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  • MI companies can have five million in contracts and still not get the credit they need to retool. Yes, the autos were restructuring and downsizing, but with a controlled burn until the melt down poured gasoline all over us. We'd also be recovering a hell of a lot faster if they weren't redlining our state. First Clinton and NAFTA and then the banks. Looking forward on war profiteering, torture, and the greatest heist in history.

    Reply to: Jobs Program Redux   15 years 1 month ago
  • Didn't Michael Moore run a potted plant for Congress?

    Reply to: What should be in Obama's State of the Union address, but isn't   15 years 1 month ago
  • that are wrong....I was just talking about my own impressions.
    Although if I'm right, I would not be surprised at all that EPers do a variety pack of media for I think per issue, sometimes conservatives have a real point.

    I'm a huge Keynesian but when you see useless spending that you know won't be effective....ouch, I completely understand the "smaller government, lower taxes" mantra.

    Reply to: GDP 5.7% in Q4 2009   15 years 1 month ago
  • Wal-Mart may run for congress like Murray Hill, Inc. That's right a corporation is running for congress. Heck this is obvious next extension to giving a corporation personhood. Why not eliminate the "middle person"? - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: What should be in Obama's State of the Union address, but isn't   15 years 1 month ago
  • When China does a hostile tender offer for Wal-Mart.
    It will hardly be noticed.
    Frank T.

    Reply to: What should be in Obama's State of the Union address, but isn't   15 years 1 month ago
  • Radio requires less concentration than blogs, but you have conservative and liberal intellectuals who are willing to invest more time and attention in information seeking. Then you have a large number of audiences who have neither time nor energy to do much critical thinking, plus there are social reasons to passively hear or view "infotainment." Many people are mad, but don't know who to be mad at -- the talking heads can tell them who the culprits are. The name of the game is audience share, and you can always count on the old folks to vote -- even if it's against their own interests.
    Frank T.

    Reply to: GDP 5.7% in Q4 2009   15 years 1 month ago
  • this is something I think we really need to pound home. I've been pounding on it but the denial on trade, offshore outsourcing, insourcing (guest worker Visas etc.) affecting the U.S. workforce badly is one hell of a denial by even the econ blogs, never mind the press, MSM politicians...

    they see various economic laws not adding up and just shrug their shoulders and attribute to BS...instead of looking at the very thing that every working person in the U.S. knows ....this is affecting U.S. jobs.

    Reply to: What should be in Obama's State of the Union address, but isn't   15 years 1 month ago
  • I was rereading Brand Obama's state-of-the-union speech and something finally sunk in which I'd overlooked before -- since it has been a frequent meme from the perpetrators over the past decades.

    Brand Obama is asking us if we want to be number two to China? This from the individual who has surrounded himself (the vast majority of his administration's appointments) with cretins who have derived the majority of their fortunes from offshoring America.

    Sorry, dude, but I'm woefully tired from being laid off from nth number of jobs and having any and all technology I've helped to create offshored along with my job.

    And no, nobody in the unions or on welfare was responsible for the offshoring of my job (common neocon and neolib memes); it was all the rampant runaway psychopathic greed and power lust of the corporate elitests.

    I'm sure there will be the requisite number of American consumers (not citizens, citizens are capable of thinking for themselves occasionally) who preach and prattle on about that crooked SCOTUS justice who shook his head at Brand Obama's remarks (ya know, one Wall Street lackey chiding the other Wall Street lackey, like it actually really matters and who gives an ice cube in hell about it anyway???), and ignores the real content of his speech -- which is why they sat by while this country was disassembled and sold off to enrich those debt-financed billionaires.

    Sorry for my rant, but frustration has long set in.

    Reply to: What should be in Obama's State of the Union address, but isn't   15 years 1 month ago
  • I guess that leaves me stuck in the middle again?

    There is a radio show in Baltimore that has a guy who is not Rep or Dem. He is a Libertarian. Calls the USA an empire with never ending wars, points out the folly of Dems and Reps, points to the foolish never ending monetary policy and he takes a lot of calls. During the Bush admin people called in and said he was unfair to Bush, during the current Admin., people call in and say he is unfair to Obama.

    I think the local shows take calls and rely on their listeners to call. Unlike the national talk shows that have hosts that pontificate the entire show. I always wonder how can someone talk so much over a 3 hour period?

