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  • is somehow figuring out a way to reduce the price of the VOLT and demand GM push up production so it's available in 2009. They want (last I saw) $43k for the thing! Most are just not going to be able to afford that.

    Esp. because I just saw to get a car loan of any kind now requires a FICO score of 700 minimum. They should lower the credit requirements to get a low interest or zero interest loan for the VOLT too.

    I believe there was only another Nobel Prize showing through micro loans that giving money directly to the poor and middle class is a sure fire way to increase the overall economic health.

    (of course they have to be able to afford to pay it back!)

    Reply to: Why Does the EPA Hate America?   16 years 4 months ago
  • is that the numbers I used on trip distances are DOE numbers, so you'd think that the EPA would know this sort of thing. Then again, maybe none of them know how to use SPSS.

    I'm even more disappointed that no one in the media found these statistics on trip length that I have and ran with the story.

    This is really ridiculous when we're so damn dependent on foreign oil.

    Straight hybrid tech is going to have a place, but that's going to be on long haul vehicles like semi tractors.

    And there, I think that there's a long term case for transitioning to an ammonia based infrastructure, because the truck stop infrastructure (3,000 or so) is much less costly to supplement with ammonia pumps than gas stations more generally (ten times that number at least.)

    Reply to: Why Does the EPA Hate America?   16 years 4 months ago
  • I'm sorry but it really is. There are a host of things they could do immediately that are bottom up such as a HOLC and alleviate the toxic paper.

    But to try to prop up housing prices to their unaffordable levels is pure bs. Something has to give. Either prices come down or wages go up. Those prices are artificial by their exotic mortgage vehicles which almost guaranteed a foreclosure in a few years because people simply cannot afford to make the payments.

    Reply to: Hanky Panky - Paulson Blames "Low" Home Prices!   16 years 4 months ago
  • And that comes from somebody who's nick on slashdot is Marxist Hacker.

    The difference, to me, between a Marxist and a Communist: Marxists are egalatarian, and want to engineer the economy to "float all boats equally". Communists are for CP members only, and are willing to subjegate slave races and conquored countries to deliveer goods to the central party.

    I see NO difference between what Secretary Paulson is doing to the American Taxpayer and what Stalin's 5 year plans did to the Ukranian Farmer. None at all.

    Reply to: Hanky Panky - Paulson Blames "Low" Home Prices!   16 years 4 months ago
  • The FDA and now the EPA...if there is any major accomplishment of the Bush administration is how they turned almost every government agency into special interests personal lapdogs.

    This is pathetic because most driving trips means the gas engine will never be turned on....

    So, maybe the EPA doesn't understand statistics as well...
    although I suspect they outsourced their analysis...and maybe to Toyota.

    Reply to: Why Does the EPA Hate America?   16 years 4 months ago
  • It certainly seems that the world of this revolves around Goldman Sachs.

    But this has been true previously, massive revolving door.
    Same as Citigroup.

    It appears he sold his Goldman shares and unvested options.

    I cannot find out if he put them in a blind trust, which is also a way to remove "conflict of interest".

    Although claiming there is no "conflict of interest" is a joke these days because Robert Rubins also, goes from Goldman Sachs to government.

    Slate has an article but it does not say what he actually did. It does say he couldn't lose.

    I am fairly certain they were sold but again, it doesn't matter because these boys will get a huge payout after their terms are over. It's a revolving door in D.C.

    Reply to: Text of Bail Out Act Before Congress - TAKE ACTION NOW!   16 years 4 months ago
  • The EPA is run under the Bushies,the CheyneyBush Oil dictators axis. Their tools in various agencies ,the political appointees have one over riding concern, to make like easier wherever possible for the fossil fuel industry headed by oil domination in the energy markets.

    Attacking California by opposing state standards that help health of their citizens to give a waiver not to the state Clean Air Board, as EPA did earlier this year, but to allow the "dirty" fuel or gasoline that doesn't improve air quality, or suddenly redraft and revise standards to handicap a high efficiency low gasoline usage vehicle is PAR FOR THE COURSE for these bozos. It is a sop,a favor to help the oil industry defend its turf.

    They don't want the alternate energy vehicles to succeed in any way shape or form. Even if they are made in America!

