Robert Oak's blog

Tax Cuts, Tax Cuts - Oh the Fictitious Mantra of Tax Cuts!

The House Just passed the Stimulus and the majority of the debate was on tax cuts.

Who here knows that continual mantra of tax cuts being sung in D.C. is just the echos of a dead religion? Yet debate it back and forth they go.

How about not give any tax cuts in the Stimulus and move onto the real portions of the package which will have the best effect?

Citizens for Tax Justice have just released an analysis on the GOP tax cuts versus the current tax cuts in the Stimulus bill.

What is in The Economic Stimulus Bill of 2009, Part II

The post is an update to What is in the Economic Stimulus Bill of 2009?.

Tracking on Congress is like a sing along with 1 million people out of tune and out of sync. So, we'll do our best to give you the latest amendments, bill text and analysis.

The Bill

The bill title is American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

The bill number is H.R. 1 (this is a huge pdf).

The Senate is working on it's own version and that bill number is S.1.

Where to find the latest amendments? Currently the 206 amendments are here.

Planes & Body Counts - A Rant on the Executive Class

This is war. Class war. Class warfare. Let's just call it what it is, for some reason the minute any person gets the title executive they somehow have entered some global boys club, thinking they can just rob the nation, their share holders and especially their employees blind...and it simply has to stop!


just plane despicable

The New York Post calls it: Just Plane Despicable

Citigroup buys a Corporate Jet! It's not even American made, it's French!

Gather says it best:

Sunday Morning Comics - The Outsourced Edition

Sponsored by The Outsourcing Industry - By outsourcing, I got this blog post for just 2¢
not responsible for political incorrect statements, inappropriate content, material not appropriate for all cultures, cross border sourcing gives no warranties, and is not liable for content and if we are, good luck finding us, we're in another country. Can't read this, didn't think so, you're not supposed to be able to read fine print, that's the entire point. All parties not responsible for inaccurate display of fine print so it is actually readable

Cup O' Joe


Good Morning! Rise and Shine! Get that Cup O' Joe...
break out the O.J....hang out with the pooch...time to check out the Funnies!


What is in The Economic Stimulus Bill of 2009?

Stimulus, stimulus, everywhere the buzz word stimulus, devil in detailsbut where is the devil, you know that creature who screws up the details?

Navigating the politics, the lack of analysis, the specifics and more importantly, the time line of effectiveness is not for the faint of heart. To that end we must start with the latest publicly available legislative text.

The Bill Text

The working title for the bill is, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan . The bill is also in a state of flux. The House states the bill will be formally introduced on 01/26/09.

Word Du Jour - Nationalize

What is Nationalization? It means to put under government ownership and/or control a private sector institution.

Like a grassroots tsunami wave, the blogs are now a buzz with the concept of nationalization of the banks. But we pointed out, months ago, by nationalization, Sweden had the best result and least pain during their financial crisis.

Tony has made a list of some of the nationalize now blog posts sprouting up like mushroom clouds in a nuclear implosion.
