Graphing American Wage Statistics Is Not a Pretty Picture

The rich get richer and income inequality in America continues to grow in 2013.  The wage situation improved from 2012, but it's still pretty bad.  The median wage was $28,031.02 in 2013 a paltry 1.9% increase from 2012.  While the ratio of median wage to average wage improved, the 110 super rich are now earning 2595 times more than average workers.

Friday Movie Night - A Collection of Outrage

Tonight's Friday Night Video is a collection of news and interview clips that need to be seen to be believed.  The first is a report from NBC Rock Center on how people are getting their identities stolen and then ripped off.  If that wasn't bad enough, identity thieves are filing bogus tax returns and collecting the refunds

Wages in America and the Attack on Labor

The attack on labor is in full throttle. We hear reports of outrageous pay for government workers with economic fictional spin. Pundits weave tall tales blaming the workers themselves as the reason for America's economic malaise. Actual wage statistics are never mentioned. Nor is the never ending income inequality in the United States and the policies which cause it.