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  • although of course many choices are not that but this is fun.

    I was labeled a Rubinomincs, which is incredible for he's the corporate man. I guess it's because I believe the deficits affect the US economy badly.

    They didn't have enough choices and I saw a push poll from Zogby that also gave the either you are for current bad trade deals or you are a protectionist mantra.

    They never offer the policies and solutions, such as simply going through these trade deals, clause by clause, rule by rule and ripping out the ones which are biased against the United States.

    Reply to: Take the economic profile test   16 years 5 months ago
  • Is the obvious winner. Why? Because the people are actually not that stupid. They know their jobs are being traded for more corporate profits, their pensions raided, if one get sicks odds are ~50-50 they will be poor and homeless...if they survive or at least bankrupt and they also know it's a bunch of bunk our supposed representative government cannot do something about it.

    The thing is those $3B of lobbyist money with 41,000 lobbyists pouring into the hill and campaigns that cost the amount to start multiple major corporations or even a small country guarantee no economic populism, or legislation, policy American desperately needs....will see the light of day.

    I agree, I'm fairly disgusted too. The Democrats had a golden opportunity and it was obvious by the 2006 election results the type of policy positions that won. All one had to do was support that candidate and get someone who was credible to run...and it was those policy positions that got them into office.

    Now we have seemingly the worse and worser choice, just like Kerry with his I cannot do anything about offshore outsourcing in the 2nd debate and corporate focused economic and trade Al Gore who is the one who fought for NAFTA. Only selling out the people could give an opening to someone of the likes of George Bush...
    but it's pretty clear to me the Democrats, with their corporate donor class, really don't care.

    Reply to: Despite recent grain crash, long term food $$ is on the rise   16 years 5 months ago
  • To dig through economic, trade, immigration policy takes a lot of time and a lot of learning. I think that's why one sees so much CT. People know something is very wrong, but don't have enough background to know exactly what it is, so along comes a good sounding CT and they go with that.

    Trick is to get CT's to use their logical brains and learn some things they probably do not yet understand.

    It's a phase like puberty. ;0

    Just in case, there is the user content control system on here, you can demote a blog or forum to plain "disappear" as well as comments and you can promote a forum to the front page (the Instapopulist). It's by consensus, one person alone cannot do that.

    Reply to: Obama isn't going to save you   16 years 5 months ago
  • are going to crash miserably.

    I'm prepared to say at this point that I see a thrashing coming for the Democratic party at the polls in November.

    I think that in Congress they will do well, but I see the electoral college not even being close.

    Biden (D-MBNA) is as mentioned constantly a gaffe machine.

    And is the father of bankruptcy bill that is going to show its full fury as credit card defaults begin to pile up over the next year.

    What do you think working class voters who've been keeping the family afloat on credit cards are going to think when they default and face a lifetime burden now that bankruptcy doesn't allow one an opportunity to expunge debt?

    And yet while families are forced into debt slavery, Congress sees it fit to maintain the tremendous economic subsidy offered to corporate America in the limitation of liability to corporate assets for investors. So that when they fail, they walk away to their yachts, and we pick up the bill. Bastards.

    The way I see it this is what the election is going to look like.

    A Republican landslide.

    I'm voting for Nader to express my disgust with the Democratic ticket, and I'm sure that if it's at all close in any of these states, they are going to try to blame Nader voters. But seriously if the Democratic party can't get together a ticket that address the economic issues facing this country, why should we vote for them.

    Party has to mean something for me to vote the party line.

    I think that McCain is only going to make things worse, and maybe in 2012 we can get a real economic populist on the ticket, but goddamnit 4 more years of waiting?

    Reply to: Despite recent grain crash, long term food $$ is on the rise   16 years 5 months ago
  • but I think that the test is sort of like those four square political tests that put the socially liberal and economically conservative liberatarian at the top of the diamond as though it were the true (and only reasonable) shining path.

    Reply to: Take the economic profile test   16 years 5 months ago
  • CT

    Agreed Robert.

    While I enjoy a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, the main reason i am preferring this site over many other populist sites is precisely because of more a fact and reality based lean.

    Unfortunately treading too far into the world of the tin foil hat saps the credibility and effectiveness of otherwise potentially good populist sites

    Reply to: Obama isn't going to save you   16 years 5 months ago
  • multiple sizes, not one size fits all.

    What do you think of Obama-Biden? I think *not*.

    Reply to: Despite recent grain crash, long term food $$ is on the rise   16 years 5 months ago
  • and with 1 person households, you have less milk consumption. A family may go through 2 gallons but an individual may go through only a quarter liter in a wekk, and after that you have waste.

    Reply to: Despite recent grain crash, long term food $$ is on the rise   16 years 5 months ago
  • I remember the story from the 60's of a Vet friend in 1970 who said while a less than merciful cop smashed his face while he said the words 'God Help Me'.The cop said

    'God ain't gonna help you kid'

    As a nation, we will overcome when we understamd the cop and the vet.

    Reply to: Obama isn't going to save you   16 years 5 months ago
  • I'm ok with that except for milk. What happened to returnable glass bottles? and why don't they simply sell milk in 2 gallon jugs? Most people go through a couple of gallons in less than a week.

    Reply to: Despite recent grain crash, long term food $$ is on the rise   16 years 5 months ago
  • Yeah a little bean counter post is warranted. All they think about to cut costs is to cut the workers, never their stupid waste.

