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  • However, I'm coming from a different set of potential causes, and discussion of those causes, while they have economic effect, is verboten on this site to the point of censorship, therefore I'm posting more rarely.

    I'm also realizing, since coming here, that while I share *some* of the social justice ideals of progressives, I no longer believe that what passes for progress among our corporate overlords (breaking down barriers between communities, destroying the ability of the citizens of those communities to be self-sufficient, in an effort to gain new markets for international trade) works at all. I have a replacement solution I'd love to discuss here on the extreme macroeconomic level, but since it requires valuing human life, single family households, and genetic diversity above individual profit, I'm afraid to discuss it here.

    It would be populist. But it would most certainly be anti-progressive. And it would close off so many markets that the current bubbles, while not being impossible, would be small and limited in their effects.
    Maximum jobs, not maximum profits.

    Reply to: Help Build The Economic Populist   15 years 6 months ago
  • Unfortunately they have learned from the past, these abusers of errant souls. The "new" look of prisoner labor is the PIECP program operated by the Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs and overseen by the National Correctional Industries association (an organization made up of members from every prison industry in the nation).

    I have been battling criminal violations of this program and abuse of the inmate work force for 6 years and counting. Please visit my site - for a run down of what the program is and how and who is abusing it the most.

    Bob SLoan, Prison Industries Consultant, Indianapolis, Indiana

    Reply to: The Tennessee Convict War   15 years 6 months ago
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    Reply to: The Tennessee Convict War   15 years 6 months ago
  • Are you baffled at precisely how we can have everyone not only cheerleading a recovery but on top of it now claiming it will be this huge, massive V?

    Wondering how the U.S. can dump in trillions into Zombie banks and still survive?

    When the Stimulus supposedly hasn't created hardly any real jobs...why is it being declared it's actually working and by what real evidence, knowing what was in it? What exactly is working in that?

    Wondering when the country will implode from massive debt?

    Hey, some of this is surprising to me, although my guess is this "trough" was made by the financial implosion itself and since that's propped up, we're just returning to the same crappy outsourced economy we had before Sept. 2008...

    But ya know, Let's chat about it, let's discuss, write, what the hell is going on here?

    I feel like I just joined a dot con start-up in the 90's and everything is rosy regardless how infeasible it is.

    Reply to: Help Build The Economic Populist   15 years 6 months ago
  • I'm glad you brought that up. Interesting isn't it that we have these mandatory long sentences for drug crimes in addition and the highest population percentage in prison (isn't it even a higher percentage than China?)

    I didn't know the AFL-CIO had endorsed that...good god!

    Reply to: The Tennessee Convict War   15 years 6 months ago
  • I think it is nothing less than shameful that the mainstream media is having one green-shoot-gasm after another over items that are being driven by the despair of the American people:

    "Lower" unemployment - Driven wholly by hundreds of thousands of people having exhausted UI benefits and dropping out of the workforce.

    "Better than expected" earnings - Driven mostly by layoffs and cost cuts, effectively shrinking the company!

    Productivity - Again, driven by layoffs.

    We are through the looking glass folks. A stock market that is a Generational Ponzi Scheme right in front of our face - borrowed TARP funds laundered into the market through the back door. Then the not-real market goes up based on not-real good news. All the while the media crowing over stats that can't exist without the suffering of the people. We are though the looking glass.

    Reply to: Productivity - Wage Gap Grows   15 years 6 months ago
  • That may be too much to expect. No sooner do we get consensus on what's the "right thing to do" than we elect a crowd that wipes out usury laws and declares "Now everyone can have credit," but it's going to cost more. Inflation rears its head and the bankers suddenly want ARMs and resets. We elect a president who promises change, and we get more of the same with minor tweaks and the same crowd making decisions for us. AIG makes Uncle Ben angry, but he goes ahead and lets them pay 100 cents on the dollar to German banks and Goldman Sachs. Hey, at least somebody plays by the rules -- no "managed bankruptcy" for the Golden Boys, and no "Sorry fella, but you seem to be a victim of massive financial fraud -- be more careful who you deal with next time."
    Well, what are friends for? If Bernie Madoff had only been in the insurance business, he might still be a free man.

    Frank T.

    Reply to: The Ultimate Stock Market Sucker's Rally   15 years 6 months ago
  • yes

    see link in Q2 GDP 2009 analysis....pretty amusing little issue going on there with a net value in GDP calculations..
    (both can decline yet increase GDP).

    Reply to: Wholesale Inventories Dramatic Swoon, but Sales don't go along for the ride this time   15 years 6 months ago
  • to connect up GDP with the middle class, with your average Jack and show how squeezing average Jill will cause the GDP to go tumbling down the hill.

