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  • as vote counts come in. So, you might check back. It's astounding that pretty much anything that makes sense cannot be passed by the Senate so I'm really didn't expect to see this one.

    I think it might dawn on some running for office in 2010 that Americans are really pissed about the government giving away our jobs yet saving the Zombie banks.

    Reply to: Bernanke Senate Confirmation in Peril   15 years 1 month ago
  • This begs the question though as to who will come to our aid when we finally default. I'm guessing we have about 10 years till that is going to happen but its not a pipe dream its a countdown.

    Reply to: End Game approaches for Greece   15 years 1 month ago
  • While I don't have my list handy at the moment at my offsite location, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, (and as mentioned JPM) Citi and BofA all have their very own private equity firms/funds.

    So I'm completely filled with skepticism about this maneuver. And, I believe almost everyone of them is running a hedge fund of one sort or another, although I might be slightly off on this.

    The Usual Suspects:
    Goldman Sachs Private Equity Group
    Morgan Stanley Private Equity
    JP Morgan Partners, L.L.C.
    Citigroup Private Equity
    Banc of America Private Investors

    Reply to: Let's hold the champagne and party favors!   15 years 1 month ago
  • I think some scepticism is justified given Obama's track record. Let's hope this is not just another 'fat cats' faux-slap-on-the-wrist and Obama actually crushes the TBTF banks.

    Or perhaps whatever bill is proposed will start out good, be morphed into a hideous monster by lobbyists, and then die in burning flames just like the health care bill.

    Reply to: Let's hold the champagne and party favors!   15 years 1 month ago
  • in particular CNBC earlier and honestly, for Obama to get anywhere with this, it really is a war and I think we should give the benefit of the doubt at this moment.

    Although derivatives, corporations like Goldman Sachs are much more my concern and I'm not so sure this would touch GS...

    but just turn on FAUX or CNBC and it's just astounding the opposition when this move is really common sense and I believe most economists, financial experts have been calling for these very moves for over a year.

    Reply to: Let's hold the champagne and party favors!   15 years 1 month ago
  • kind of why I wrote "we have a miracle", all tongue in cheek, although in this case, ya know those lobbyists write loopholes for a living and it's almost like trying to catch cockroaches, so I'll stay a little more positive

    Reply to: Let's hold the champagne and party favors!   15 years 1 month ago
  • CNBC or Bloomberg producer will get hold of Zero Hedge and will contact Durden or even the author of the letter for interviews. The interviews will focus on Bernanke and very little to nothing will be on how middle class is getting screwed by neo-liberal policies started by Greenspan and Reagan.

    They won't bother contacting those who really know the truth. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: Blame the Real Cause of this Crisis   15 years 1 month ago
  • We maybe on line and using graphs, calculators, and mimetex here but I suspect if you go bring up say the Supreme court ruling today to the check out gal at the grocery, she's going to say what bullshit that is in a heart beat.

    Minus the graphs, maths and 3 letter mnemonics, I think this site is about as mainstream as it gets.

    Reply to: Blame the Real Cause of this Crisis   15 years 1 month ago
  • Yes, you are right, the CAPTCHA is a nightmare and I still have to manually monitor comments due to spam getting through.

    Bear with me, I am working on site upgrades at which point (I hope) the other security will improve and the intense CAPTCHA will be modified.

    I've been working on this for about a week and keep having to do other things and this site upgrade is some intense crap, I expect the site to be down significant time to do it in the final port.

    Also, if you create an account, log in, all CAPTCHA is bypassed for you are logged in.

    Bear in mind DU requires you to login.

    Pretty much everyone who is a U.S. techie knows about H-1B, L-1 and if they have been working for awhile, either has been displaced or one of their friends was. Same with a lot of families now, so word is getting out on what's really happening. The problem is getting people organized to be a political force to do something. Then, there are various opinions on what to do. Some want to just plain ban the program as well as all green cards, some want just green cards, others (like myself) want a a host of conditions as well as hard caps, reforms.......

    but it is not a partisan issue, more like "do you know a techie" issue, once someone sees it or experiences it...seems like only then do they believe it.

    Reply to: Blame the Real Cause of this Crisis   15 years 1 month ago
  • Although for different reasons:

    From Albert Edwards, chief strategist for a major international bank.:

    Some recent reading has got me thinking as to whether the US and UK central banks were actively complicit in an aggressive re-distributive policy benefiting the very rich. Indeed, it has been amazing how little political backlash there has been against the stagnation of ordinary people?s earnings in the US and UK. Did central banks, in creating housing bubbles, help distract middle class attention from this re-distributive policy by allowing them to keep consuming via equity extraction? The emergence of extreme inequality might never otherwise have been tolerated by the electorate (see chart below). And now the bubbles have burst, along with central banks? credibility, what now?

