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  • but are doing the lending that creates money in our economy? What they are doing is pushing paper. They are packaging stuff and trading things. Nothing that will generate real economic activity such as providing credit to small businesses. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: Fed bought 80% of new government debt in 2009   15 years 2 months ago
  • What you state is indeed superficially correct and on target, but it doesn't take into account that the banks are in reality still lending, only doing it at the upper stratum of multinationals and Wall Street.

    All those securitizations, and layer upon layer of securitizations, is still taking place. Just note all the new credit derivatives (Pinnacle Notes, AIG's securitized notes repayment to the gov't.) and the latest in derivatives, mortality derivatives, mortality-linked securities, etc., along with the big push in the carbon derivatives generation.

    Also, as I previously mentioned in that private equity book review (The Buyout of America), banksters are giving leveraged loans to private equity firms to buy back their leveraged loans.

    They are simply not lending to Main Street, but still greatly increasing the oncoming Uncertainty...what they continue to refer to as Risk.

    Reply to: Fed bought 80% of new government debt in 2009   15 years 2 months ago
  • And that is why they are returning to their old ways. They don't care how it looks publicly - they feel invincible. Their downside is protected.

    Break them up! - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Hearing   15 years 2 months ago
  • Bob,

    I haven't spent enough time with the data to give you an intelligent answer on jobs, but I think the problem is one of scale and the culture. On scale, the money going into jobs is just too small. Companies have found that they can get by with more machines, fewer workers, and can outsource cheaper. The Fed has no problem creating huge amounts of money for its constituency, and the net result is arbitrage. The Treasury, on the other hand, has to ask Congress for the money -- and it is not enough to address the problem, and not enough targeted toward jobs. As Yogi Berra said, "We're lost, but we're moving faster." Besides, Treasury seems to think its constituency is Wall Street and the banks.

    As for the culture, people are learning not to trust the system. People with wealth gone and mortgages they can't pay see a broken model as banks dither over mortgage modification. I was intrigued by what one of the Atlanta Fed's John Robertson said about declining labor force participation among young (college age) people. Not a good sign, IMO.
    Frank T.

    Reply to: Fed bought 80% of new government debt in 2009   15 years 2 months ago
  • Bernanke, Paulson, Cox, Geithner, Rubin, Barnie Frank, Christopher Dodd, Martin Feldstein New York University Alan Greenspan thesis advisor, such thesis withdrawn from investigation until suit by Barron's Business Magazine),Nancy Pelosi , Lawrence Summers, must all be prosecuted for secuties fraud - all violating SEC Rule 10-b-5 which proscribes trading in securities based on insider information not available to public. All above-named defendants hold shares in Taxpayer bailout recipient American International Group. Taxpayers must demand congress and administration re-issue Executive Order 11110 mandating U.S. issue its own currency and own the Central Bank as authorized by U.S. Constitution Art 1, Sec. 8, cls 5,6. Board of Governors Federal Reserve is a non-government private entity owned by Rothschild-Bauer foreign shareholders and are criminally liable for causing the 2008 Financial Collapse of U.S. and world finance markets. See NInth Circuit Federal Court decision, Lewis vs. Board of Governors which ruled injured plaintiff had no standing to sue Board of Governors Federal Reserve because the Board is a private entity. Concerned taxpayers are also asked to follow Bloomberg Vs. Board of Governors, 2008 Southern District New York litigation demanding Board of Governors disclose the recipients of $8 trillion U.S. taxpayer bailout dollars.

    Reply to: Should U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Be Fired?   15 years 2 months ago
  • or saved. story here.

    Ok you guys, who wants to take this one? I frankly do not believe it.

    Now I believe true Keynesian can create jobs....

    God, I just do not want to touch this, who wants to prove/disprove it, maybe someone who supported heavily Obama during the election (I didn't like anyone)....

    Reply to: Fed bought 80% of new government debt in 2009   15 years 2 months ago
  • But does it matter if we don't have full employment? Obviously, how we manage the deficit is what will matter. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: Fed bought 80% of new government debt in 2009   15 years 2 months ago
  • They were chronic even before the crisis. Now we have the Baby Boomers retiring.
    While the deficits will come down in a relative sense, I don't expect the deficits to fall in a historic sense.

    Reply to: Fed bought 80% of new government debt in 2009   15 years 2 months ago
  • Employment and economic growth does wonders for lowering the deficit. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: Fed bought 80% of new government debt in 2009   15 years 2 months ago
  • Fed has not really been 'printing money'. Where is the growth in the money supply? What has been happening is the excess reserves have shot through the roof but that doesn't mean that inflation is right around the corner. Unless, of course, we believe what Milton Friedman said (which I don't).

    Just because excess reserves are extremely high doesn't mean that banks will lend money that will drive spending and that will result in inflation. Right now banks are not lending so money generation that leads to inflation is not happening.

    This is what I think:

    Actually, the Fed's tool is price, not quantity, of reserves. When the crisis hit, the Fed should have opened its discount window to lend reserves without limit, to all comers, and without collateral. That is how you stop a run. The Fed's dallying and dillying about worsened the liquidity crisis, but it eventually provided the reserves that the financial institutions wanted to hold and its balance sheet eventually grew to $2 trillion. Banks are still worried about counterparty risk and possible runs, so they remain willing to hold massive amounts of reserves. When they decide risks have declined, they will begin to reduce reserve holdings. This will not require any special practices by the Fed. Banks will repay their loans from the Fed, using reserves. This automatically reduces reserves and the size of the Fed's balance sheet. They will offer undesired reserves in the overnight, fed funds market. Since many banks will be trying to unload reserves at the same time, this will put downward pressure on the fed funds rate. The Fed will then offer to sell assets it is holding to mop up the excess reserves (banks will use reserves to buy assets the Fed offers). This will also reduce reserves and the size of the Fed's balance sheet. All of this will happen automatically, following the same procedures the Fed has always followed. All it needs to do is to watch the fed funds rate, and when it falls below target the Fed will drain reserves to relieve the downward pressure on overnight rates.

