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  • Rosenberg is on the record as a deflationist, yet above he endorses a chart that says inflation is increasing. Rosenberg like Roubini is (was) a one hit wonder. He 'has been' dead wrong on the equity markets for almost a year.

    Reply to: Why we aren't looking at a new bull market   15 years 2 months ago
  • If you're waiting for enlightenment from the US population you're going to have a long wait.

    Most in this country don't have a clue what the FED and Teasury have been up to this last couple of years, even if they do they feel powerless do effect anything.

    The US working middle class have been strugling with rampant illegal immigration, on top of those granted work visas annually from India, China, Vietnam, etc. I don't know the numbers but you can bet they are staggering.

    This deluge of immigrants, backed by big corporations in search of cheap labor and a complicit business orientated govn't, have worked to eliminate a once vibrant middle class.

    Today, most people are struggling beneath stagnant wages, high unemployment, wealth destruction, uncontained health care indutsry profiteering and currency devaluation/destruction. In a struggle to survive and provide basic needs for ourselves and our families, who has time for enlightenment. It only serves to foster disdain and frustration aginst those that profess to serve the will of the American people.

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - The American Ruling Class   15 years 2 months ago
  • I didn't know this but Dorgan was responsible for initiating a host of "left" think tanks to counter AEI and the Heritage foundation. Well, well, one of those "think tanks" recently put forth a serious corporate agenda in "guest workers"....
    which Dorgan knows will crucify U.S. labor (Dorgan was a huge helper of the AFL-CIO) and is also something the AFL-CIO is against.

    i.e. his "left think tanks" are spewing biased corporate lobbyist written B.S. now the same as the "right think tanks"....

    I'm sure getting his policy initiatives, the facts compromised didn't help matters.

    Also, I think ND is probably a really good indication of the country. When you get some reality based Dems who have agendas and policy positions that are common sense, based in economic reality, for the middle class....they can win and win big in what are labeled "conservative" states...
    you get these corporate liberals, i.e. corporate agendas w/ choice.....they lose big time.

    I don't think it's about "liberal vs. conservative" here, I think it's about sane, practical policies that will help working people and then you get these corporate liberals in there and the people say "screw this" and would prefer to have a corporate conservative for at least they aren't going to spend more of their money (or spend less a corporate liberal) while enacting corporate welfare.

    That's my take, watching ND, VA, IA, MO, IN, OH....

    But what's another take? It appears a true Populist/Progressive, one that really is aware of how policy affects the U.S. working stiff, middle class.....
    if they are ethical, not corrupt and stick to their guns...
    this implies they can win anywhere in the country and there is no "blue-red" state map after all.

    Reply to: Oh No! Senator Dorgan Please Don't Go!   15 years 2 months ago
  • If we are NOT going correct the economic defects left by neoliberal policies and it doesn't look like we will then we will continue to 'stabilize' at a much lower level with high structural unemployment, more income inequality, and social unrest. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: Why we aren't looking at a new bull market   15 years 2 months ago
  • The Economic Armageddon cliff is over. That's the problem with the green shoots, they won't recognize that by only looking at trends, they are comparing EIs that are really on the sea floor to the Mariana Trench.

    Also, before any of this hit, the economy was not good for most as it was, due to strong structural problems. Starting heavily in 2000, we had not only offshore outsourcing of any job not nailed down in tech as an agenda, (this was an agenda, in power point slides, in corporate boardrooms) but we had the China PNTR kick in and that enabled a mass exodus of manufacturing to China, so both of these were a double whammy to the middle class.

    But in terms of the current state of things, when one looks at the absolutes and things like your fact sheet above, hey, just like the factory orders report I wrote up yesterday...all the headlines abuzz with how great the report is...

    but they fail to notice that when one compares where new orders were before the recession, it's still a long way to go because the Economic Armageddon trough was so deep.

    As if 2007 was just a "wunderbar" time?

    This is one of the reasons I'm writing all of those EIs up. You really cannot go by the headlines or even the actual report without a little study and it's pretty much a few bloggers who are doing that to show this ain't no boomin' economy happening.

    Reply to: Why we aren't looking at a new bull market   15 years 2 months ago
  • She is especially bought and paid for by NASSCOM, the India business offshore outsourcing companies.

    No, you won't hear me argue with you, just during the primaries, she had better policies than Obama, esp. on trade.

    Her Senate voting record was also better.

    Anyway, during the primary I was very shocked to see so many voted in in 2006 on strong "reform trade, curtail outsourcing" etc. type of positions to endorse Obama so heartily for he clearly was against a lot of what they supposedly claimed were important issues to them.

    McCaskill is one. Tester is another, Dorgan was a huge surprise.

    Anyway, now that the results are in since it's been a yr. Obama has been Pres. and we cannot even get cheaper drug prices, identical to Bush Corp....

    I'm wondering if they all regret this or don't care.

    Reply to: Oh No! Senator Dorgan Please Don't Go!   15 years 2 months ago
  • Ah ha! Now here's something that won't be asked in the mainstream media!

    Reply to: Oh No! Senator Dorgan Please Don't Go!   15 years 2 months ago
  • And commercial real estate. We keep hearing from the same groups that said the subprime mortgage crisis will be 'contained' that commercial real estate won't be a problem. Oh really, well those same banks that lend to small businesses are also up to their ears in CRE mortgages and CMBS so you think that they will be providing any credit anytime soon if they still exist. And how is that a positive thing for the economy.

    Question: Does S&P still publish S&P 500 price to cash flow ratio? - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: Why we aren't looking at a new bull market   15 years 2 months ago
  • but not OK for manufacturing sector? The amount of campaign contributions? Wage suppression? Level of union participation? - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: Oh No! Senator Dorgan Please Don't Go!   15 years 2 months ago
  • Why stick around? The leader of his party stabbed him in the back over importation of pharma drugs.

