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  • In a sense not directly.

    Valium is the social safety net which keeps people docile.

    Valium is drugs being allowed into the country while 'the war' feeds the police/prison industrial complex. This keeps healthy younger people jailed rather than working or addicted.

    Valium is the fact that no one can afford to miss a mortgage payment these days even a credit union can't suspend a payment anymore. This can be replaced with any number of other things point being unions cannot afford to strike.

    Valium is also a fear of whats becoming a police state. People are afraid here to take any actions similar to this here. Dire consequences here. Homeland security is a double edged sword.

    Reply to: Why aren't these people in jail?   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • such as the unemployment rate alone, would have people rioting in the streets. I recall in the U.K. recently there was rioting because they were being fired and displaced with foreign guest workers....I mean this is just the plain ole scab thing of the 21st century, yet in this country if you breath a word about this you are name called a racist xenophobe.

    France, screwing with their labor, riots in the streets...
    when suicides increased from France Telecom, it made headline news, going on about their employee abuses which here....are routine! When Americans kill themselves out of despair or worse, it's a 24 hr news cycle and they go on and on about wackos, domestic violence, crazed people, gun control....but you never heard a world about job security, financial security, a steady paycheck and the dignity of work.

    Never an utterance.

    The bank bail outs have caused some protests, but of course those are ignored...

    You might update your unemployment benefit post to just say it was extended, since people use the Google, find our site and don't checks dates on information.

    (Believe me they do, they even think we are a place which has answers for their mortgage problems, which I do my best to answer as I can anyway.)

    I get a sense though the U.S. is about to blow. If they do not start doing what it takes (and that's trade policy, direct jobs infrastructure program, stopping offshore outsourcing) and soon, I fear, well not only will elections be interesting, but what I fear is we will get a host of "tea partiers", which is the wrong solution for the right problems and that will cause a revolution. In other words, they will get into office and then true poverty, despair will magnify and bam, there we go....

    Reply to: Why aren't these people in jail?   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • "Until then, I'm going to donate and volunteer for some strategic primary campaigns to try and make some of these corporate Dems soil themselves and think twice before they sell us out."

    Well, I suppose I should have realized that one really has to be old enough to stop voting. Acceptance comes slowly in some instances. I was 52 before I stopped voting. :-)

    "I need affordable healthcare. I can't wait for the Big Revolution."

    I've got five bucks that says the "Big Revolution" gets here before affordable healthcare. :-)

    All the best.

    Reply to: Whirlpool gets $19 million in Taxpayer Stimulus funds, Offshore Outsources the Jobs   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • Until then, I'm going to donate and volunteer for some strategic primary campaigns to try and make some of these corporate Dems soil themselves and think twice before they sell us out. I need affordable healthcare. I can't wait for the Big Revolution.

    Reply to: Whirlpool gets $19 million in Taxpayer Stimulus funds, Offshore Outsources the Jobs   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • My #1 choice for that vacant seat on he FED. It would be great to have someone inside who does not believe the crap the banksters keep feeding us (yield or die!!!)
    Lady Liz could shock the Fed into plain dealing -- an end to the FED secrecy that is so outrageous!! Make the banks tell the truth.
    Frank T.

    Reply to: Personal Income & Outlays for January 2010   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • Do try the book- she cited her sources as I recall. I wish I knew where my copy was, and I'd just look right now. I have far too many books!

    Reply to: Personal Income & Outlays for January 2010   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • IMHO, it happens quite often in mid-size businesses (outsourcing that is) because management simply doesn't understand enough to know it won't be any cheaper (or in fact will ultimately cost them more).

    In my career I have twice seen two major IT projects outsourced, with the mid and senior management crowing about how much money it would save them. Fast forward 3-4 years, new management team, and we'd bring it all back inhouse to save money. Then a new management team would come in and outsource it again. Circular, it was. But it made them feel important, and busy, and as if they were in charge.

    Reply to: Whirlpool gets $19 million in Taxpayer Stimulus funds, Offshore Outsources the Jobs   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • I've said that many times.

    At the same time tariffs were being emasculated in the 1960's the union power base was shifted from the private sector to the public sector after Kennedy signed an executive order allowing Federal employees to form and join unions. This caused many states to adopt the same policy.

    So private sector unions are faced with a global economy that is killing them. At the same time we are faced with paying higher and higher costs for public sector union labor that faces no competition.

    This is a direct result of government policy.

    Reply to: Junk Economics and the middle class: Where we went wrong   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • I know that's true and that's why you can never get your cable or satellite TV working right...

    (no pay!)

    But the exemption I'm referring to is advanced R&D usually, billing rates of $100/hr or more and that's where this is really a consulting business and that of course is the one's they attacked, not the abuses going on, like the above where workers are classified as contractors so they can be stiffed, denied, screwed over and on and on.

    Reply to: 1.2 million Americans lose unemployment insurance today   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • This is mentioned in the Gomory piece (see Instapopulist), I've been talking about the motivations to labor arbitrage when it doesn't even add up to cost savings offline, looking for in depth analysis...

    It's mentioned also by the AAM, and I don't have an answer for it!

    It's so true, there are a host of nations whose labor costs are higher OR the labor costs are so small in comparison to overall costs, it doesn't make any sense to labor arbitrage...

    yet that seems to be the goal and damn everything else, including profits!

    If you want to take on a research project as to why so many companies are doing this when it clearly does not add up in terms of costs, I think you'll get some interested readers.

