Recent comments

  • They are giving the republicans an opening to capture populist positions/rage.

    Reply to: Is Congress Starting to Get It?   15 years 9 months ago
  • "It looks like the reason that unemployment is so high in Oregon is because of continued growth in the labor force in the state. People are moving to Portland because they like the city, but can't find jobs."

    Maybe us Tom McCall Republicans need to put together a youtube spot about the effect of anti-sprawl legislation on jobs and home prices.
    Executive compensation is inversely proportional to morality and ethics.

    Reply to: Where are the Stimulus Jobs?   15 years 9 months ago
  • This comment is great and if you could go look at today's unemployment stats along with it, make a dynamite post.

    I saw today it's 6.6 million on UI.

    Oregon? hmmm...I'll have to go see if a legitimate estimate by CIS or a labor economics report has anything on illegals in OR with social services/UI. It seriously wouldn't surprise me that OR counted illegals in stats, plus gave them UI, all the while denying they were.

    Reply to: Where are the Stimulus Jobs?   15 years 9 months ago
  • Haven't seen you here for awhile.

    It's like all TV/cable much of major press news is dribble these days.

    We have the non-story story that is pounded into the ground 24/7, like a murdered child or woman gives birth to 8 kids and so on.

    I think the blogs have taken on the role of investigative journalism in a lot of cases and that's probably because being a real journalist these days doesn't pay the bills in addition to the corporate takeover of all media.

    (as we know!).

    Reply to: Columbia Journalism Review Assesses Failure of Business Press to Warn of Crises   15 years 9 months ago
  • I'll take that you want a better WYSIWYG editor. That' "link" thing you're talking about is some custom AJAX code they have and I've been trying to get AJAX to work in comments and it's one of the things holding up the upgrade.

    I'm having financial woes now, I'm looking high and low for income so this upgrade is slow going.

    Reply to: EP Upgrade Site Wish List   15 years 9 months ago
  • I'm so glad you're watch dogging this. Why SS is so under attack I will assume it's for some vested interests wantinng all of that capital for private investments.

    Feel free to cross post (see EP requests when doing so) if you are trying to generate more awareness/support for legislation. EP is nonpartisan.

    On the site,

    I'm working on an upgrade and ran into some serious problems, had to stop for hopefully it will happen soon.

    but to bypass the CAPTCHA (and yes I know it is nasty, on purpose because a lot of the other security I tried to incorporate filtered out legitimate users due to the other systems on EP) go to the right and create an account, login. Then it's all bypassed.

    Reply to: Angry Bear Says Sky is not Falling on Social Security   15 years 9 months ago
  • from the start of the recession in Dec. 07 to the latest numbers from March, and it's surprising. These are not month over month numbers, so they don't capture any job gains in recent months. I calculated them using the Dec 2007 and March 2009 job employment numbers. At the national level, since the start of the recession employment is down 4.93 million jobs. Only two sectors have seen modest increase in employment: Education and Health (2.7%) and Government (0.8%).

    Looking at the distribution of employment shrinkage in falling sectors, we get this graph.

    Notice that three sectors dominate here. Construction employment is down 13.4% since the start of the recession. Manufacturing is down 10.5% in the same period. And, finally, trade, transportation and utilities is down 4.1%.

    The relative size of the sectors matters in looking at what part of the overall employment shrinkage can be attributed to any one sector. For example, even though the rate of shrinkage is more severe in construction, the greater size of the manufacturing sector means that it has contributed to a greater percentage of the overall shrinkage.

    Looking at the three sectors above as a percentage of overall employment shrinkage, what we find is that they make up nearly 2/3rds of overall shrinkage.

    The question with the stimulus then, should be how to restart employment in these falling sectors. And in particular, these three sectors making up 2/3rds of employment shrinkage.

    Think now about the amount of money spent to save financial employment (6% of employment shrinkage) and compared to manufacturing (26% of employment shrinkage).

    I'd really like to get the total amounts given to the financial sector and manufacturing sector and compare them on a per job basis.

    I'm putting together a series of diaries with this database I've built.

    Oh, and Bob.

    It looks like the reason that unemployment is so high in Oregon is because of continued growth in the labor force in the state. People are moving to Portland because they like the city, but can't find jobs.

    Reply to: Where are the Stimulus Jobs?   15 years 9 months ago
  • Register & log in and you never need see the captcha again.

    Executive compensation is inversely proportional to morality and ethics.

    Reply to: Angry Bear Says Sky is not Falling on Social Security   15 years 9 months ago
  • As Oregon was once a gold-producing state, and many of our ghost towns were due to gold not being profitable to mine at $100/oz.

    Which means those old veins and mines are still out there, and at some point it will be profitable for machines like the Sumpter Valley Dredge to operate again.
    Executive compensation is inversely proportional to morality and ethics.

    Reply to: The Golden Rule   15 years 9 months ago
  • A feature that would be great to have for convenience.

    Being able to single click for BOLD, Italic and especially



    Also a one click feature for "links" ... like the agent orange site and I would be in happyland.

    Just a suggestion. If these were not incorporated would I stop coming here? No .... I'm a economic junky and when I find another I try to lead them this way.

    Thanks for the forum RO!