    It isn't that they "hate America" when they insist on the revised rule, they hate American companies improving new vehicle models where gasoline gets reduced or eliminated in use.

    The Toyota hybrid itself and the Honda and others were envisioned back in 1991 or even earlier....that's 17 years ago. California fought for 9 years in the courts, spent millions against lawsuits by the automobile companies including GM and Chrysler to get to implement a state rule mandating 2%, 1 out of 50 new vehicles sold in the state to be alternatively fueled!

    Hundreds of millions of dollars and 9 years of litigation!. The companies lost the legal fight in 1999 but GW Bush and Cheney the oil lobbyists top point men got into the White House and the US auto industry and its oil companu partners and guides had a sigh of relief.

    Remember GM dropped its token electric car effort back then, (as it had back in 1986 withe the "Impact" previously!) and laughed at Honda and Toyota for supposedly losing $20 thousand on every
    hybrid they sold in California, the ones specifically designed for the new California market.

    The big shock came when the wait list to buy the allocated stretched 8 months or more, and a world wide market for a 40-50 mile per gallon car with low emissions even zero at times developed. From 40,000 total vehicles for all companies to several hundred thousand a year of one model just for Toyota
    alone .

    Now in 2008 there have been 1 million Prius sold in the USA. Toyota makes money on hybrids.

    The reality of high fossil fuel prices and pollution means electric fleets are coming regardless if you are a Republican or Democrat. Chrysler,GM are trying to catch up and innovate in the field they abandoned because the fix was in 9 years ago.

    The EPA is still fellating and pleasuring the oil companies thanks to the moles and traitors who were former industry lobbyists and officials who mind the store over there.

    Reply to: Why Does the EPA Hate America?   16 years 4 months ago
  • Absolutely brilliant.

    There should be more reps like him who have
    the guts to tell the truth and not be intimidated
    by the "Wall Street gang".

    I think that Wall Street should be renamed Crooked Street.


    Reply to: The Keys to the Kingdom - Congressman Peter DeFazio on the Bailout   16 years 4 months ago
  • The CEO and all officers in this organization need to re-imburse all who are damaged by thier actions,not be rewarded with some golden parachute scheme which further robs the public

    Reply to: Nationalizing AIG - $85B loan for 80% Stake For Fed   16 years 4 months ago
  • Robert! You read my mind. The possibility of the US gov defaulting is though not a probable one, a VERY VERY possible one. Can you imagine, $1 trillion for buying undervalued securities? The fact that this is 70% of GDP is very shocking. If I can recall, it was only the 3rd world countries that once had numbers like those. Is the US transitioning? Is it their Karma for charging high interest to pooer countries over all these years? Their endless embargos? Whatever it is, you are RIGHT, hyperinflation will be the issue to be monitored. I think the US gov should take a lesson with the Canadian Gov, they’ve got their inflation under control for many years. I read a similar post on bail out debacle on Ian Campbell’s blog, this guy made some good points. One I really liked:
    “The excesses of the past several years must be controlled in circumstances where ‘Wall Streeters’ have made what in a number of cases I believe fairly can be described as ‘egregious’ income amounts through the creation of debt-based and other ‘financial vehicles’ where arguably no ‘real value’ has been added to the economy by these activities - unless the promotion of continued U.S. consumer spending and resulting GDP growth numbers is by itself considered to be of ‘real value’ in the long-term.”
    If you want to read the rest of the post see here:

    Reply to: The Elephant in the Room Gets Some Press - The Deficit   16 years 4 months ago
  • Anyone recall these 4 letters: LTCM ? If you do, you’ll remember they stood for Long-Term Capital Management. And I said stood because they no longer exist due to their over exposure in foreign bonds. I think we might see a repeat amongst the hedgers who loaded up on those depressed financials which seemed like a great buy last week. I’ve been hearing a lot of people commenting on the same thing Robert.. people are withdrawing funds everywhere, why? They’re scare, confused, not sure what to do. Most people depend on their broker or IA, and when they can’t give answers, or give the same answer “the market’s going through a rough patch” we start seeing increasing redemptions. Maybe the fed didn’t think this one all the way through... I’ve been eyeing a few mining prospects for investing, and I came across a 17 part series on valuing mining companies, and though I’ve only read the first 3 so far I’ve learned a ton. I believe the link was

    Reply to: Here Comes De Hedge Funds   16 years 4 months ago
  • Just trying to figure out if Paulson still owns his Goldman stock, in a blind trust or otherwise, or did he have to fully divest when he became Treasury secretary? Interesting to plot the daily price of Goldman against the recent decisions made in the financial markets from Bear Sterns to Fannie and Freddie, AIG, the Lehman bankruptcy.. then suddenly... bailout!

