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  • Honda is now looking at recalls. This is such a gift to GM, Ford and even Chrysler because Toyota was perceived to be safe, low maintenance, high MPG....

    and here comes the #2 brand, Honda....with recalls! Wow.

    I mean if GM architected the engineering bugs themselves through industrial sabotage, this couldn't be timed better or be better for their business. (I'm not saying GM somehow managed to generate software bugs in Toyota's firmware, just saying this is a gift to them).

    (the software bugs probably came because some idiot at Toyota and Honda decided it was a grand idea to outsource their firmware design, or try to pay engineers $15/hr to write it...a practice common from the 3 big!)

    Reply to: Former Toyota Lawyer: Toyota hid flaws from regulators   15 years 1 month ago
  • vs. profits generally would be a very interesting spreadsheet.

    This came up in a google. 4.7% against health care reform (Wellpoint) and in terms of profit percentage to individual policy holders, it's 73%.

    I suspect, strongly there has been more lobbying on issues than ever made even short term profits.

    Would make a dynamite post on the insanity of it all. I put up one detailed stats on how banking lobbied for policies that hurt them on profits (of course that's before they figured out how to have unlimited bail outs via the taxpayer).

    Reply to: Outrage Du Jour - California Anthem Blue Cross to raise health insurance rates 39%   15 years 1 month ago
  • How much Blue Cross spent lobbying against HCR, and how much they expect to gain from raising these rates?
    I would be surprised if the numbers are similar.

    Reply to: Outrage Du Jour - California Anthem Blue Cross to raise health insurance rates 39%   15 years 1 month ago
  • There are only 3 possible explanations for these Green Stimulus Jobs going to China: 1- Incompetence, 2- Corruption 3- Some combination of the two!

    Our government and its Lobbyist Sponsors have declared WAR on the American Taxpayer.

    Reply to: Green stimulus money at work creating jobs..... in China.   15 years 1 month ago
  • I'm thinking of adding a graphic and every day someone writes up the "outrage du jour" in some incredible, beyond belief screw job on the middle class pocketbook.

    A lot of times I ignore these because there are so many and it's outside the "big picture", where is what I like, those huge macro economic indicators and stats...

    but many of these stories, really drive home what is buried or implied by statistics (which I do try to add a lot of description so the implications are amplified)...

    If I make sure you can access the graphic would ya all be interested in this?

    As in anyone of you could write up the outrage du jour when you see it?

    I see these things every damn day.

    I personally have been having fun with health issues, but nothing too serious. (Thank God). To me, the entire system is FUBAR. You go to some Doctor, they do not tell you fees up front, then they do stuff you didn't authorize that is worthless and on top of it, magically give you a diagnosis straight from AstraZeneca, despite the fact you have none of those symptoms. The side effects from pills costing over $100/month and higher are worse than the condition you're trying to treat. Then, your insurance company jacks up the rates and tries to claim some office visit isn't covered because the Doctor stuck their finger somewhere, so that's now classified as "surgery", subject to a deductible.

    I mean from the research end (on how it's funded) to creating drugs for profit, to the actual training of these doctors, to the blizzard of paper from these industries, to the way payments are made, to the lack of cost disclosure up front or the charges, to the statistics of effectiveness (biased studies).....I mean the whole damn thing in this country is seriously messed up.

    In the interim, we have lobbyists every where, running this show and the percentage in Congress who actually want real reforms to stop this insanity...are always in the minority (probably because that isn't very profitable).

    Reply to: Outrage Du Jour - California Anthem Blue Cross to raise health insurance rates 39%   15 years 1 month ago
  • This is linked from Brad Delong:

    Reply to: Greece gets its bailout   15 years 1 month ago
  • See what the volume is, who is shorting the Euro, CDS spread, who is buying what and when.

    These headlines are clearly manipulating markets, bulls want Greece bailed out, so what is the volatility and who is playing it all like a fiddle?

    I'll bet dollars to donuts our pal, Goldman Sachs is in there, but I haven't looked at any technicals.

    Reply to: Greece gets its bailout   15 years 1 month ago
  • Conflicting information.

    The spokesman for Germany's coalition government has denied that Berlin is close to unveiling a plan for financial aid to fiscally-troubled Greece.
    The spokesman, Ulrich Wilhelm, rejected earlier reports that a Greece package was nearly a done deal, calling them "incorrect."

    OTOH, an official denial is necessary before the rumor can be confirmed.

    Reply to: Greece gets its bailout   15 years 1 month ago
  • President Obama, Bernanke, and Jim Cramer are in a MOVIE about hedge funds called "Stock Shock." Even though the movie mostly focuses on Sirius XM stock being naked-short-sold to near bankruptcy (5 cents/share), I liked it because it exposes the dark side of Wall Street and reveals some of their secrets. DVD is everywhere but cheaper at

    Reply to: A Brief History of Securitization   15 years 1 month ago
  • Germany to aid Greece.

    What would be interesting is to examine the contagion. This is an unknown effect, admitted and I wrote up some aspects of it, but in particular instances, timeline of events and to why it's this domino if of interest. There are no safeguards in the global system and while we cannot even get the most basic of financial reforms, this one, the big economic neutron bomb created in the 90's, goes pretty much unexamined.

    Reply to: Greece gets its bailout   15 years 1 month ago
  • when contagion was happening for the globe...

    which is yet another thing not mentioned here. These idiots with their WTO/trade/free capital flows created an interdependent mess and they have no idea how it all interacts.