    On productivity, most economists will claim it's just technological advances...

    It's like they have brain death on productivity.

    Reply to: Productivity - Wage Gap Grows   15 years 6 months ago
  • (X - M) = Net Exports. There will be "leakage" of aggregate demand (GDP) because we import so much and manufacture very little.

    In the past, what has driven GDP was consumer spending. It may be a while for that to return. So that leaves business investment and government spending. Even with any slight grow in business investment may be offset by an increase in imports.

    But we will see when the tomorrow when trade balance is released. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: Wholesale Inventories Dramatic Swoon, but Sales don't go along for the ride this time   15 years 6 months ago
  • I think that as this wage gap continues to grow it is going to further damage our economy, and this is going to show up in our currency. The dollar has already weakened a lot over the past decade, and I think it will continue to do so because our government keeps promoting the same policies, even though they have proven they do not work and ultimately lead to even more government intervention.

    Reply to: Productivity - Wage Gap Grows   15 years 6 months ago
  • imports haven't been released yet. (I need a damn email alert on all of these EIs!)

    Anywho, here is a definition of wholesale inventories.

    Now on partial imports or where exactly this is in the supply chain with global sourcing the craze, is a whole other can of worms but officially this statistic is domestic inventories only.

    Reply to: Wholesale Inventories Dramatic Swoon, but Sales don't go along for the ride this time   15 years 6 months ago
  • Any change in wholesaler inventory in all likelihood would be from increase in imports so any positive will be offset by the negative and possibly worse because imports may exactly be greater than changes in inventory.

    This is what happens when there is destruction of manufacturing sector - I believe it is called: leakage of aggregate demand. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: Wholesale Inventories Dramatic Swoon, but Sales don't go along for the ride this time   15 years 6 months ago
  • If you want to see an Instapopulist on the front page...or a blog post, don't forget to hit the "up arrow"...that moves posts to the front page.

    To all of you anonymous lurkers, it takes 1 minute to create an account on EP and join in. (but read the FAQ in the about section first please!)

    Reply to: How the EP Promotion/Demotion Rating System Works   15 years 6 months ago
  • as the location of origin for the next Fed chair...firstly then China could manage their Treasuries and exchange rate issues much more effectively and then it seems the skill level is more advanced in China (sic, i.e. China is literally capturing U.S. industries whereas India seems hell bent on simply trading people vs. developing their own markets).

    When they really ramp up and start offshore outsourcing attorneys...that is when we would see more than lip service to global wage arbitrage...oh yeah, they would be on it like flies on .....

    Reply to: Productivity - Wage Gap Grows   15 years 6 months ago
  • Reply to: Productivity - Wage Gap Grows   15 years 6 months ago
  • What does an economist cost in India? We might think about that next time there is a vacancy at the Fed.

    Frank T.

    Reply to: Productivity - Wage Gap Grows   15 years 6 months ago
  • To try something else. But then again, I'm beginning to realize that I'm really an anti-progressive in many ways- that I represent the form of populism that says "Go ahead and write the rules, but then NEVER change them. Give us a foundation to adapt to on which we can build our lives."

    That to me is a working economy- one that builds a status quo and then never changes. We've got enough bad things happening from nature and life- we don't need to add economic problems to it.

    Sure, nobody will get rich that way- you need bubbles and busts to build wealth- but find some way for the rest of us who just don't care to "stop the pendulum, we want to get off".

    I think my Asperger's affects a lot more of my opinions than I realize.
    Maximum jobs, not maximum profits.

    Reply to: The Ultimate Stock Market Sucker's Rally   15 years 6 months ago
  • I hope you don't mind me tacking on some more "information at a glance" in the Productivity report. It just made sense vs. having another title that writes about the same thing.

    I'm going to try to pick this apart in more detail, but the first thing that popped out at me is the correlation to the 2003 time frame. At that time, manufacturing as well as services was being offshore outsourced in mass. I do not know if this has anything to do with today's numbers, but the data point is suspect.

    Reply to: Productivity - Wage Gap Grows   15 years 6 months ago
  • But I am reading Wyden-Bennet bill. It may be a source of compromise. It would benefit private insurance industry but the industry would be much more regulated.

    I believe after a listening at a public meeting w/my senator the strategy is get something passed in the senate and get HR 3200 passed in the House and then reconcile the differences in conference committee -that is where the real battle will take place. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: Health Care in the United States is pretty damn inefficient, $1.2 trillion a year inefficient   15 years 6 months ago
