist, etc.) to confront reality.

    Bernanke recently stated that while it may appear things are getting worse, they are actually getting better.

    Big Brother hath spoken, yet only the most idiotic and ignorant would believe such drivel. Around thirty-five years ago, when I first began volunteer political work, I attended a talk given by Ralph Nader. Mr. Nader predicted that if Americans didn't embrace active citizenship, we would wake up one day and find our country owned by a small group of the ruling elites.

    We have arrived and those who keep playing at the "us vs. them" - dems vs. repukes - and other sports movies metaphors and analogies - or suggest we telephone our representatives in DC, forever increasing the profits of those telecoms who wish to takeover the Internet - make a mockery of us all.

    Reply to: Saving the American economy by looting it   15 years 10 months ago
  • What preceded this crisis was unsustainable and can't be duplicated. To get back to that point would require the American consumer to get healthy again. That won't happen without good paying jobs (and those are going away), or another huge asset bubble (and that is increasingly unlikely).

    What this article proves is that our political system is hopelessly broken and hasn't realized that the paradigm has shifted. I think this is true over most of the world.
    That means two things: a) that we are going to waste precious resources trying to get back to a place that is gone forever, thus making this downturn much worse than it needs to be, and b) there are huge opportunities for those that recognize these facts and can find a way to take advantage of them.

    Reply to: Maintaining the Status Quo   15 years 10 months ago
  • That's no shit and the American Dream is sold around the world like coca-cola to get all of these new wage slaves to come here on top of it.

    How about innovation/startups/new business stats? That's another thing that is peddled like McDonalds. They tout those few "immigrants" (who so often are not actually immigrants, maybe came over and small children to native born) who "made it big" in a start-up or whatever and peddle that around the globe again to get more wage slaves.

    Reply to: Income Mobility: What Ezra Klein says   15 years 10 months ago
  • This goes along with manufacturing.

    Trade Reform (an organization really focused on U.S. manufacturing, see middle column), is pushing for new legislation.

    Currency misalignment: I cannot say strongly enough how pivotal this issue is for trade and the economy.

    When foreign nations do not allow their currencies to float in value, i.e. their currencies are continuously undervalued, they can maintain persistent trade surpluses on the backs of the rest of us, including the U.S. Currency misalignment is inconsistent with free trade. Free trade cannot exist unless currency values float.

    Representatives Tim Ryan (D-OH-17) and Tim Murphy (R-PA-18), and Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Jim Bunning (R-TN), will introduce The Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act of 2009 soon. They are looking for co-sponsors. Nearly 200 Representatives have co-sponsored prior versions.

    We saw from Geithner's backing off on China currency manipulation then Hillary Clinton begging China to buy more of our debt and the administration completely backing off on currency manipulation...

    just how much China is pulling the U.S. strings and just how critical this is to U.S. trade too...

    So, getting this to pass, will probably take us unwashed masses, the hordes, storming the capital, the corporate, China agenda has such a stronghold on our government.

    But this is a major piece to revive U.S. manufacturing from the walking dead.

    Reply to: NAPM's Manufacturing Index suggests Recession bottom near   15 years 10 months ago
  • Way back in the 1980s, our family car was a VW Karmen Ghia (think bug front nose, and bug tech, but looking a little more like a Porche, if you don't remember this little car). Total engine output, 49 hp, a ridiculously small amount, and two wheel drive.

    Yet it was a great ski vehicle. Fit two adults and two kids nicely with a roof rack, and could actually go further up the back roads for cross country ski play than a 4wd Jeep at the time.

    Now, a people carrier it wasn't- my brother did fit 7 teenagers into it the night he totaled it somehow, but the one injury in that crash, a broken leg, also caused a broken gearshift.

    But having power to get up mountains is much more about proper weight-to-power ratios and gearboxes than it is about raw HP.

    Executive compensation is inversely proportional to morality and ethics.

    Reply to: Reports say GM headed for Bankruptcy   15 years 10 months ago
  • Isn't it going to slide again due to the shut down of all auto plants over the summer?

    I'm so glad you focused in on the manufacturing index and called it as the leading economic indicator.

    It's orphaned....anybody notice that, even by economists in a lot of's like it's psychological or sociological.

    Reply to: NAPM's Manufacturing Index suggests Recession bottom near   15 years 10 months ago
  • The SEC is going on the first theory- that insiders shouldn't be allowed to profit from insider information.

    The second theory that is more recent, is that with computers and websites, there should be no insider information to begin with, that it should be available to everybody.

    I wonder which way the next round of regulation will end up going?

    Executive compensation is inversely proportional to morality and ethics.

    Reply to: It's All in the Family - SEC charges former Citigroup Banker with Securities Fraud   15 years 10 months ago
  • real transformational change doesn't start and end with one person. If we want change bad enough we will do what it takes to achieve that. Most of us are not ready for the real change that we that we heard from candidate Barack Obama.

    Money talks in this country and until we are willing to counteract that with actions we will continue to have both political parties feeding from the trough of corporate lobbyists.

    Reply to: Maintaining the Status Quo   15 years 10 months ago
  • It has always been about class warfare.

    Reply to: Maintaining the Status Quo   15 years 10 months ago
  • and provides another perspective on Geithner's views is that the person who said the above quote was someone that Geithner picked to be his Deputy Treasurer Secretary.

    Reply to: Maintaining the Status Quo   15 years 10 months ago