    Reply to: GDP 5.7% in Q4 2009   15 years 1 month ago
  • I have heard so much crap on cable "news" that is just completely wrong and ramblings from the same pundits, same ones as 10, 15 years ago....that also are absurd and dead wrong...

    it's hard to watch. We have the right wing propaganda machine, the left wing propaganda machine and the central say nothing propaganda machine, FOX, MSNBC and CNN.

    CNBC is just completely absurd. I mean talk about disconnect from economic reality commentary, it's just noise with a ticker tape below most of the time.

    There are a few shows, Ed Show, unabashedly partisan but at least has some stats that usually hold up, Dylan Ratigan, who's show I think is outstanding, really kind of "our thing" in terms of economic politics, Rachel Maddow...

    but even on these shows one needs to double check the facts.

    I don't get it. Ya know the great news about government stats is you can find them freely available in large part on the Internets. There is no reason to listen to some bonehead pundit although yes I think one needs to learn a little econ to read most of the press releases...

    still, I mean I just personally love the fact all of this stuff is available online. Talk about access to self-education, that's it!

    It's strange how people seem to only trust information from some "personal relationship", even if that's just some idiot who managed to get on TV. It's like they cannot deal with raw data or direct from the source...and instead only believe some mouthpiece from where they believe they have some sort of personal relationship with.

    Obviously they do not have a personal relationship with their TVs, but for some psychological reason they perceive they do.

    Anyone else notice this and also notice the mediums? Talk Radio is highly authoritative, mainly because you have one screaming idiot in a broadcast with minor feedback via phone calls that is heavily screened.

    Blogs, depending on the type, can also be authoritative, or they can be more community, discussion, depending on how sites are structured.

    "Lefties" go for blogs and then "righties" go for radio.

    I think that is something psychological, such as one group wants to be told what to think and the other group wants to tell their fellows what to think and argue/debate about it.

    I'm rambling on here but I often wonder if all of this has much less to do with actual policy and much more to do with the psychological make up of various personality types.

    Now of course I refuse to abandon the idea one should be basing policy on theory, statistics, common sense, national interest, Americans interests (citizens interests) and so on....

    but I really have to wonder about society at large psychologically, sociologically speaking.

    If we had more math concepts drilled into people's heads from age 2-6, I bet a lot of this would get those basic logic/scale of numbers concepts into the brain as a reasoning process element.

    Reply to: GDP 5.7% in Q4 2009   15 years 1 month ago
  • that you can't believe what they post on TV. All day she sits and watches CNN - MSNBC, etc. and never considers that those talking heads are just saying what they are told to say. She just says that the government won't lie.

    I even once tried to explain the U6 unemployment figures but she will not consider anything other than what they post on TV.

    I know a few college kids. They are not near being wide eyed types that believe what they tell you on TV. I wonder if such a feeling is just a blip or does such thought follow through the general college population? I would love to see a new general of people that question what they are seeing on TV, to question Bills that are being passed.

    Reply to: GDP 5.7% in Q4 2009   15 years 1 month ago
  • of a consumer response, not a citizen's response.

    As one who has always striven to be a citizen, not the majority in America today, consumers, I try to understand what's going on.

    Where in creation did you get the idea Soc.Sec. is going under?

    Now, Medicare has been continuously underfunded, but Social Security has always been in surplus mode.

    And that trifling unemployment, at the "official" 10%, should have negligible effect on Social Security taxation.

    Assuming, of course, that figure is accurate.....

    Reply to: BASIC DUAL NATURE OF SOCIAL SECURITY   15 years 1 month ago
  • LOL, well, ya know EP is a community blog, why I'm the main writer is all you guys fault!

    Yeah, I hear ya but one needs to try and raise hell. Only when the entire nation is about to revolt....AND various politicians believe they might lose their they do much but that usually involves stopping some outrageous bill, not actually enact legislation that is good for the nation.

    But even though this is an exercise in the myth of Sisyphus, it is our fate to push that rock up the hill....

    even though eventually our liver will be plucked out by nasty lobbyist birds.

