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  • I note few fail to mention that McKinsey's other division makes there money by offshore outsourcing jobs...

    Obama also put in place those who have promoted offshore outsourcing the government jobs in as "CIO/CTO" in chief.

    Reply to: Regulation Power - Where are the Checks and Balances?   15 years 8 months ago
  • Seriously, there is no "Financial Regulatory Reform" - simply the consolidation of the banksters official and overt control. Both Prof. Michael Hudson and Nomi Prins have done outstanding critiques of President Obama's reform --- and to anyone who has read the paper presented thus far, it reads as if the American Securitization Forum had written it.

    Ever since I heard that the ultimate offshoring evangelist, Diana Farrell (McKinsey Global Institute, author of phony study purporting the great profitability in offshoring jobs, and editor of: "OFFSHORING" - evangelizing offshoring to the max) had been appointed Deputy Director of the National Economic Council, it is abundantly obvious that this administration is not only continuing on the previous administration's policies, but has appointed EVEN MORE anti-worker, anti-union types.

    The end game is the destruction of the American economy - for the way the derivatives markets are structured (that is, the way the largest insurance/banking/investment fraud in history is structured), the highest yield is only realized then.

    Sorry to sound so pessimistic, but that's the reality.

    Reply to: Regulation Power - Where are the Checks and Balances?   15 years 8 months ago
  • And that is what Congress and the Administration want - that we forget about it: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. This commission was created under Section 5 of the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009.

    Reply to: Goldman Sachs - Biggest Profits Ever - How?   15 years 8 months ago
  • This is obviously one of your core issues. Frankly I cannot cover all dealings in Congress and each one requires reading the actual testimony, watching at least portions of the actual hearing Q&A, digging around in, etc. and is a lot of work.

    I noticed that there a commission created and passed into law and then I've heard "nada, zip, nothing" and I get the feeling that "green shoots" shall prevail (true or not), and all of this is going quickly into file under "let's forget it because it ain't happening now" sort of thing.

    Kind of like oil prices....nothing when the heat started to be turned on manipulation of oil futures....the commodities market crashed and you now hear nothing on this issue.

    Reply to: Goldman Sachs - Biggest Profits Ever - How?   15 years 8 months ago
  • into Wall Street dealings. Pecora. Pecora. Pecora.

    Reply to: Goldman Sachs - Biggest Profits Ever - How?   15 years 8 months ago
  • Folks, you can unpublish your posts but please do not delete them.

    We had someone (who will remain nameless) go through all of their posts and delete them.

    Look, just because others disagree with you or whatever that's pretty asinine to try to "take all of your toys and go home" after using EP to publish your blog.

    It breaks links all over the place.

    I'm still leaving the ability to delete your own blog, but for emergencies, not to flip out on one issue as if this site is one person's view or facts exclusively (it is not!).

    Reply to: On Posts   15 years 8 months ago
  • They are giving $10 million dollars to ? educate Cambodians on ?

    Seriously. But I would not be surprised in the least to see a host of grants/projects that are either special interest payback or make no sense.

    Did you see over on that Washington just gave instate tuition to all foreign guest workers with less qualifying time than out of state U.S. citizens? Unreal, absolutely unreal

    Reply to: Regulation Power - Where are the Checks and Balances?   15 years 8 months ago
  • Will the Feds ever stop their spending spree?

    Document Type: Grants Notice
    Funding Opportunity Number: USAID-CAMBODIA-442-09-003-RFA
    Opportunity Category: Discretionary
    Posted Date: Jun 23, 2009
    Creation Date: Jun 22, 2009
    Original Closing Date for Applications: Jul 10, 2009
    Current Closing Date for Applications: Jul 10, 2009
    Archive Date: Aug 09, 2009
    Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative Agreement
    Category of Funding Activity: Education
    Category Explanation:
    Expected Number of Awards: 1
    Estimated Total Program Funding: $10,000,000
    Award Ceiling: $10,000,000
    Award Floor: $10,000,000
    CFDA Number(s): 98.001 -- USAID Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas
    Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Yes

    Eligible Applicants

    Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type of entity above), subject to any clarification in text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility"

    Additional Information on Eligibility:

    Agency Name

    Cambodia USAID-Phnom Penh

    Reply to: Regulation Power - Where are the Checks and Balances?   15 years 8 months ago
  • FNV - Breaking the Bank.

    The focus is just on BoA, when the real suspects are Hank Paulson and Goldman Sachs.

    Now we know why Hank Paulson was putting clauses that there would be no resource, no consequence, no nothing on whatever he did with the TARP "management" as part of the bill.

    That's what I think, but did you notice while the House is holding massive hearings this month, Barney Frank said basically they are going to use the Obama's legislation instead of writing up their own on financial regulatory reform?

    That doesn't seem right at all here, they should be taking the good and adding to it and there is a lot of well researched, intelligent suggestions and not so nice about it criticism of the Obama administration's proposal.

    Reply to: Goldman Sachs - Biggest Profits Ever - How?   15 years 8 months ago
  • Oligarchy is in charge.

    If any congressional staffers are reading: we should investigate Goldman Sach's role in AIG bailout and other meetings in which they were present.

    Reply to: Goldman Sachs - Biggest Profits Ever - How?   15 years 8 months ago
  • Between the revolving door, Goldman Sachs sitting in on the AIG discussion meeting and this almost Schindler's List of who gets pumped up, who doesn't...

    along with the overriding theme of "too big to fail" plus systemic risk...

    I'm frankly just not impressed and the reason I'm not impressed is due to the corporate oligarchy running this country, of which obviously they are one of.