    Reply to: Whirlpool gets $19 million in Taxpayer Stimulus funds, Offshore Outsources the Jobs   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • With all respect to you personally, miasmo, I see little merit participating in a system so utterly corrupted by lobbyists and their hand-picked whores in Congress that any positive parliamentary initiative simply gets voted down or revised out of existence before it is presented. Halter may be just the finest fellow, but if he's got an R or a D next to his name, he never listened to his mother when she told him that he'd be known by the company he keeps. A system so remote from its citizens that the franchise is made a mockery is a system literally at war with them. Voting in its elections becomes either the act of an imbecile or that of a conscious enabler. You know and I know that an exceptional candidate here or there may keep alive the forlorn hope that democracy in the United States is ultimately remediable but just make sure there's enough food in your pantry while you're waiting for that to become evident. In my view, the only sure way out of the present mess is recourse to mass demonstrations and the general strike. Elections are a colossal waste of time. At one point or other there will be a "peoples' moment" and it may be closer in time than one might immediately realize.

    Reply to: Whirlpool gets $19 million in Taxpayer Stimulus funds, Offshore Outsources the Jobs   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • I have a Maytag washer and dryer both made in Germany. Maytag is owned by Whirpool.

    Germany has a 68% union presence versus 12% in the US.

    Germany has a similar cost of living and higher taxes than we do.

    Yet they are taking some manufacturing away from us?

    Shouldn't that be the other way around?

    Reply to: Whirlpool gets $19 million in Taxpayer Stimulus funds, Offshore Outsources the Jobs   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • If DirectTv went out of business tomorrow there would be very few unemployment claims possible. Everything is contracted out from installation and service to customer service although customer service is through companies that have employees so they could claim. Cable companies do the same thing with installers and pay them for piece work.

    These people are all considered independent contractors but have only one source a work/income which should raise all types of IRS flags for deductions etc but doesn't meaning the IRS enables this. This is what keeps them from paying an hourly wage or for gasoline/mileage or liability insurance etc.

    My neighbors kid did this one summer and we looked into it after he barely made minimum wage for a weeks worth of work and they were sending him places where no one was home but he wasn't compensated at all.

    Reply to: 1.2 million Americans lose unemployment insurance today   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • So, when I see 'em, maybe I'll look 'em over, so often we get corporate rep. replacing corporate rep. it's just more disguised as one can do with some "liberal" policies ..

    I haven't focused on Lincoln but as I recall she was a guaranteed vote for Walmart last I checked.

    Reply to: Whirlpool gets $19 million in Taxpayer Stimulus funds, Offshore Outsources the Jobs   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • He has massive grassroots support. She has massive corporate support. Kicking her ass in a primary will put the fear of God into some of these corporate Dems in Congress.

    Reply to: Whirlpool gets $19 million in Taxpayer Stimulus funds, Offshore Outsources the Jobs   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • if you see candidates which have great positions on economic issues, link to them give their state, district and point out what we're lookin' at. Myself, I think the only way to beat this is to get the guys who are not bought and paid fors AND somehow pass legislation to stop the bought and paid fors...such a tall order!

    Reply to: Whirlpool gets $19 million in Taxpayer Stimulus funds, Offshore Outsources the Jobs   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • Never mind that they opposed the "buy American" provisions originally in the stimulus bill.

    Donate to Bill Halter and send corporate Dems a message so we can have at least one pro-worker party.

    Reply to: Whirlpool gets $19 million in Taxpayer Stimulus funds, Offshore Outsources the Jobs   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • "Wall Street has financialized the public domain to inaugurate a neo-feudal tollbooth economy while privatizing the government itself, headed by the Treasury and Federal Reserve. Left untouched is the story how industrial capitalism has succumbed to an insatiable and unsustainable finance capitalism, whose newest “final stage” seems to be a zero-sum game of casino capitalism based on derivative swaps and kindred hedge fund gambling innovations."

    You know, the perspective is point on. These bastards HAVE privatized our Federal government, and the fact that we have this confused, left-wing apologist in charge of it all (kind of), but who doesn't quite understand it all (brilliant my ASS) keeps things permanently dysfunctional. It just goes to show you that even an ass has a soul. And so we have this ass soul running the country.

    But that still has got to be the best single paragraph ever to describe the current status quo of our paper world. I like that you have at least touched upon the global nature of the overall financial system debauchery. What's going on in Sampson Alabama is no different than what's going in Greece (or London or Italy for that matter).

    Same despicable swindlers, just bigger accounts.


    Reply to: The war on the middle class   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • James may be slightly closer to fiction today, but he certainly is painting the USA picture of future years if we the American citizens do not take back control of our congress.
    The ivy league education system in this county also needs a
    reality cleansing. Although the problems we face are festering accumulations of poor policy's done with good intentions. We cannot blame anyone, but ourselves for the dire circumstances. If you want facts to support James W. assertions then read the Standard & Poor's 500 report based on 2008 data titled S & P 500: 2008 Global Sales. It shows the declining tax revenues our government is taking in from USA corporations.
    Our corporations now pay more overseas taxes to foreign nations than to the USA! What do you think the data will show for 2009?

    Reply to: 2012: The Mayan Prediction   15 years 2 weeks ago
  • you might consider creating an account too.

    I don't have that book, although read a lot of the papers so maybe I can find references to the government databases, where exactly they are locating the raw data. I know it's out there, a matter of locating it.

    Reply to: Personal Income & Outlays for January 2010   15 years 2 weeks ago