    Reply to: Greece gets its bailout   15 years 1 month ago
  • Hi
    I am from Slovakia - a small central european country, PPP projects are here on the rise since there is only little left for privatization (prefered way in the past of wealth transfer aka theft). In short time our government will sign a bulk of PPP project for motorways, we will pay for 30 years an amout that equals about maximum (per year) of what we had so far invested in highway construction. I know, nonsence. I am trying to tell my friends and people I know but only few people get it since this quite new and unknown.
    I wonder how many degrees are between the companies you mentioned and the ones that are going to rob us here.

    Reply to: A Brief History of Securitization   15 years 1 month ago
  • I know but I was more thinking in a week we should know if this is going to happen.

    The news is happening fast and furious with a lot of misinformation happening too.

    I'm betting the EU bails them out to avoid contagion.

    Reply to: How important is Greece?   15 years 1 month ago
  • had on Fire Dog Lake (and frankly I think some of the positions they advocate are economic insanity) and a real Tea party rep. (versus the attempts by the corporate GOP to hijack these people) and was talking about getting consensus on some policy points. I normally think of Tea Party as insanity too but when this one came on his show, I realized it was FAUX news spinning them to what many are about on that score.

    A huge point of agreement was corporate governance, corruption and this bail out. Another good point was to demand politicians vote and do what there constituents want, period, instead of voters having to choose between the least of two evils.

    This is one of the purposes of this site, to look at things from the facts, from the theory, mathematics, stats of it all and consider policy accordingly.

    I mean there is so much spin on anything and TV, every day they take the frivolous comment, it's seemingly a diversionary tactic, and pound it into the ground.

    So, that is the question, can the real people with common sense find agreement on what they want and demand those policies?

    On Geithner, I really suspected that was implied frankly but I wasn't going to write it until some hard evidence appears, I'll let others speculate on that one!

    One thing about those SIGTARP reports, you see the situation in one document, one "big picture" and well, it's all hinging to me on bubble reinflation, just complete denial Americans are tapped out.

    Reply to: Cuomo Takes on The Money Party   15 years 1 month ago
  • That's a great link that you provided.  Barofsky has toiled in the fields without a lot of appreciation other than careful observers. (I annotated one of his reports;)

    This case is very interesting.  What Cuomo can't do, Barofsky can.  Whatever information each of them needs, the other has or can get.  That's a powerful alliance, a foreboding one for the perpetrators of fraud etc.  I thought a good deal about this very interesting article on Geithner's exposure to prosecution.  It makes good points.  But there's always the federal code that say you can be prosecuted for not going your job (defrauding the government of salary) used against Nixon.  If any government official was working for the crooks instead of the people, he/she can be charged.  This may amount to very little or Cuomo and Barofsky  may pull off one of the biggest cases of all time. 

    I share your discouragement on real regulation on derivatives and that fantasy sized market.  One would assume that with the biggest losses in history due to regulatory changes, they'd fix the problem.  But that's not their job.  The only hope there is some outside force really ramming into Congress and forcing re-regulation. 

    Both national parties are brain dead with one a side show and the other.asleep at the switch.  it will take an outsider and outside events to capture the people and a real reform movement.

    Good seeing you!



    Reply to: Cuomo Takes on The Money Party   15 years 1 month ago
  • I have seen some articles that point to Greece as the catalyst for a global depression and others point to Japan.

    Eventually the can is no longer able to be kicked.

    Reply to: How important is Greece?   15 years 1 month ago
  • Not one question was asked about the G7 meeting? The topic was not touched upon.

    Reply to: How important is Greece?   15 years 1 month ago
  • ...worse, when the privatize and securitze their infrastructure, as the way those deals are structured, and they are always structured differently where the very rich are concerned, they don't simply go into bankruptcy like the average person, then forfeit the property, or operation, or revenues; instead they have made off with the profits of peddling all that debt, and the debt always seems to get transferred.

    So, the pension funds of unions, especially the super-sized ones (known as superannuation funds), are used to undermine employment, and the local and state tax bases.

    Definitely almost exactly the way a typical private equity leveraged buyout works.

    It all appears to fit the same pattern. And look what bad shape with Indiana trying to privatize and securitize everything in that state; their public transportation service has been continued in some cities due to lack of funds, their water usage becomes more expensive, etc., etc.

    Also, a general FYI I recently chanced upon -- in case anybody else was unaware of the specifics -- the anti-usury laws at the federal level were effectively nullified by a 1978 Supreme Court case (1978 Supreme Court decision in Marquette Bank v. First Omaha Service Corp.) which stated that the home state's usury laws superceded the federal law, thus allowing the credit card operations of various banks and financial services, to relocate to the two states with the laxest of laws: Delaware and South Dakota.

    Reply to: A Brief History of Securitization   15 years 1 month ago
  • City of Chicago sold the Chicago Skyway - part of the Indiana Toll way deal. It sold a portion of its elevated train system (the EL). It is contemplating selling Midway Airport and its water system. - Financial Information for the Rest of Us.

    Reply to: A Brief History of Securitization   15 years 1 month ago
  • I am out for a solution that the site does and doesn't require special HTML to do it. For now there is a "Zoom" outlined in the admin forum and you can put very large graphs on size them down and put the "click on image to enlarge".

    But this is obviously way too difficult, so what am I saying, well, don't worry about it. I simply need to get the upgrades done and solve this problem.

    Reply to: A Brief History of Securitization   15 years 1 month ago