    Like, Tyler Durden says "These are not the deranged ramblings of a fringe blogger". Although, I don't consider myself deranged (fringe hell yes), people have been saying this same thing for THE longest time - especially Dr. Palley.

    Hey, Bloomberg or CNBC before you contact Durden about this why don't you contact some REAL economist who have been studying the redistribution issue for a long time. People such as Dr. Palley or Prof. Emmanuel Saez. But you won't because you don't want the TRUTH. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: Blame the Real Cause of this Crisis   15 years 1 month ago
  • and we might need more writers to take this one on.

    How about, since after all, we are the Populist site, taking some so called "Academic/think tank" paper, which is really a corporate agenda paper masked to look like fact (they snow Congress with this crap), and just put up a "this person should be stripped of their PhD and tarred and feathered for economic fiction" and show, with mathematics, with the statistics, with those very details we find (and I'm not writing out specifics here but I can pull out the fundamental flaws on these papers I mean down to the very exact, theory, mathematics and statistics focus) on how said (cough) paper is fiction and why the author deserves a very public humiliation and call out. I'm personally sick to death of that and esp. sick to death of overworked staffers taking these white papers, which they never read as fact! It's absolutely ridiculous and you see Politicians later quote this caca as fact and you know it's pure bullshit. How about we call out, with plenty of outrage and blogger style blast some of these people.

    They are making 6 figures to sell their intellectual soul by writing those things and this is considered "acceptable".

    To me it's also seriously degrading the entire nature of research and scientific methods, which were supposed to be unbiased and objective.

    Reply to: Massachusetts turned Red, but that color isn't what you think it is   15 years 1 month ago
  • I got in this time but field is hard to read and tell upper from lower case. Perhaps you would get more postings if this was fixed. I post frequently on Democratic Underground. The threads related to H-1B usually provoke mostly anti H-1B responses.

    I suspect that the trade deficit is the macro driver heat engine behind the financial meltdown and I am not an econ guru at all but It just seems like common sense that consuming without producing much is not sustainable and leads to a pileup of debt everywhere.

    Reply to: Blame the Real Cause of this Crisis   15 years 1 month ago
  • And let the CEOs serve it. Crimes like, let's see, murder? Treason? Raping the shareholders?
    Frank T.

    Reply to: Supreme Court Gives Corporations Carte Blanche to Buy Political Campaigns   15 years 1 month ago
  • I would imagine this is the stuff of Bernanke's personal nightmares! God, where are the skit writers and I hope they are reading this site. What a scream concept, although I do believe the "U.S. doesn't torture".

    Reply to: Obama Proposes "Volcker Rule"!   15 years 1 month ago
  • I would love to have him suddenly become Bernankes quasi boss.

    It would also take a squirrely conservative view away from social issues.

    He would jump on this I would think because of the damage he could do.

    Reply to: Obama Proposes "Volcker Rule"!   15 years 1 month ago
  • Who has offered him a consulting position or a lobbyist position when he leaves?

    He has already been paid for his votes.

    They paid to get TARP and now they are paying to call the dogs off.

    Reply to: What a surprise, Chris Dodd, Judd Gregg block "Audit the Fed" in the Senate   15 years 1 month ago
  • from Obama, i.e. dump Geithner and put Volcker in as U.S. Treasury secretary. I almost posted the pre-announcement speculation but held off and waited. Glad I did since no such luck.

    Reply to: Obama Proposes "Volcker Rule"!   15 years 1 month ago
  • This could be noise but IMO is just another reason to get rid of Geither (via Reuters):

    Geithner is concerned that the proposed limits on big banks' trading and size could impact U.S. firms' global competitiveness, the sources said, speaking anonymously because Geithner has not spoken publicly about his reservations.

    He also has concerns that the limits do not necessarily get at the heart of the problems and excesses that fueled the recent financial meltdown, the sources said. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: Obama Proposes "Volcker Rule"!   15 years 1 month ago
  • We know this by now. It's one thing to propose something and totally another to actually fight for what you propose. Remember the first crack at financial regulatory reform. Once, the House got a hold of that it was rendered useless with its exemptions and loopholes.

    Let's see how hard Obama fights for this. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: Obama Proposes "Volcker Rule"!   15 years 1 month ago
  • If something is $$$ then it's an appropriate topic for EP, but as you are aware, it's a rare day for me to personally write up this kind of thing on EP. But yeah, I put the best "sum it up" title I could think of because it's like 100 steps backward and our government is already so bought and paid for as it is.

    The middle class doesn't stand a chance unless we get some sort of organization that every single person in America agrees to donate funds to to basically buy our nation back. I don't see that happening because instead we have these various special interest groups doing that and sometimes those policies they promote are actually going to hurt the U.S. middle class.

    It's like every single thing but the middle class as a whole, working America as a whole has their checkbooks out in D.C.

    Reply to: Supreme Court Gives Corporations Carte Blanche to Buy Political Campaigns   15 years 1 month ago