    Reply to: Text of Bail Out Act Before Congress - TAKE ACTION NOW!   16 years 4 months ago
  • Industrial staters know they have been sold down the river by "free" trade

    A valid observation Rpbert - in addition to the distractions from economic issues with social issues there is a general anti govt sentiment

    Until the left starts understanding this they are doomed to continue to lose the blue collar vote

    Reply to: Game of Chicken Against the Imaginary Clock - BailOut May "Drag" until Next Week   16 years 4 months ago
  • It is contrary to the stated purpose of that law to prevent oversight. 1. It makes no difference to the speed of immediate action if there is later court review, and 2. knowing there will be court review makes the people do their job more honestly and less corrupt. The basic purpose of the courts, besides interpreting the exact meaning of the laws.

    A law that says there is no review by courts means the end of the "rule of law," at leats if the high court would go along with it. In a coherent nation the legislature or the courts or the "executive" government don't even have the power to prevent court review. The rule of law should be in the Constitution to prevent absurd laws like this, and the Constitution should contain its own protocol for changing that Constitution. Beyond changing the constitution there can be no way to prevent court review of anything. Actually changing the Constitution to prevent court review is neither going to prevent court review.

    The courts in Neuremburg after WW2 claimed jurisdiction anyway, despite everything the Nazis did having been formally legal (at least that is the famous claim). That precedent has been widely accepted, making it even easier now to take a similar route. The accepted law is already: whether torture and such extreme crimes were made legal or not, you will still be convicted over it. The very nature of law is that the courts will review it, and the police will enforce it.

    Making the absurd additions to this law, they would know would cause the delays that it is causing, makes them responsible for these delays. Congress can not be held responsible for protecting basic rule of law by rejecting this "anti-law law."

    But anyway, that law is a temporary fix at best. The really needed changes go much further.

    What color of toga are we going to put on the judges that will judge Bushco for their wars, torture practices, lying, and so on ? Potential whistleblowers: start storing evidence, maybe it will buy you immunity in return for service to Justice.

    Reply to: Text of Bail Out Act Before Congress - TAKE ACTION NOW!   16 years 4 months ago
  • Princeton economist discussion on the crisis going on.

    Reply to: The Bail Out Senate Hearing   16 years 4 months ago
  • Fed Dumps $30B in money market funds overseas.

    The hits just keep on comin'!

    Reply to: The Elephant in the Room Gets Some Press - The Deficit   16 years 4 months ago
  • a gang of laid off auto parts workers just beat to death the CEO of the company that laid them off in India. Just happened.


    Ya say ya want a revolution, well, well, ya know....

    Somehow I think there is a middle ground although assuredly our government and other elites and officials completely ignore history.

    Wipe out the middle class and you have guaranteed unrest, instability and dangerous conditions.

    Reply to: The Bail Out Senate Hearing   16 years 4 months ago
  • Only the first time I saw it, Robert DiNero took a bat to someone's head.

    Reply to: The Bail Out Senate Hearing   16 years 4 months ago
  • no problem.

    1. when one creates drafts, updates and so on, you can change the date of the post. Click on the authoring information link when editing.

    2. I'm still looking for feedback on the overall look of the site. I've been playing around with it, suggestions are nice.

    3. I don't know if people realize it but you can literally copy content, this is from the displayed level, not the edit, switch into the rich text editor, hit paste and all of the underlying HTML will be copied over so you do not have to reform it.

    Reply to: Help Me! I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up! Economic Populist Admin Help Me Thread   16 years 4 months ago
  • Bloomberg is reporting:

    he plan, which asks Congress for funds to buy devalued securities from financial institutions, would drive the debt above 70 percent of gross domestic product and the annual budget gap to an all-time high, possibly exceeding $1 trillion next year, economists estimated

    Reply to: Our Congressional heroes at work   16 years 4 months ago