    Both political parties (oh, Robert that includes Hillary Clinton) are bought and paid for and the political system is completely broken. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: Oh No! Senator Dorgan Please Don't Go!   15 years 2 months ago
  • The DNC was working on him to "retire" so they had a prayer's chance of keeping the seat "D".

    It's Dodd, the mortgages, Fannie/Freddie, the bail outs and him sitting on the Senate Banking committee the entire time. Connecticut is going to kick him out and his latest legislation looked like a 8 month exercise in rat maze to hide the fact he still is doing finance lobbyists bidding.

    I read it (and of some of these I have to give up it's so odious) and on first pass it was loaded with loopholes (exceptions) at almost every clause.

    This is why I find partisan politics so odious, it's all "D" and "R" vs. good legislators representing their constituents vs. the corrupt majority.

    You end up with corporate agenda mit women's right to choose vs. corporate agenda without.

    I wanted Dorgan to run for Pres.

    Reply to: Oh No! Senator Dorgan Please Don't Go!   15 years 2 months ago
  • for endorsing Obama over Hillary so early. Dorgan was one and I was very surprised and not surprised they screwed him over on something so basic either.

    I'm wondering that too. I mean super majority, Dems control government and even something so basic as getting lower drug prices (the drugs are made overseas anyway) and they screw him (us).

    He runs the Democratic Policy committee, has all sorts of experts in, touting very practical policy ideas...
    and of course when it comes to legislation, it's all ignored and buried.

    So, I'm thinking you may be right and he just threw up his hands and thought under those circumstances and he still cannot get anything common sense in a bill....

    age 67, might be time to enjoy life instead of battling a futile fight.

    I'd say it's a real bad sign because he's not one who obviously gives up easily.

    Reply to: Oh No! Senator Dorgan Please Don't Go!   15 years 2 months ago
  • Richard Blumenthal is the State's AG, and he's popular. There are two others as well on the Democrat's side, besides' Lieberman. The Republicans still have Linda McMahon (the Wrestling lady), some rep, and fund manager Peter Schiff.

    Reply to: Oh No! Senator Dorgan Please Don't Go!   15 years 2 months ago
  • should really shed a light as to how broken and corrupt the system is. He's one of those guys who wasn't a primadonna like some others in the Senate. This guy was there to do a job for his state, and the fact that he came from a pretty conservative state and was still re-elected, was testamony to how well he did that job. He knew the deal on trade, and other stuff.

    But no, the one time he asked for something, importation of Canadian drugs, the Party said no. Indeed, they cut him off at the knees. And why? Because Rahm and Obama are still playing the politics of my hometown of Chicago. Because political parties today are nothing more but vehicles of power and profit for some. It was more important to get the money from the drug companies, to establish a new "feeder fund" for the Democratic Party.

    Reply to: Oh No! Senator Dorgan Please Don't Go!   15 years 2 months ago
  • to actually do something instead of pass corporate lobbyists written legislation.

    Chris Dodd is retiring because he's not going to get 30% of the vote if he runs. They blame him for the financial implosion due to all of the "favors" of the past.

    Reply to: Oh No! Senator Dorgan Please Don't Go!   15 years 2 months ago
  • The Senate could go to the GOP, not sure about the House still.

    Reply to: Oh No! Senator Dorgan Please Don't Go!   15 years 2 months ago
  • Anybody else see this? they claim the government caused stocks to rise in 2009.

    For anyone loving a good CT, go for it, myself I have plenty of reality by TARP, PPIP, ABS purchases and derivatives to keep my plate full for while. ;)

    Reply to: Fed considers QE 2.0   15 years 2 months ago
  • Nothing really new about this. Pension funds over $5 billion (superannuation funds) are highly interlocked with private equity firms with regard to their layered and superleveraged securitizations of their various funds, and funds of funds, directed at all those leveraged buyouts, where they pay themselves off with debt, decrease the national tax base where their LBOs take place, then pay off their investors with interest which is nontaxed (further decreasing the national tax base) utilizing offshore machinations.

    Nope, nothing to see here.....move along please.

    Reply to: Public Pension Funds $2 Trillion Short   15 years 2 months ago
  • Hi Folks,

    I am behind the scenes working on some very hairy site upgrades.

    But I noticed people are not posting Instapopulists in the right categorty.

    those little tags of categories can actually be very useful in terms of site navigation and finding information, posts on a topic.

    To be honest, I haven't really taken advantage of all they have to offer, but in preparation for the site upgrade...

    ya all might watch where you post these things (for the database of the site will of course be imported into the upgrade)...but if I increase the use of these "terms" to find stuff....

    there will be a host of posts in the wrong categories, which is a bummer because I have to hand move them.

    More later, but just a heads up to watch which category you post some of this stuff too.

    (Yes, I'm going to increase the categories to consumer, middle class, poverty, any other suggestions as well).

    Reply to: EP Upgrade Site Wish List   15 years 2 months ago
  • and you mention one of those rarely talked about issues with freighters, international trade, the risk of bringing into a local region something that can destroy the local environment.

    The next time someone tries to run the "racist xenophobe" card when one complains about bad trade deals....(trying to claim those other nations need our jobs and by not enabling that somehow it's all racist) ....think of Detroit.

    The area has one of the highest minority, diversity populations, a huge percentage are African American. So, we have very obvious signs in the United States right now, that U.S. domestic diversity is being hurt badly by globalization agendas....

    So much for that "race card" being played when it comes to jobs.

    Reply to: Detroit: Jail is America's version of a safety net   15 years 2 months ago
