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  • Not only is the film (book), "Being There" roll on the floor funny, it has multiple layers of social commentary. But there is a scene where Chauncey Gardiner is interviewed on The Tonight Show and is considered a guru for economic predictions. Chauncey Gardiner is an imbecile, but talks about gardening, which is all he knows, but the audience takes his speech on seasonal planting to be a metaphor for business cycles.

    Reply to: June housing starts add to evidence of Recovery's Imminence   15 years 7 months ago
  • I'd say ICE US Trust, Markit Group, Climate Exchange Plc (Chicago Climate Exchange, Euro Climate Exchange, etc.), DTCC, MarkitSERV, and the list goes on and on....

    Reply to: GIVE IT BACK GOLDMAN!   15 years 7 months ago
  • Your email address is bouncing. Can you email me a good one so we can contact you? All of them don't seem to work!

    Reply to: We Are So Screwed   15 years 7 months ago
  • That is really an excellent point to show how most unemployed today have no safety net at all. UI gives people a false sense of security, when the reality is most people are left out in the cold.

    I also think generally, we need to write outrage du jour posts on EIs, on data collection, methods in order to get a more accurate and detailed picture on what is really happening with the economy.

    We had a "change this policy now" post, UI Reform now which goes along with your data.

    I also appreciate your digging into the specifics on seasonally adjusted BLS stats, although I'd like to know more on the percentages of just autos as an example.

    Great work!

    I also find it interesting that GS/AIG CDS payouts are no problem for the government but anything connected to small business is left flying in the wind. They cannot tell me AIG had to payout CDS @ 100% to financial institutions already receiving billions in taxpayer funds, yet CIT is supposedly left hanging in the breeze.

    Reply to: We Are So Screwed   15 years 7 months ago
  • over at Big Orange.

    Reply to: We Are So Screwed   15 years 7 months ago
  • Wow! Well, while we have corporate cable, we have blogs which few read! ;)
    I don't know why France is complaining, their bank was funneled way more $$$ than GS through AIG in 100% CDS payout or maybe that's why he was defending it somewhat.

    I don't know about the threat to crash the system if they audit the Fed but something is going on and if they don't want to be audited to this extent, it tells me they have something very serious to hide.

    Reply to: You gotta see this video on Goldman Sachs   15 years 7 months ago
  • OMG

    I remember this movie. Wasn't it one of Sellers' last films? You know, seeing one of my last comments, I sounded like Chance. LOL. Makes you wonder, though, because this film really wasn't all that off, given the past 30 years of American politics. Know what I mean?


    Reply to: June housing starts add to evidence of Recovery's Imminence   15 years 7 months ago
  • all of this analogy talk is making me think we should promote Chauncey Gardiner as head EP economist.

    Reply to: June housing starts add to evidence of Recovery's Imminence   15 years 7 months ago
  • In the place of ICE, insert ICE and OTC operations. Thank you.


    Reply to: GIVE IT BACK GOLDMAN!   15 years 7 months ago
  • That Goldman is also a partner in the Green Exchange. Just another example of them hedging their bets.


    Reply to: GIVE IT BACK GOLDMAN!   15 years 7 months ago
  • And it all has to do with that carbon trading that is being promoted. The ICE has setup I believe it was 7 special market markers, the largest being Goldman. Now I'm not saying the Chicago Mercantile Exchange are angels, but so far, they've become a large threat to Goldman's scheme to control carbon trading. I'm not saying support the CME's NYMEX-based Green Exchange. Carbon is where it will all be at, it will be bigger than crude oil or financial futures, if this gets through. Just imagine, if you're a manufacturer in this country, big or small in Ohio or California, in order to operate you will have to buy these credits. The question begs, who will be the largest supplier of these things, Goldman and the remaining members of the Carbon Seven Sisters, or the CME and their exchange? This is going to get ugly folks, no good guys, just your idea of who is the least evil.