    Reply to: EP Upgrade Site Wish List   15 years 9 months ago
  • somehow. Libertarians don't like government involvement because of slip ups like hiring 300,000 illegal workers instead of American workers. They say "give the money directly to the people". A WPA program could satisfy both although the libertarian callers I have on my radio show would want the money to be placed into the hands of the "small businessman" rather than a worker, especially a Union worker. And they think it's perfectly fine to outsource in order to make a profit. Okay, forget the idea of getting together with them. But is there anyway of kicking the capitalists out of the Democratic Party? I don't see it. I see rather Labor and Green getting together for a Green Labor Party.

    Sorry for the rambling.

    The Obama administration and its economic team are unrepentant believers in the religion of mathematical formulas with no human elements taken into all the fancy equations. Witness the foolish Adam Davidson and his snotty treatment of Professor Elizabeth Warren as he derides her for her "pet issues" like the welfare of families. He can't see a connection between salaries and his vaunted financial system. He can't see that inequality of salaries led overpaid CEOS to gamble with their money and the companies' profits instead of investing in the workers and more research and development.

    My grandfather worked on the Ford motor line and was a Republican. Then he began bleeding from the nose (probably because of spraying paint) and he was laid off. He worked for the WPA for $15 a week which saved the family. When he was well, he went back on the Ford line. Oh, and he became a Roosevelt Democrat.

    We need a new WPA. Thanks for the post and posting on Paul's essays.

    Reply to: Where are the Stimulus Jobs?   15 years 9 months ago
  • We call it the Northwest Plan because the authors are from the Northwest. Co-author Coberly is finishing up a sub-plan dealing with OAS (Old Age Insurance) separately from DI (Disability Insurance) which is already up. Our spreadsheets show that you can fix DI with a 0.2% increase in 2010, a 0.1% further increase in 2012, and another 0.1% in 2045.

    Assuming the employer employee/employer split someone making $12.50 an hour or $26,000 a year would face an initial tax increase of 50 cents a week. For a household making double that (close to the U.S household median) that doubles to $1 a week.

    Fixing OAS is a little more expensive in current dollar terms but not so much so when expressed in constant, inflation adjusted dollars. But that too can be fixed with an initial 0.2% boost starting in 2028,

    It really does come down to pennies a day.

    And a note to the site ADMIN. That is the worst CAPTCHA I have ever seen. I imagine that people with even mild color blindness would fail the test. P.S. I failed the first time.

    Reply to: Angry Bear Says Sky is not Falling on Social Security   15 years 9 months ago
  • You ain't seen nothin' yet. All but a very few will need to work well into...only vampires can use their grave as a home office.

    Reply to: PBGC deficit triples in just 7 months   15 years 9 months ago
  • more money to our corrupt government - hence power.
    American Business owners have to realize the suffering they are experiencing at present, ( yes, they too are suffering from the depression/recession) they had a hand in the demise of the US economy.

    One area they could improve the prosperity of their own financial situation, along with their neighbor's is they must hire ( give opportunities ) their fellow countrymen and women. They can get their "boats" floating once again by filling the dried up drought inflicted lake with opportunities/jobs/livable wages for the other "tugboats" to float too.

    Reply to: Obama's Offshore Outsourcing Corporate Tax Code Change has no impact on offshore outsourcing vendors   15 years 9 months ago
  • to be found? Certainly .... just not at $1000 an ounce. :o)

    Its amazing that you can tell somebody that you know of an asset that has gone up 15% a year on average every year for the last 8 years and they are interested .... and then you mention that its gold and they tune it out right away.

    Stop playing the paper con(fidence) game!

    Reply to: The Golden Rule   15 years 9 months ago
  • Since 2001 the price of gold has tripled, yet gold production has fallen significantly.

    Reply to: The Golden Rule   15 years 9 months ago
  • ... there is the downturn in shipping freight for that unemployed capacity involved in producing products and in logistics, and there is the downturn in consumption of petroleum as a chemical feedstock, which is also cyclical.

    Reply to: The Continuing(!) Effect of the Oil Shock on the Recession   15 years 9 months ago
  • 45% of households are "at risk" for not being able to maintain their current standard of living in retirement when you factor in health care cost the percentage of "at risk" jumps to 61%.

    Reply to: PBGC deficit triples in just 7 months   15 years 9 months ago
  • They turned money into a little transaction fee for every time funds are exchanged. Nice trick, adding additional costs on every single transaction...
    basically putting a toll on money exchange.

    We should go after that one and how they bleed small business who take any sort of Visa/MC for payment.

    Of course Visa/MC is not JP Morgan Chase, Capital One etc. who actually hold the credit card accounts and terms.

    Reply to: Credit Card Companies Retaliate   15 years 9 months ago
  • What happened to that whole "lockbox" idea and where the hell is Congress in ensuring pensions are there, guaranteed, period?

    This is like the hidden theft from hell, with most of the upcoming retirees with nothing. Nada, nunca, nothing. Between layoffs, having careers cut short, personal financial problems, bankruptcy....

    a 401k with anything left is a joke...and now this with traditional pension plans.

    We need a good overview post on the history of retirement under attack. I know this started in the 1980's to the point now we have all of America aging with jack shit for retirement. We have the jack shit plan now.

    Reply to: PBGC deficit triples in just 7 months   15 years 9 months ago