    Reply to: Jobs Program Redux   15 years 1 month ago
  • Smelly stats....that's why EP has mimetex and graphing capability and why I personally do this. You cannot believe headlines and even so called analysis from many these days, you need to go dig around in the details and get your head wrapped about EIs and what they mean.

    All I hope for is that when I write all of these up, that it's in English enough for others to track on the discoveries.

    I need something to automatically graph tabulated data too (looking).

    But I agree with you, there are a host of very smelly things.

    Rebel nailed one major factor and I found the EI I wrote up, wholesale trade, inventories, 11/09 and here you can see EconomPic's farm inventories graph detailed out.

    I see smelly things but we must track down the numbers, working on it and let's keep it up.

    I think I posted a huge "warning on the blip" earlier this month that Q4 GDP was going to be huge but when one drilled down it wasn't going to be that impressive after all.

    Tis true. If this was real growth, U.S. domestic growth, well frankly we'd see much lower unemployment numbers and we have seen all through Q4 2009, increasing unemployment and yesterday I posted initial unemployment claims and even removing the noise in those....they are nowhere near where they should be to get some damn jobs.

    Reply to: GDP 5.7% in Q4 2009   15 years 1 month ago
  • 5.7% a darn good number even when the economy is cook'in?

    No I'm not going to take your bet that this number won't be revised. They have been playing the surprise revise game for quite a while.

    On zerohedge they had this point:

    Three days ago

    XEROX 2,500 LAYOFF
    WALMART 11,500 GONE
    MACY'S 1,500 LAYOFF

    I don't know but would we see the above grouping if we really had a wide sector economy with a 5.7% growth? The numbers just don't add up.

    Knowing enough CPA's in my life, I just feel that 2+2 is equaling what they what it to equal and that's not 4.

    Thanks for the GDP equation. You've posted it before and I lost it.

    Reply to: GDP 5.7% in Q4 2009   15 years 1 month ago
  • as to why we got this bump plus the major reduction increase in imports is highly unusual. This too needs to be examined much more. What is the currency ratio (need graph) for Q4?

    That's why I pound on the floating of the Yuan (Chinese currency). I read a detailed analysis and was just shocked to see just how this one thing gave China such an advantage in trade. I really was surprised but there ya have it...

    but the idea is not to lower the U.S. currency value, but to get China to stop manipulating theirs.

    Reply to: GDP 5.7% in Q4 2009   15 years 1 month ago
  • I think I caught that also somewhere, the temporary farm products, in a previous EI post.....

    so yes, that "I" blow out is highly suspect as is the overall GDP number.

    I roughly broke it down without the inventories.

    I just put up the preliminary analysis, but we need much more...

    I should also note that personal income does not mean wages! That includes investments....bonuses.....

    Reply to: GDP 5.7% in Q4 2009   15 years 1 month ago
  • Yes, I know people hate a weak dollar but it helps with exports. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: GDP 5.7% in Q4 2009   15 years 1 month ago
  • Is this positive? Maybe. But EconomPic has been watching this inventory blip:


    Farm products and oil have been leading the way in this inventory correction in Q4.




  - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.


    Reply to: GDP 5.7% in Q4 2009   15 years 1 month ago
  • Not sure what you meant "weak on political economy".

    Are you trying to tell us that government is the producer of capital?

    I'm confused and not sure what you are trying to say?

    And yes, this mess was made by people and will end by people. Government and their penchant at regulation seems to always have the regulations for the little engines (businesses) but the big engines (mega corps) get a pass.

    I went crazy when during the Clinton admin. the bankers finally had their way and Glass-Staegall was ended. The SEC and NASD (now FINRA) watches over every letter a client receives but Madoff walks with $billions. Government elites are at the beck and call of the big engines and make laws that are favorable for the big engine. Unless you have never worked under all the government regulations you can never see the ineptitude of many regulations. How else could the derivative market have thrived? The entire affair was international in scope and the governments of the world were involved in it. They were a willing participant.

    It is not we the people but the dangers of global business practices. They are so big and powerful that they can create hoaxes and swindle at will. I think the entire global clique is the greatest danger to financial and personal freedom that exists today. And they, the Washington crowd want to make global a bigger beast?!

    So yes, we the people, will start taking back the reigns and we the people will re-set this train on the right track.

    Reply to: Jobs Program Redux   15 years 1 month ago