    The banks will do what PIMCO did - they will buy treasuries or maybe MBS. But only time will tell who is right. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: Fed bought 80% of new government debt in 2009   15 years 2 months ago
  • This is the first I've heard of this (or maybe remember about this). What's he doing there and what are you implying,he's a good guy who is now the fall guy or we have something else going on or?

    I think the target is Tim Geithner, but what is the NY Fed doing lately?

    Maybe you want to write up a blog post on this if it's good juicy intel?

    Reply to: New York Fed Subpoenaed!   15 years 2 months ago
  • the largest American intel contractor: NSA, CIA, DIA, FBI, and CIFA.

    Meritocracy? We haven't had even a semblance of any meritocracy for over thirty years or more, now...assuming anything like it ever existed.

    The important thing is that SAIC is supposed to have coded most of those "security patches" for the voting machine companies. Evidently, those actually work!

    Stay calm, though. Stephen Friedman, Goldman Sachs guy who left the NY Fed due to the "appearance" of insider trading, is still on several of Obama's intelligence oversight boards.

    And still with In-Q-Tel. And still with the Center for American Security. And still with.....

    SAIC?? Isn't that where the TIA is supposed to be managed?

    Reply to: Fed bought 80% of new government debt in 2009   15 years 2 months ago
  • I think midtowng is being overly harsh here.

    How else can all those debt-financed billionaires be supported in their lifestyles without such a scheme.

    (And they ponder those two ineffable questions:

    What's the economic engine?

    Who's in charge?)

    Reply to: Fed bought 80% of new government debt in 2009   15 years 2 months ago
  • Over the last fifteen years I, along with others, have tried in vain to get some sort of viable numbers on this, but they are purposively not recording any.

    Back in the earlier part of this new century, the GAO (or was it the CRS?) made a half-hearted attempt to gather some stats, but was hamstrung by having no legal power in the matter.

    The asked the Fortune 500 for a voluntary response in the matter, and so very few actually responded (it was in the single percentage digits) and their insipid response couldn't even be verified!

    One can occasionally gather referential data; tracking company layoffs, then attempting to track the corporate movement of those jobs to other sites, such as offshore, by examining their local newspapers. But it is highly spotty and unreliable at best. (Not to mention expensive and time-consuming.)

    Reply to: Creator of the Taylor Rule does a call out on Bernanke   15 years 2 months ago
  • Now, do you suppose they foresaw this? Which accounts for them putting NY AFL-CIO guy, Denis Hughes, in as interim chair of the NY Fed?

    The choice was reported as a political sop, but I wonder if it suited them to have a complete non-finance head, a non-bankster, in with the vultures?

    Just wondering.....

    ("Chairman Hughes, please ignore all those shredders in the background. It's just that it's our decade cleanup is due.")

    Reply to: New York Fed Subpoenaed!   15 years 2 months ago
  • I'm fairly shocked CNBC would bother to call I agree, if CNBC admits this is bad's really bad news!

    I love Ponzi Economy and this is even in the "real production economy".

    I just talked to a head hunter (I don't use these people) but was asking just how these Indian body shops manage to get these huge contracts and this includes also other contracts, royally screw them up, cost more and yet get more contracts! I mean it's like nobody is even cranking the numbers to show the costs do no add up, never mind they didn't deliver on the contract.

    Same is true with U.S. companies who also offshore outsourced a lot of their staff (Accenture, IBM, HP, etc.)...they are not delivering.

    I just saw a 60 minutes special and no surprise here that the great "virtual fence" S. of the border of course doesn't work at all, there is billions of dollars spent. Then the FBI paid $1.5 billion dollars for a SAIC contract to meld their databases....not a single line of usable code.

    There are tons of these stories, so how are these companies, body shops etc. getting these contracts, both private and government?

    It's like the real production economy, there too, it's flimflam sham man with large financial decisions going on fictional management results.

    That's really not good when it comes to advanced production and so on.

    Reply to: Fed bought 80% of new government debt in 2009   15 years 2 months ago
  • Sounds like it would be a classic and can't wait until you publish it.

    Which reminds me, I am working on code, (very hairy nasty stuff which I had to put together a full bore development server together for vs. my original live site hacking!)
    but I want to do "series" posts, which would link to previous posts on a topic.

    So, there are some great posts on EP from the past on AIG, one can link to a bunch of them as reference and then don't forget the ability to host documents, file uploads, for further reference.

    We also have mimetex (a mathematical script) on EP for advanced display of calculations.

    Reply to: New York Fed Subpoenaed!   15 years 2 months ago
  • This was a $12 trillion fiasco and who has been held accountability for it?!! Nobody. Even Fuld (Lehman Bros.) walked away with millions in pre-bankruptcy bonuses. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: New York Fed Subpoenaed!   15 years 2 months ago
  • I've been collecting some news articles and building a history for an essay about the AIG bailout. This one deserve a full-on rant.

    Reply to: New York Fed Subpoenaed!   15 years 2 months ago
  • I put this in an Instapopulist and also Fed is fighting the FOIA pursued by Bloomberg to find out who got the $2 trillion in loans.

    Then, there is a new poll on whether Geithner should be fired.

    I also think one of the real problems is nothing, zero, nada, no consequences are happening to these banks...

    so even if one fires Geithner, odds are they will get yet another lackey who does whatever they want.

    Reply to: You Be the Judge: Stupid Inaccurate Statement or Lie   15 years 2 months ago