    Reply to: Despite recent grain crash, long term food $$ is on the rise   16 years 5 months ago
  • The Sacramento Bee statistics this week showed values since the peak have dropped 39%. This does not take into account the new very low prices from banks that are dumping. We have been told for years that housing was in short supply in California. This is not a business cycle. This is Wall Street gone crazy.

    Reply to: Solving the Mortgage Crisis - Part I   16 years 5 months ago
  • have started to adopt square milk jugs that take up far less space.

    In a statement Sam's Club said, "It’s estimated trucks used for shipping from the processor to club can accommodate 9% more milk -- 4,704 gallons per truck or approximately 384 more jugs -- without any metal racks."

    I'm more of a fan of the mile brick though. You don't really see this in the US, but they are extremely popular in Western Europe. You can store them at room temperature for long periods.

    Reply to: Despite recent grain crash, long term food $$ is on the rise   16 years 5 months ago
  • I noticed that too. I went into Costco, eggs now come in some dual plastic layer thingy? What's up with that. Though, I noticed that milk is now being sold in biodegradable containers. Still, the amount of packaging is nuts. There's a piece here, I can smell it!

    Reply to: Despite recent grain crash, long term food $$ is on the rise   16 years 5 months ago
  • Milk shot up 5% in a year and I cannot find the reference, but I swore I saw 9% somewhere (love how even the press report numbers do not match!).

    Then, how about all of these layers upon layers of plastic shit covering food. I don't know about you but I find the layers and layers of plastic and cardboard on food products to be absurd. I have to process way more recycling due to all of the packaging than I do garbage of actual eatable items.

    Packaging increasing retail food prices and seemingly this new corn based packaging.

    Here's something else ridiculous. I guess Hemp grows where other crops won't yet the US still bans extensively Hemp.
    It can be used for biodegradable plastic substitute for packaging. Hemp was banned along with marijuana in 1937 yet one cannot get a buzz from Hemp, so what the hell is the issue here? Instead of increasing corn and soybean prices due to alternative plastics and ethanol, why not crow new crops in land areas that cannot be cultivated with corn/soybeans?

    Yet another example of stuck on stupid.

    Reply to: Despite recent grain crash, long term food $$ is on the rise   16 years 5 months ago
  • nice phrase but this is an all things economic blog. I strongly suspect people wrongly assign some sort of great conspiracy plan when it's more about a series of special interests, getting their very special $$$ and that just plain all adds up to macro economic disaster for the United States.

    It's typical in sociology that the psychology of the masses, in this case the investor/executive class, has no conscious plan and it's simply herd behavior.

    It's the same action as a group of sheep following the lead only to go falling off a cliff.

    herd jumping off of a cliff

    There is no plan or thought to drive the herd off of the cliff, they simply follow the stream as others are doing.

    We are not trying to advance CT (conspiracy theories) on this site. We are trying to analyze economic conditions that are in favor of the facts, the US middle class and see which policies would actually work to get the nation back on track.

    Reply to: Obama isn't going to save you   16 years 5 months ago
  • What does that have to do with sovereign wealth funds?


    Reply to: Lou Dobbs 2/4/08 "America being sold to foreign governments"   16 years 5 months ago
  • Lou Dobbs of CNN and what he pays in property tax on some parcels of land in New Jersey

    14 acres for $26.03 annually
    31 acres for $146.94 annually
    30 acres for $238.08 annually
    62 acres for $414.78 annually
    43 acres for $368.28 annually
    90 acres for $597.06 annually

    270 acres for $1,793.27 equals $6.64 (six dollars and sixty-four cents) an acre for property tax

    Reply to: Lou Dobbs 2/4/08 "America being sold to foreign governments"   16 years 5 months ago
  • To me the planned economic destruction of our country is part of the scheme by the Dominionists to remake the USA as part of their larger overall PNAC plan. Disaster capitalists and prosperity gospulists and militant authoritarians salivate at the chance to create their regency on earth to prepare it for God's coming return.(Only if it has been evangelized and transformed before hand though.) They learned from their errors of 1934. They liked the economic and social situation of that time. Depression, joblessness, looming threats of a civil war and world war with fascism growing all around. For a Law and Order Savior to lead the way out of the valley of despair into the glorious light of militarism, barbarianism, religious fanaticism and rightous destruction of 'enemies' both foreign and domestic. We also have the added problems of our debt being owned by others and jobs sent overseas or taken by immigrants here for much less pay. The cost of living goes up or remains the same but our urning goes on a downward death spiral.

    We are in revolutionary times and it is of the dark side, of empire and greed for power. The age of the psychopath. The more they do to us the harder it will be to overthrow them as time goes on. They have planned long and worked hard and well to get us to this pitiful and depressed state with more to come. It saps our energy to fight when it is needed to survive. Dropping of the other iron shoe shoe is yet to come if we don't stop it.

    "What is the future? It is a boot smashing in to our face forever."---Eric Blair {George Orwell}

    "The hardest thing to do is replace one established gov't organization with a new one."--Niccolo Machiavelli

    Reply to: Obama isn't going to save you   16 years 5 months ago
  • NDD is on vacation, although I'm sure he'll respond when he returns. But, ya know we're all up for looking at this from all angles. I personally cannot get around as to who in hell can afford these housing prices? Even an income of $100k, way above the national median, this is stretching it.

    Reply to: Solving the Mortgage Crisis - Part I   16 years 5 months ago