    Reply to: GIVE IT BACK GOLDMAN!   15 years 7 months ago
  • Green weeds, green shoots, brown grass, whatever it is, I think the third or perhaps (in this writer's opinion) best position would be the "Cautious Gardener". Yes, the economy is showing signs not of growth but a slowing of the decline. Or if you still want to stick to those damn agricultural examples, the ground is starting to show moisture in the topsoil but you still have many arid areas in the field. Perhaps in the next rainfall, the top soil will be able to hold and the seedlings will be able to take root. We on this farm are surprised and happy to see this, but unless the next rainfall comes, the drought remains.


    Reply to: June housing starts add to evidence of Recovery's Imminence   15 years 7 months ago
  • I think people are forgetting you must promote, with that "up" arrow (or down) on the bottom left, posts to have them display on the front page.

    Don't forget else our front page will be empty! (or maybe just a little too picky!).

    Reply to: Site change, Blog posts must now be promoted to front page by users   15 years 7 months ago
  • SEO

    is a bunch of techniques to improve page rank and coming up in the 1st page in search engines. Google punishes duplicate content. But we know each site has difference audiences, ours is way more financial readers as an example. So to get around this one needs to change the title and the first few lines of the first paragraph. This "fakes out" the search engine bots that a post is actually not duplicate content.

    EP has a much longer time line, DK a post kind of "dies" after max. 24 hours whereas I've tried to set up a lot of this site to find posts long after. The reason is so many really aren't "timed" media but more essays, relevant for a long period.

    Reply to: "Front Line of Defense" - UI Reform and Job Insurance   15 years 7 months ago
  • I'll fix that, I just did a straight cut and paste, so I hadn't thought about that.

    What's the issue with SEO?

    Reply to: "Front Line of Defense" - UI Reform and Job Insurance   15 years 7 months ago
  • is there is a big difference between the recession ending (which it will soon) and the economy recovering (which it won't soon).

    Reply to: June housing starts add to evidence of Recovery's Imminence   15 years 7 months ago
  • now is that one of those ventures that caused these institutions to push for the China PNTR trade deal in the first place? It would be great if we could force them to sell all of it, then maybe real trade reform might stand a chance. Imagine if they were forced to finance retooling, new manufacturing in the U.S.

    Reply to: How About Some Perspective on these "Earnings" Reports?   15 years 7 months ago
  • Have you noticed that there sure seems to be a lot of bank failures there? any insight into the reasons for that?

    Reply to: Bank Failure Friday: #54, #55, #56 and #57   15 years 7 months ago
  • but they are doing it. In this post is a video where I titled it the war of the audit but they are clearly doing everything to block an audit and it's probably only Populist outrage that such a bill has a chance of getting passed.

    If they were laundering money for N. Korea, what other kind of financial intrigue is going on and if that's true, will we hear the bill (if passed) is a "threat to national security" to find out where $2 trillion dollars has gone?

    Ya know me, I could care less about some secret operation to kill Bin Laden that Congress didn't find out about...I mean I'm more fine with secret weirdness than most on the left but $2 trillion bucks is a whole other ball game.

    Reply to: Why did the Fed help North Korea launder money?   15 years 7 months ago
  • when I used some of their data recently, they magically left out India and China on a host of statistics to make it seem like emerging economies were suffering in the global malaise and it of course biased the global stats which were released in press statements. I hadn't noticed such bias but with that last use of their statistics, I have to wonder how right you are on them as objective.

    The problem with this post, Seebert is a long history of attempting to push fundamentalist religious views onto an economics site and I must have given over 50 warnings on this to the point it's thoroughly irritating. EP just ain't a religion site. Leave the holy water at the door is made most clear in the rules.

    So, I view this latest post as your classic "oh there isn't a problem with population, which if gone unchecked would lead to.... "therefore women should be forced to bring fetuses to term, denied rights to their bodies, therefore birth control isn't needed...." i.e. not an economics topic but yet another attempt to push the dogma of the Catholic church on to EP.

    Reply to: Could Malthus have been wrong?   15 years 7 months ago