    It's a power thing, very similar to Teddy Roosevelt busting up monopolies...who is running the national economy, the government or corporations?

    Well, corporations are and on top of it, they are royally screwing the U.S. middle class and the national economy.

    I mean it's easy to be clever when one is literally sitting in on the government's AIG bail out plan and basically running the show.

    Reply to: Goldman Sachs - Biggest Profits Ever - How?   15 years 8 months ago
  • The one thing that seems to me to prevent soft sciences from becoming hard sciences is an utter lack of experimentation. What little is done, is done on such a huge scale that you can't compare one experiment to another because there are simply not enough resources to support more than one experimental regulatory system at a time.

    But in state's rights, we can fix this somewhat. Regulation of insurance companies is done at a state level- why not the rest of the economy as well? Make it *harder* to do interstate fraud by simply putting up some firewalls between the economies of the states; and make it a state, not a federal, job to regulate financials within the state.

    THEN maybe we could get some real data to play with.

    Maximum jobs, not maximum profits.

    Reply to: Regulation Power - Where are the Checks and Balances?   15 years 8 months ago
  • Goldman's application for bank holding company status was quickly approved in October 2008. Just in time to get their $10 billion TARP injection on October 28, 2008.

    Goldman Sachs is probably the largest U.S bond dealer in the world. Their trading side is keeping them a float. Now, there is talk that they give up their bank holding status.

    I give them credit they have incredible survival skills.

    Reply to: Goldman Sachs - Biggest Profits Ever - How?   15 years 8 months ago
  • Seriously. I just don't know how else to say it. I mean come on, Obama put Larry Summers in charge of his economic advisers, he put Geithner, who was part of the NY Fed., this is where the entire crisis was brewing and he didn't do anything and he was part of the TARP original plan.

    Obama's health care plan, long ago was deemed inferior to Hillary's and the list goes on and on (and I am not fan of Hillary, she too will do the corporate bidding way over what is in the best interests of America)...

    While McCain was so bad it was almost laughable, going to Michigan and claiming NAFTA, WTO etc. is good for the economy...complete joke considering not only the massive job losses but also the actual trade deficit..

    But Obama in policy wasn't much better frankly. So, I don't know why any of this is a big surprise?

    There are a few good reps. in Congress and I don't see anything really happening unless Congress really steps up to the plate, and also the American people themselves flood the faxes, phones and also physically show up to offices, etc. demand bills be passed, watchdog like mad on what is in the actual bills.

    This is one of the main reasons EP exists, to try to bring to light what is really in the details and maybe get some focus on it.

    So many of the blogs are noise, nonsense, they don't really amplify what is in legislation, what are the real economic numbers, what policy has x,y,z effect.

    Reply to: Are you Watching What They are Doing to Health Care?   15 years 8 months ago
  • One thing that is under attack, which is a no brainer to add (a very good thing to do), is the Comsumer Financial Protection Agency.

    I almost feel it is a deflection by corporate lobbyists in order to avoid the real regulation needed on the shadow banking system.

    Reply to: Regulation Power - Where are the Checks and Balances?   15 years 8 months ago
  • It seems that the Obama Administration's proposals always start-off with compromises. Then after Congress get a hold of it is compromised even more to the point of ineffectiveness.

    Reply to: Are you Watching What They are Doing to Health Care?   15 years 8 months ago
  • is fighting on this more, yes, this is turning into Medicare prescription drug benefit (where it costs a ton and the pharmaceutical companies made out like bandits).

    I was not present to watch the Hillary Health care fight in 1993, but it seems that they stood their ground much longer than what is going on right now...

    Reply to: Are you Watching What They are Doing to Health Care?   15 years 8 months ago
  • From my admittedly a bit CT slashdot journal, pointing out that we have a darn good indication now that the stimulus wasn't enough to avoid deflation.
    Maximum jobs, not maximum profits.

    Reply to: Help Me! I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up! Economic Populist Admin Help Me Thread   15 years 8 months ago
  • Prof. Krugman is making the point that Pres. Obama may have already abandoned the public insurance option:

    There he goes again, gratuitously making a big gift to the other side.

    My big fear about Obama has always been not that he doesn’t understand the issues, but that his urge to compromise — his vision of himself as a politician who transcends the old partisan divisions — will lead him to negotiate with himself, and give away far too much. He did that on the stimulus bill, where he offered an inadequate plan in order to win bipartisan support, then got nothing in return — and was forced to reduce the plan further so that Susan Collins could claim her pound of flesh.

    And now he’s done it on a key component of health care reform. What was the point of signaling, right at this crucial moment, that he’s willing to give away the public plan? Let alone doing it at the very moment that he was making such a good case for it?

    Then there was this Bloomberg article:

    Obama is signaling that he’s willing to compromise, and yesterday White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel carried the message to lawmakers that the president is “open to alternatives,” Senator Kent Conrad of North Dakota said.

    There is a lot of game playing going on because a lot is at stake. But if any of this is true - look out because Mr. President you may lose your base support.

    Reply to: Are you Watching What They are Doing to Health Care?   15 years 8 months ago
  • It seems like the discussion is really down, the chat on EP.

    While I can see the posts are being read, less people are writing comments or using the threaded comments to discuss, chat.

    Can ya all consider (when appropriate, don't spam another site) but linking over to EP when it's "Right" or invite others when you see someone who is gravely concerned on all things econ or who has the ability to analyze, discuss, add?

    It's a big database, no reason we can't have much more discussion on the site, it can handle it!

    It's really a bummer to see the discussion trail off, it was really picking up and I hope it returns.

    Reply to: Help Me! I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up! Economic Populist Admin Help Me Thread   15 years 8 months ago
